The North Cascades

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The North Cascades
Flag of The North Cascades
Motto: This Motto Intentionally Left Blank
No Map Available Yet
Region The Tableland
Capital Novus Cascadium
Official Language(s) English, Tablelandian
Leader Great Pimp Council
Population 549 million
Currency quahog 
NS Sunset XML
The Altruistic Pimpdom of The North Cascades is a large, inhospitable land found on Space Cataze, the northernmost continent of The Tableland. Noted for its two nearly inpenetrable mountain ranges and limited amount of safe harbors, the people of The North Cascades flourish in three major cities. The small, libertarian oligarchy allows great economic and personal freedoms, limits taxation, and generally provides few services other than those of defense and emergency. Prostitution and drug use are legal, and the nation's GDP is one of the highest in the region.

Physical and Political Features

The southern two-thirds of the nation are uninhabited, as a mountain range known as the Border Range forms the barrier between it and Cobra Empire. To the range's north lies the Volcanic Desert, a high desert covered with volcanic ash and tetra. The North Cascades is then bisected by an enormous range known simply as The Spine, which run west from the ocean shore east to the border with Negamegedon. The northern third is habitable, but with only three safe harbors, three major cities have arisen. The long, rocky shores are home to The North Cascades's national animal, the carnivorous geoduck, a giant clam over 5 meters in length.

Cataze End

Located just thirty miles north of The Spine on the western edge of the continent, this city is the smallest of the three. However, it has a rich cultural history, as it houses the largest number of museums, exhibits, and centers of higher learning than anywhere else in the nation. This is the only Cascadian city that does not lie at the mouth of a river; it sits within a large, bowl-shaped harbor that protects it from oceanic storms.

Novus Cascadium

The capital of The North Cascades, it lies at the northwesternmost corner at the mouth of the Tiger River. It is the seat of government and a great center of learning. Most of the weak Cascadian navy is harbored here, as The North Cascades centers much of its military might in the army. The city is renowned for its many parks and tree-lined streets.

Nortus Montanus

Situated halfway between Novus Cascadium and the border with Negamegedon, Nortus Montanus is a massive city with a rich industrial and financial tradition. The North Cascades Stock Exchange (NCSX) is housed here, and the natural harbor at the mouth of the Gold River allows for easy trade from the plentiful uranium mines upriver. Many communities have started to spring up around Nortus Montanus in the Seymour Hills to the west and along the Gold River to the south, creating a massive metropolitan area.


Despite being a relatively new nation, The North Cascades has had an active history.

Battle for Space Cataze

On February 12, 2005 the Cobra Empire unprovokedly declared war upon The North Cascades. As a new, small nation the Cascadian army would have been quickly overrun had it not received military aid from Dulces and the Liamist States. Negamegedon soon entered the war allied with Cobra Empire, but were stalled by the inclusion of Ancient Burtorr on the defenders' side. The war ended in a stalemate, no peace treaty was signed and everyone agreed to just go home.