Erid Lor

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Erid Lor
Flag of Erid Lor
Motto: Optimism: Progression. Pessimism: Regression.
Map not complete
Region Caprecia
Capital Genevia
Official Language(s) English, Gaelic, Quenya, Chinese Mandarin
Leader President Brendeani
Population 230 million
Currency Pacts 
NS Sunset XML

Erid Lor (Full name: The Republic of Erid'Lor) is a pleasant and prosperous nation of Zara. It is a regional power. Erid'Lor is made of five provinces, a colony, and a fortress-city which acts as an independent province but which is within the northeast Erid'Lorian province. The five provinces are Maindora, Gaialt, Finiarel, Xeroa, Eritron, Zonea (the fortress-city), and Dreston (the colony).

The name 'Erid'Lor' is 'High Elven' in altered Quenya, an official language of Erid'Lor. From this, it's easy to guess that Erid'Lor's ruler, Brendeani, is a reader of Lord of the Rings. Officially the people of Erid'Lor are the Erid'Lorians (this is only used for other Erid'Lor things) but Elves.

Erid'Lor was formerly known as 'The DAKRA Pact Commonwealth'.

Erid'Lor Major Industries

1. Trout Farming 2. Soda Sales 3. Arms Manufacturing

Erid'Lor Major Corporations

1. AgriIncorporated (crop, animal and fish farms; publicly listed)

2. Soda 'N Sarsi Pte. Ltd. (sells all types of soda, best selling product is sarsiparilla; private company)

3. Elven Defence Corps (arms manufacturing; government owned)

4. DAKRANEWS Press (media and press; state owned)

5. DAKRA Oil Company (publicly listed; does a roaring business of anything to do with oil)

6. ELS Worldwide (Erid Lor Shipping Worldwide, controls shipping and ports; government owned)

7. DAKRALAND (builds structures, sells land, publicly listed)

8. HEPT (High Elven Public Transport, government owned)