UN Committees

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Many UN resolutions establish standing UN committees. Most of these committees are staffed and operated by the UN Secretariat. The day-to-day operations of these committees is transparent to voting members of the UN.

There are a few exceptions, where UN Committees are overseen by UN member states. Each of these committees has established its own set of rules governing the responsibilities of committee members. These committees still make use of UN Secretariat for their day-to-day operations.

Committees Overseen By UN Members

Global AIDS Initiative Res. 32
UN Committee on Illicit Arms Trafficking Res. 57
United Nations Educational Committee (UNEC) Res. 54
United Nations Space Consortium (UNSC) Res. 50

Committees Run By UN Secretartiat

International Copyright Organization (UCPL) Res. 45
International Maritime Standards Bureau Res. 74
International Red Cross Organization (IRCO) Res. 29
World Blood Bank Res. 55
World Heritage List Res. 37
World Woodland Protection Team (WWP) Res. 66