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Flag of Yuunli
Motto: Think before you act - about your neighbors, too.
No Map Available Yet
Region International Democratic Union
Capital Eleutheropolis
Official Language(s) English
Leader Chairman of the Executive Council Sropi Ilnu
Population 9 million
Currency Yuunli Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

The Republic of Yuunli was founded in April 2005, and joined the United Nations in the same month. A few days/years later, the Executive Council of the Republic decided to move to the International Democratic Union.


Political System


The executive of the Republic is the Executive Council, consisting of:

  • Councilors elected for 3 years by the citizens. They make policies within the framework of the current legislation. Every Councilor is responsible for one department, such as education, infrastructure or international relations.
  • The Representatives of the Constituent Parts of the Republic represent the executive of the island and the part on the continent, respectively. With joint forces, the two representatives can block Council decisions.
  • Chairperson elected for 3 years by the citizens. The chairperson's role is to moderate in case there is a conflict among Councilors and/or Representatives. Moreover s/he represents the Republic abroad.


The legislative branch of the Republic is called Legislative Assembly. The Assembly does not have fixed members, but consists of representatives of political parties. Those parties are elected every 4 years by the citizens in a proportion-vote system.

The Assembly also has Observers from the parliaments of the island and the part on the continent. With joint forces, the two observers can block bills.


Yuunli consists of two parts: a landlocked part of a continent (pop. 1.35 million) and an island off the north-west coast of that continent (pop. 9.2 million). Yuunli has an area of 4,694,682 km² (1,813,402 square miles).

On the following map, rivers are blue and provincial borders are red, unless they are marked by rivers.



The two parts of Yuunli enjoy great autonomy. They are further divided into provinces.

Provinces on the Island

Province Area Population Landscape
Balembai 366,629 km² 1.155 million bays and hills
Candet 708,294 km² 2.479 million river delta
Centhay 219,566 km² 0.604 million lakes
Hongora 689,529 km² 0.379 million mountains
Idubut 469,824 km² 1.950 million flat coast
Lonreca 132,975 km² 0.665 million along a river
Milduna 342,707 km² 0.583 million sand beaches
Oylbesh 223,526 km² 0.346 million woods
Porpic 189,124 km² 0.340 million hills and coast
Putali 163,707 km² 0.262 million meadows
Riftaly 203,649 km² 0.193 million cliffs
Ursia 204,523 km² 0.245 million hills with caves

Provinces on the Continent

Province Area Population Landscape
Bingeva 96,994 km² 0.024 million glaciers
Bolshiva 147,763 km² 0.554 million prairie
Casuay 189,634 km² 0.114 million mountains
Damesa 208,803 km² 0.522 million plateau
Lancollin 137,435 km² 0.137 million hills

National Symbols

The flag of Yuunli is a combination of the flags of the island and the continental part, separated by a blue band representing the sea, joined by a yellow star representing the sun and the ideals of the Republic.


Island Flag

The flag of the island represents the three main landscapes of the island: the coast (blue), the mountains (red) and the woodlands (green). The woodlands in the heart of the island make up most of the populated area, that's why they appear twice.


Continent Flag

The flag of the continental part is green for the nature on the main plateau. The white color on the sides stands for the mountains in the west and east of the continental part (provinces P and M).
