Setats Denitu

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Setats Denitu
Flag of Setats Denitu
Motto: All hail Marx and Lennon!'
No Map Available Yet
Region Free States of Gaia
Capital Islingham
Official Language(s) English,Russian,Finnish
Leader William Victor Goldman
Population 200 Million
Currency Kopec 
NS Sunset XML

The United Democratic Republics of Setats Denitu is a large, democratic, and economically unstable nation in the Region. Though the nation has a long history as a politically stable and free democracy, it also has a long history of seemingly random government intervention in the economy of the nation: at times it opens up the economy to private enterprises; at other times (such as under the Hill Administration), it nationalizes everything in sight, often with little warning. This on occasion has produced economic turmoil, and when it does, the entire government is usually ousted through a referendum.


The Government consists of four main branches: the Legislative, the Executive, the Judicial, and the Tribunal branches. The powers of these branches are spelled out in the two founding documents of the Government of the Democratic Republics: the Basic Law and the Constitution.


The Legislative power in Setats Denitu lies in the bicameral People's Assembly. The two houses are the Senate and the Council of Delegates. Councillors are elected by the people for two year terms from multi-member districts. Senators are popularly elected every four years, with half of the senate standing for re-election every two years. One senator represents each State.


The Executive power lies vested in the Executive Secretariat. This body consists of the Secretary-General, the various Secretaries, and the Ombudsman. All members of the Executive Secretariat are popularly elected for six year terms, and may be elected any number of times, but may not hold office longer than twice consecutively.


The Judicial power in Setats Denity is vested in the Supreme People's Court. This body consists of seven judges appointed for 25 year terms by the Senate, from amongst candidates selected jointly by the Ombudsman and the Attorney General. This body is the final court of appeals for all court cases, and may determine the constitutionality of a law or other government decision.


The Tribunal power rests in the Congress of All People's Deputies and in the Ombudsman. The Congress of All Sentients' Deputies sits at minimum for two months every three years, to discuss the actions taken by the government, ensure their compatibility with the Constitution, the Basic Law, and the people's will. It has the authority to begin impeachment of members of the Government and to call for a national referendum for Amendments to the Constitution with a two-thirds majority, and repeal any law or executive decision with a simple majority.

The Ombudsman is elected to veto legislation (vetos can be over-ridden with a two-thirds majority in the People's Assembly) and to assist in suits and other cases against the government for transgressions against the rights of the people.


The History of Setats Denitu as a nation extends only about 400 years, but the history of the inhabitants goes back much farther. The area was originally made up of three separate nations: the Empire of Setatsia was founded when the remnants of the Knights Setatsian converted a minor potentate, the Liegelord Gunther Eriksen, to Christianity, and vowed in return to serve him. Gunther's son, the Liegelord Olaf Gunthersen, began the great expansion which would eventually expand to include the Western Half of the current nation.

In 1080, English Traders founded the city of Islingham, the current Capital of Setats Denitu, in a natural harbor at the neck of the Karelian Peninsula. It quickly became prosperous, and by 1185, became the capital of the Grand Duchy of Denitu when Grand Duke Griorgi ascended to the Throne. In 1421, the Grand Duke Vladimir IV conquered all of the southern half of Karelia. As a result of this conquest, he had himself crowned Emperor Vladimir I of Denitu.

In the north of Karelia, a hybrid Dragon-Human culture developed independently, calling themselves the Murmansk. It was run by a council of representatives from each tribe, with each tribe's elders choosing the representative, or Pujuha.

In 1583, the Emperor Vasiliy II of Denitu married the eldest daughter of Liegelord Haraald Bjornisen and heir-apparent Hildagard. Thus, the crowns of Setatsia and Denitu, and the nations, were united when their son, Griorgi Haraaldsen, who merged the two nations into a single state after being crowned both Emperor and Liegelord.

In 1653, Emperor Gustav III of Setatsia conquered the Murmansk, subjugating its inhabitants.

In 1685, the Setatsian Navy, led by Admiral Edgar Christiansen, defeated a much larger Ericadian Navy in the Scandia Wars, ushering in a new period of Setatsian supremacy in the North Sea and associated regions.

Current Events

The previous administration of Secretary-General Jo-Ellen Hill re-nationalized nearly the entire private sector, causing severe economic turmoil. In last months elections, called by a successful recall referendum against the entire Executive Secretariat, the Hill Administration was sweeped out of power, and replaced by present Secretary-General William Victor Goldman. "Big" Bill Goldman has released an initiative called the New Economic Policy (NEP), which is further defined below.

New Economic Policy

The New Economic Policy marks a partial return to a market economy. Individuals are permitted to own businesses of at most fifty individuals. The workers must be unionized, however. These small businesses constitute one third of the economy of Setats Denitu, which means nearly one third of the economy has effectively been privatized.

At the intermediate scale, small chains and all sorts of businesses which are best run in competition with one another have been freed of a central corporation, which is the hallmark of a Union/Government run monopoly. Instead, the workers there have been permitted to form co-operatives to run the business. These cooperatives can be of any size; they are required, however, not to compete against the government monopolies which have been kept. The co-operatives are permitted to create and keep profits (after taxes).

The Government has kept a few monopolies: Health Care, Railroads, Power Generation and Distribution, the National Bank, and Telecommunications. These monopolies, however, are to be reconstructed into Federal Corporations. These Federal Corporations have a board of directors made up of those elected by the workers themselves, and a minority chosen by the government, to act as watchdogs and to ensure that the monopolies are acting in the best interests of the United Democratic Republics.