Dynastian Red Army

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The Dynastian Red Army is the military force of the Leninist Dynasty. Though the army is mainly a ground force, it also operates minor aerial and naval forces, but not to such an extent that it would have been divided in an Army, Navy and Air Force branch. The early attempts of Leninist Dynasty to build up a spacial force, mainly to get an advantage against enemy ground installations, are also directed by the Dynastian Red Army. Though several parts of the army rely on past tech (like using swords, simple rifles and ww2-era-like tanks), notable aspects of the Dynastian armed forces include the wide-spread use of robotics far ahead of any modern tech or postmodern tech robotic development, cybernetic enhancements and shield devices. The use of SPIRIT as a part of the Dynasty's technology is stated as future tech by the Dynasty itself, but could be considered purely fantasy tech by several nations. The Dynastian Red Army was under command of General Benjamin McEek, who was also head of state of Post-WW3 Russia due to the weird political system of the nation, until he was killed by the Cyber-Goddess Asumi and succeeded by High Commander Martinovikh aka "Last Division". Besides the mostly russian-based Dynastian Red Army, Post-WW3 China also controls a small branch of soldiers of it's own, which officially are also divisions of the Dynastian Red Army, but technically, they do not obey the russian-based army command.

Regular soldiers are armed with simple rifles, since the Dynastian industry can't produce enough weaponry to supply all ranks with more sophisticated weaponry.

Beside said average soldier, the army also employs a variety of other combat units:


Low-ranking officers of the Dynastian Red Army. These soldiers serve as a sort of officers as well as as military police. It is unlcear how the army's rank exactly are composed, but ordinary soldiers are definitely subordinated to them. They are equipped with an AV Gun/baton combiner.


Dynastian paratroopers are a special unit consisting of highly trained personell. Unlike real-life paratroopers, these soldiers do not use a parachute, but rather wear so-called "Gravi-Boots", boots with devices that can weaken or even negate gravity. That way, the paratroopers slowly hover to the ground after being dropped, and can also use this method to reach extreme speeds, agility and jumping heights on the ground. They are equipped with swords that are shaped to generate strong wind currents if used with enough force. These winds can be used as a method of ranged attack. They are also equipped with L3-SPIRIT-Life-Implants, allowing them to use "Restore" to heal completely. They can also use "Sleep" and "Slow" SPIRIT abilities.


Soldier equipped with flamethrowers and molotov cocktails. These are normally soldiers with a lot of combat experience. The army seems to posssess only a small number of these soldiers, since they are used very rarely. The train to Beaumont was guarded by several of these soldiers, as well as the city itself.


A type of soldier wearing a dynastian PAAS exoskeleton (also known as Motora Armor). Motorknights are normally used alongside regular infantry as heavy infantry support or shock troops. They also serve as infantry support to tank forces in situations unfit for the use of regular infantry. Their low speed and bulkiness, however, makes them unsuited for more flexible combat, like urban warfare.

Red Guard

Cybernetic super-soldiers. More to come later.


The original Red Guard were special operations forces, theSpeznaz. They were non-cybernetic baseline humans, though subjected to rigiorous training. Fitted with finest weaponry, they were essential in counter-terrorism, special operations and frontline fighting. A notable account of Speznaz forces taking part in a military operation was the invasion of Hokkaidō (in which, strangely, Commander Martinovikh took part, although he is stated (and looks like, though this can be the result of the Eugenics program) as currently being in his late 20's). Over time, the Speznaz were subjected to ever further enhancement to turn them into supersoldiers, propably by gene therapy, hormone treatment, and later, cybernetic enhancement, giving rise to the later types of Red Guard, and phasing the old, unenhanced elite force into obsolence.






Commissars are the Red Guard's and political counterparts to Kommandants. They command Red guard battalions and also oversee the decisions made by Kommandants in the field. Likely, they also have a higher rank in the military hierarchy. This, however, is unclear. The only two posts within the military hierarchy of Leninist Dynasty that firm public knowledge has yet been established over are the ranks of Kommandant, General and Commander-in-Chief, though variantions may include Garrison Kommandant (for cities), and Region General for a military officer assigned for peacetime rule over a certain territory. Essentially, all peacetime positions are identical with the role of a warlord, though bound by a strict communist legislation. Notably, the Metropolitan Police, in one alternate timeline, is led by a Commissioner.

Special Agents

Frequently called "Black Guard"

Besides their normal military force, the Dynasty also employs several individual special agents. These fighters, of which apparently only a handful exists, possess superhuman strength, speed and reflexes. How they got their powers is unclear, but it is possible they have been created by an eugenic breeding programm, just like High Commander Martinovikh.

Lt. Checkhow

One of the Dynasty's special agents. Rather than relying on brute strength and firepower, Checkhow uses an array of sophisticated devices to see him through battles. His weaponry includes the LD's Floating Mines, a device to control Sputnik drones and a baton euipped with the Rainbow Light weapon. Checkhow always wears a protective suit that makes him nearly immune to fire, ice and electricity. He also frequently wears a protective helmet with oxygen supply, protecting him from poisonous gas and propably, in conjunction with the suit, from radiation. Note his name: "Check + how", not "Chekhov" like in Star Trek.

Vodka Gorbatshov

Another agent of the Dynasty and long-time buddy of Checkhow. Vodka possesses an impressive physical appearance and strength past imagination for a human, and also seems to possess a natural resistance to poison and cold. He normally wears a black suit, a coat and hat. In combat, he uses only his fists in a sort of boxing style (similar to Kane from RvneTek (Fantasy Tech)), although he is sometimes seen carrying a pistol, but never using it. His name is a pun on a famous vodka brand.

Victoria S. Kûdo

Victoria, whose full name, "Victoria Secret Kûdo", is a pun on the famous underwear label in relation to the fact that she is a secret agent, for some reason, has been borrowed to the Dynasty by the british MI6, propably to combat the Cyber-Goddess, since apparently the Dynastian agents are the only official fighters strong enough to face Asumi. Her last name "Kûdo" means, as far as I know, "black" in Japanese, so perhaps she's partially Japanese. As for her appearance, see pic.

Minor characters, that are members of the Agents are Gin and Gagarin.