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Flag of Trilan
Motto: Tarutaru Unite!
No Map Available Yet
Region Red Vs Blue
Capital Trilan City
Official Language(s) Common Speak
Leader Chancellor-General Professor Shantotto Venixer
Population 5 million
Currency The Komas 
NS Sunset XML

The Principality of Trilan is a breakaway nation from The Principality of Zionaren. It is a newly created nation to expand Tarutaru influence throughout the region.

The Colony of Zionaren

As the threat of war loomed over the Principality of Zionaren the Council of Chancellors met to discuss the issue. One prominent Chancellor, Professor Shantotto stated that it be best to colonize the great island south of Zionaren to secure trade routes and expand the influence of the Zionaren Xheng's. The Council of Chancellors agreed to this task and since the island was unoccupied, they founded the city of Trilan, naming the island the Princilality of Trilan. Like Zionaren, the Trilans also reconfirmed their commitment to the Tarutaru Union and the Xheng Empire recieving their ambassadors.

Trilan at first remained a colony of Zionaren but eventually the newly established Chancellor-General Shantotto recieved full independence in the cooperative of the Tarutaru Union. The Principality of Zionaren also relinquished after a short 20 years of establishing the nation, full political powers to Trilan itself granting it full sovereignty.

Nearly unanimous agreement always concurs between Trilan and Zionaren confirming a powerful bond between the two nations. Following the interests of commercial adventures and trade the two nations work together to help build a good future.

Trilan is one of the region's most free and open nations. Oddly they have surrendered willingly military and foreign relations to the Zionarens. Before Trilan's founding, the Dictatorship of InsaneHunter threatened to move into the local areas conquering Independent territories. Zionaren was one of the few nations to oppose it openly and even moved its fleet to blocade the Dictatorship's ports. With the intervention of the Technocracy of Gryphonisia, war was averted but the Principality of Zionaren realized that it had to defend itself against aggressive Nations.

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Chancellor-General Shantotto Venixer, also known as Professor or Doctor Shantotto, founder of the Principality of Trilan.

International and Military Situation

The situation in Zionaran almost going to war resulted in a very concerned public worried about the fate of their defenses. It was clear that nations would not necessarily respect the peaceful ways of the Tarutaru and thus were not going to hesitate to invade their nations. The Chancellor-Generals of both Trilan and Zionaren realized that they had to start on a military buildup program to halt any further attempts at aggression.

All Tarutaru ships in the area were reinforced with double hulls and armed with gun turrets to avoid piracy. Crews were trained in the usage of firearms and were kept armed at all times. The Principality Fleets had to be well protected to ensure that trade fourished. Trade convoys were almost always escorted by gunboats and protective destroyers as though they were at war.

In addition the once peaceful Principalities started to mine the mountains for ore and divert their economies to military buildup. Trilan also agreed to fund and provide manpower to support these new endorcements. The army of Zionaren was trained to 150,000 Taruaru with 300,000 in reserve. Trilan supported with 90,000 Tarutaru and 50,000 in reserve. Armed vehicles were purchased from all over the region as were airplanes. Military drills and practices were conducted numerous times a week throughout every town and village forming a formidable guerilla fighting force and militias. The Ambassadors from the Xheng Empire also sent regiments of Cardian Guards to assist.


The government of the Principality of Trilan is virtually identical to that of Zionaren. Like the Empire the Zionarens divided their territory up into twenty district provinces, thus the Triland did the same thing. Each district province would be lead by a Chancellor, and under him would be elected members of his cabinet. On top of having to deal with provincial matters, every Provincial Chancellor was also responsible for a certain ministry appointed to him by the Chancellor-General, who was the leader of the entire Principality Government. This system kept the Chancellors loyal and at the same time provided equal footing when dealing with regional issues.

The new government also was elected. Every official elected on a basis of 10 year terms. The current Chancellor-General Shantotto Venixer who has ruled for 6 years. The Zionaran people see democracy as something that is unnecessary and wonder why the world's population sees it so valuable. To them decisions are better made when in the hands of those who are proven leaders and that elections only put their reputations of stability in question.