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The Nomadic Peoples of Folkington
Motto: Powerful Beards Defy The Jedi Mind Trick
Anthem: "Lightning Strikes in Folkington"
Dance: "The Folkton Robot"
Official Language English
Capital Waffleton
Region Golden Shanty of Saint Bens
Head of State and Government Harry McGregor
 - Total
 - Water
 - Total (As of 11/08/07)
 - Density

Founded November 7, 1988
Government Type Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
National Animal Imaginary Grizzly Bear
GDP as of 2007 (In Hurdy Gurdies, h$)
  - Total
  - Per Capita

Currency 1 Hurdy Gurdy (h$) = 1002.18 Republic Dataries (R$)
International Abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

GDH (2007) 0.953 (great)
Internet TLD .flk


Residing in The Golden Shanty of Saint Bens,The Nomadic Peoples of Folkington is a small, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its burgeoning Imaginary Grizzly Bear population. Its compassionate population of 18 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

The medium-sized government juggles the competing demands of Education, Public Transport, and the Environment. The average income tax rate is 22%, but much higher for the wealthy. A substantial private sector is led by the Uranium Mining, Furniture Restoration, and Basket Weaving industries.


President Harry McGregor founded Folkington by accident when one day, while on a nice hike through through the woods, he was attacked by a bear and forced up a tree. Having only brought enough food for one day, he was forced to eat his map by day three. Also, having eaten nothing but paper for two days, and as a consequence of map eating, he was lost, and he began to lose hope. At this point, he decided that he could not be defeated, and simply live in the forrest.

He built a large treehouse to live in, and then another to live in when squirrels got in the other. Another hiker by the name of Frank Chiggins happened to find the scene and decided to build his own treehouse alongside Harry's. Word spread and soon enough, a treetop village with a population exceeding one million was formed. Harry was voted into office shortly after. It was decided that for his strength of mind and body and the shear size of his glorious beard, no other could possibly lead.

Several years past but there was always on unanswered question in the back of everyone's mind; What happened to the bear? It was at this time that the good people of Folkington decided to build four great ships to send in the four cardinal directions in search of the beast. It was four years after the first search before the bear was found, still under the original treehouse. Through the years his bears had grown out and surpased even Harry's in magnifisence. His name was Leonard and he told the people that he was the legendary Sasquatch, though he looked like a bear (as it turns out, Sasquatch is a bear), and he told the people that chasing Harry up that tree was part of his master plan to live among the humans. And his plan had finally succeeded. And Leonard, Harry, Frank and all the people live there to this very day...

(The De Lorian)

It was during the third age of Folkington that a cooky old scientist invented the "De Lorian". A highly sophisticated and technologically satisfying example of time machinery. Doc Brown, as the scientist was called, used the delorian to take Leonard, Harry and Frank to the future with the expressed intent to A.) go to the future!!! B.) get girls!!! and C.) bring A and B back to the past. It was on this trip to the future that the great and wonderous Flying Island of Alfredistan was discovered. After much discussion, the Folkies were persuaded to bring the ruling members of Alfredistan back with them...

Then the De Lorian blew up and started the Great Folk Fire, and in the process, sealing the Alfredi's in the past where they would eventually rebuild their civilization twenty years ahead of schedule. After that Folkington's main priorities became fire fighting and ecosystem protecting, and Alfredistan quickly became the most economically powerful nation in the shanty.