The Pazhujeb Islands

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The Pazhujeb Islands
Flag of Pazhujeb Islands
Motto: Bandar ka jaaneretam adark k'aousad
Region Hyrule
Capital Evir
Official Language(s) Pazhujebi (official), Yoruba, French
Government Socialist democracy
Population {{{population}}}
Currency Pazhujebi riyal 
NS Sunset XML

The Country

The Jingoistic States of the Pazhujeb Islands is a tiny island nation in the Atlantic several hundred miles off the coast of west Africa. The nation is notable for having been closed off to the outside world from 269 to 1926 AD. The islands had never been occupied by any except its occupants and by occasional Yoruban invasion forces, but had never been noticed by European cartographers until it was accidentally run across in the 20th century. The country's population are found to have been mostly genetically descended from North Indian peoples. There are various explanations for this bizarre phenomenon, however, native legend and leading Roman historian Frederick Büchel agree on one key explanation; read the historical summary below for more details.

The Pazhujebi people are known for being frustrating at the best of times, and militant at the worst. They are vehemently protective of their independence, and in the main refused to adapt to modern society or technology (although they have in recent years latched onto several modern conveniences that have piqued their interest, such as modern literature, world football, and private toilets).