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Flag of Edenburg
Motto: Animis Opibusque Parati
Region Map
Region Mediterranean
Capital Helena
Official Language(s) English,Spanish, French(North Edenburg)
Leader Edward VI
Population 1,235,000,000
Currency EB Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

Edenburg is a country located in southwestern Europe. It's official names are Le Royaume d'Edenbourg,El Reino de Edenborgia and in English, the Kingdom of Edenburg. Its short form is Edenburg, and locally Edenbourg or Edenburg is generally accepted. Edenburg borders Tyraelus to the northeast is physically sperated from the Europe by the Pyrenees Mountains. Edenburg is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the West, The Bay of Biscay on the North, the Mediterranean on the east and south, and it is seperated from Tripolis by the very narrow straits of Gibraltar. Also apart from the mainland, There are 2 groups of Islands, the Bourgeous, a region of 7 island provinces, and an even smaller group of 5 islands that make up the Province of Madiera. Edenburg has 1 Colony on the West Coast of Africa.

Edenburg on the International Stage

Edenburg is a voting member of the Regional Governing Council. Edenburg is also a member of Mediterranean Alliance. The original and principal alliance that is Region Wide. The country is a former Senior member of Mediterranean Defense Pact, with Angolistica, SchenaRah, Freedomstaki, Novaya Rus, Gothic Bavaria, and Novum Roma. Edenburg has historically been friendly with Lygonia,Raven Haired Maiden, Endless Summer, Lulahat, and Tripolis.


Edenburg's strategic location in the Mediterranean Region allows the country to trade with and control trade between many countries of the region. The country's principal trading partners are Tripolis, Lygonia, ENOC, and Ilcaris. Edenburg's GDP is $49,304,493,370,544.56 (49 Trillion), GDP per Capita is $34,942.94. Making Edenburgers some of the wealthiest people in the region. Our leading industries are Information Techonology, Arms Manufacturing, and automobiles. Thanks to the country thousands of miles of coastline and sunny climate, Tourism is another major industry. The capital city of Helena is a major port of the region and the largest in the Western Med. Banking is also important.

Land & Climate

Edenburg is a land of contrast and striking beauty. Edenburg has the highest average elevation of any country in the region. 1/3 of the entire peninsula on which Edenburg sits is high, flat plateau called the Schonesland. The Schonesland is in the center of the country and is cut by mountain ranges and deep river valleys. This region is considerably more dry than the rest of the country. It has hot summers and long cold winters. The soil is not very good here except for in the river valleys, but wheat can be grown and vines grow well. This region is home to sheep farming industries. On the North and Western Coast, there is a Maritime climate, this region receives more rain than any other part of the country. It experiences cool rainy winters, and mild summers. Unlike the Schonesland with its golden yellowish soils and thick shrubs. This region is green and with rolling hills and closely resembles the lands of Tyraelus. This region is home to the country's dairy and Paper industries thanks to many trees. The Eastern and Southern Coast are bordered by the Mediterranean and therefore have a mediterranean climate. Oranges and Lemon groves thrive here. No other country produces more oranges, lemons, or olives than Edenburg. In this region the summers are sunny and dry. The winters are mild and rainy.


Edenburg's most densely populated areas are along the coast or along the many rivers of the country. All of our largest cities are on some body of water, Including Helena. 90% of the population live in Urban Areas. and 99% of the population can read and write. Almost all Edenburgers speak English well. 57% speak both English and Spanish Fluently, and northern Edenburg has a heavy French/English speaking population. a very small percentage of the population speak Only French, or Only Spanish. English and Spanish are used by the government, and signs are printed in English, and warnings, labels etc. are printed in all 3 languages. The Edenburgian Government requires all children from age 5 to 17 to attend school upon vaccination. The government has no official religion. 55% of the people are Roman Catholics, 20% are Protestant. 10% are Jewish, 5% are nonreligious, 3% are Muslim and 7% are of some other religion.

Edenburg has mixture of peoples of Mediterranean and Nordic Ancestry, which is why in Edenburg you can have a dark haired, olived skin, woman who has a blonde haired, blue eyed sister.

The Government

Edenburg has a unique form of government. The country is divided into 3 separate branches. The Executive Branch, The Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch.

The Executive Branch

At the top of the Hierarchy of the executive Branch is the Sovereign. The King is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the chief diplomat and host of visiting dignataries. He appoints ministers and ambassadors and signs all bills into law. He opens parliament each year and may dismiss it when it is constitutionally appropriate.He may delcare war on behalf of the country and dismiss members of his cabinet at will, with the exception of the PM. Next in line is the Prime Minister. The Edenburgian Prime Minister is usually the leader of the Majority in the elected House of Commons. After General Elections and a majority is established the King appoints the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister then works with the King's cabinent of Ministers to run the day to day affairs of the State. The Ministers though appointed by the King answer to the Prime Mnister. It is their responsibilty to head each of their respective divisions and work with the Prime Minister, who must have weekly meetings with King to discuss all the information he has and his plans. The King has the power to call an Executive meeting where all ministers and the prime Minister are assembled so that he may confer with them all. This happens in national emergencies or when something is terribly wrong and the King must use his power and dismiss a member of his cabinent. The Prime Minister retains his position in parliament but cabinent ministers do not. The King and Prime Minister discuss all affairs of state though it is ultimately the power of the Prime Minister to make decisions the King has the Power to be consulted, the right encourage, and the right to warn. He also has the right veto any bill, but of course it can be overridded by a 60% majority vote in Parliament.