Gaian Ascendancy

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Gaian Ascendancy
Flag of Gaian Ascendancy
Motto: "Honor is also a part of Freedom"
Gaian Territories
Region Eternal Dimensions
Capital Minas Jurai`alheim
Official Language(s) Gaian, Juraian, English, Japanese, Chinese
Leader Aleaic
Population >100 million
Currency Gaia 
NS Sunset XML

Founding Lore

The dream of a bunch of students, led by one particular dreamer, to found a nation based on idealism to the core.

The founder was born in Coral Springs, FL; but lived most of his childhood in Montana, before his family moved back to Coral Springs, where life for the founder changed dramatically.

Tsunami Masaki was her name, hence the reason how the founder changed from a self professed nobody, into a strong individual, with convictions, and expansive vision that attracted an incredible following.

Fanciful as it all sounded, the fact that the founder was actually related to an actual royal, however weak in title, lent enough for the others that would eventually comprise the Republic Council to encoruage taking advantage of the desire of the group of people around him to take things one step further. Twenty hard years of toil and blood, along with several total revampings of the govering system, to arrive with the goverment and citizenry to reveal themselves to the rest of the world.

Tolkein, Asimov, Sagan, Lewis...

Einstein, Edison, Hakabi...

Kerensky, Steiner-Davion, Rommel, Patton...

Idealim, Invention, War. These three aspects formed the paper framework for the auspices of the nation. The iron frame, then the titanium, became the Cultural, Science, and Military Pillars of the Ascendancy.


Goverment, formed around a combination of the spiritual aspects of Shintoism, along with the Democratic principles of successful nations. The Republic format was chosen over the pure Democratic, as a Caste system was adopted, allowing different forms of democratic process. That caste system helped form the executive, military, intellegence, senatorial, economic and educational aspects, under a rigid environment that both promoted free though and speech, but limited other aspects under the auspices of the Council body.


If this was all there was to the nation however, there would be lacking the one fundamental reason the nation was concieved.

To procreate it into the stars. The 'Stars Directive' was the Founder's brainchild almost from the moment the nation was concieved.

To eventually use it's resources to expand to other worlds, claim and colonize, and expand the idea even further. Not would Pluto be the limit.. not Centari... not the edge of the Galaxy..

..not even the limits of the Universe, or even this Dimension, if ever crossed.

In the Founder's own words: "I don't like limits...

..they hold back those that see only such. I learned to look past them, and let imagination take over.

Mistakes are not limits, only not learning from them is. Physical matter and law are not limits, they give the tools to move past limits. Death is not a limit. It is the door to the next step.

I see that step even now without having died.

I see the end of limits."


In the first 17 NS years, the Ascendancy has attempted to establish itself as a power for mediation, using it's natual wonders to help lull those that agree to enter the country. Already they have colonized portions of Earth-VI: notably Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Washington, attempted to bring the conflict of the Gibraltar Straits crisis to the table, and offer it's advanced technologies to several UN sponsored porjects, notably the UN Great Library Project.

Their Tourman hasn't fallen behind however, as several fully equiped Colony Regiments have joined those of the standard Clan forces, assisting the PGC's guarding them. Their eyes though also look north to the areas of Western Canada, the Yukon, and NorthWest Territories. Also, their expansion into space has begun with Dropships transporting material to construct a SpaceStation and StarDock to eventually link with it's SpaceLadder project, codenamed: Infinity Tower. Added the slowly expanding line of High-Mobile Class Warships, and their ability to defend themselves will become respectable. Most of all, the Tourman has expanded to Four Galaxies, and is almost ready to form a Full Dimension compliment.

But the most startiling act they've done so far, is to engage in the Angel-Triad with the nations of The Commonwealth of The Galaxy Union and The Protectorate of The Intracel Expanse. With them, has grown the Eternal Dimensions Region as a result, to move forward with it's goals of guardianship, UN support, and the protection of other Regions.

The future has come, now.

Ascendancy Visitor's Center Portal

Ascendancy Interlink Portal

BloodName Houses


  • Kerensky
  • Masaki
  • Tenkawa
  • Johnson
  • Kamiki
  • Morisato
  • Mizuhara
  • Yotsuka

Constitution and Treaties

National Economy Statistics

Clan Angel Galaxy Tourman

Ascendancy Leaders

BloodHouse / Citizen Welfare Advisor(s)

Senatoria / Domestic Advisor(s)

Cultural Advisor

Prime Intelligence Advisor

Foreign States / Regions Advisor(s)

CIC Republic Bodyguard

Strategic Military Advisor(s)

Tactical Military Advisor(s) -

Scientific Community Advisor-Representative(s) -