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Flag of Arenumberg
Motto: "Equality, Freedom, And Peace, For This, We Stand."
Region The Restored ESUS
Capital Coruscant
Official Language(s) Galactic Basic
Leader The Senate
Population 2.628 Billion
Currency Rubleic Credit 
NS Sunset XML

The Galactic Socialist Republic Of Arenumberg (GSRA)

These Following Articles will detail information of the GSRA. The GSRA Is Located In A Alternate Timeline, A Divergence Occuring at the Critical Time Of The Emperors Rise.

A Brief History of the Republic

With the signing of the Galactic Constitution on Coruscant more than 25,000 years ago, the Republic was born. Though history often recalls the Republic as an idyllic utopia, a less biased examination reveals numerous galactic conflicts -- such as the Hundred-Year Darkness, the Great Droid Rebellion and the Vultar Cataclysm -- throughout its reign.

Time and again, it fell to the Jedi Knights and the ancient armies and navies of the Republic to defend against violence. Twenty millennia after its founding, the Republic saw one of its most destructive conflicts in the Great Hyperspace War. A forgotten menace, the long-banished Sith Empire, launched a full-scale incursion into Republic space. Many worlds were forever scarred in that battle, but the Jedi were able to repulse the invaders.

A thousand years later, Sith acolytes sparked what would become known as the Great Sith War. Again, the Jedi and Republic banded together to stop the insatiable Sith lust for conquest. The last great conflict of its kind occurred three millennia later, at the Battle of Ruusan. The Jedi Army of Light and the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness clashed on the planet Ruusan. That conflict saw the extermination of the Sith order. Many in the galaxy saw this battle as the last of the great wars, and the start of a new era of peace and stability in the Republic.

With peace and prosperity came a dangerous complacency. While corruption began to rot the Republic government, the vast armies and navies were downscaled, and the Republic came to rely on the Jedi more and more for the maintenance of civility. Despite a few isolated flashpoints -- like the Stark Hyperspace Wars and the Battle of Naboo -- full-scale military conflict remained a distant memory.

This lull made the rise of the Clone Wars all the more tragic and deadly. That conflict precipitated the attempted rise of the Emperor.During the attempt large amounts of Jedi Knights were killed.

However, A Young Jedi, Now A Accomplished Master, Named Anakin Skywalker, Informed the Entire Jedi Order Of The Fact That The Chancellor Of The Time Was Infact A Sith. However, As The So Called Emperor Made His Final Moves, The Jedi On Coruscant Pounced, Eradicating The Final Threat To The Republic, However, The Chancellor Had Managed To Order Small Portions Of The Clone Army To Turn On Their Generals, And Thus, Many Jedi Fell That Day.

In The Chaos Following The Collapse Of The Chancellory And The Recovery Of The Jedi Order, Bail Organa Rose To The Chancellory. Socialism Also Became Prevalent And The Senates Corruption Was Purged, And Thus The Galactic Socialist Republic Was Declared, However, Pacifism Has Not Become Prevalent. After Discovery That The GSR Exists in a Divergent Universe, A Competition Was Run to Find A unique Name, The Name Chosen By The Senate Was Arenumberg. Thus The GSRA Was Declared, But is commonly refered to simply As The "Galactic Republic", "Republic" Or "GSR".

The GSR Is By No Means Communist, But Strives To Introduce and Maintain Some Sense Of Social Equality Between All.

People and Religion

Population: 2,690,000 billion Life Expectancy at Birth: 122 standard years for Humans.

The People

Hundreds Of Species Are Represented In The Senate. The Human Species Is The Most Populous, However, Literally Hundreds of other species live in harmony with them.


No Data.


  • Noun: Arenumbergian / Republican
  • Adjective: Arenumbergians / Republicans


The Galactic Republic Is A Vast Interstellar Nation, A Few Notable Locations Are Mentioned Here.



For a thousand generations Coruscant has been central to galactic affairs. In ancient times the prehistoric Taungs and the Battalions of Zhell waged war for control of the beautiful world. Millennia later, it was universally understood that whoever controlled Coruscant controlled the galaxy.

Countless years of civilization have indelibly changed Coruscant's ecology. The planet is actually colder than what humans would normally deem comfortable; immense orbital mirrors warm its upper and lower latitudes by refocusing and distributing stellar energy. The planet's heat is regulated by thousands of strategically placed CO² reactive dampers in the upper atmosphere. Coruscant's water network melts polar ice and pipes the water across the planet. The city's huge amount of sewage and refuse are blasted into space, targeted towards Coruscant's sun.



Alderaan, a revered Core world, is a center point in galactic politics, exploration, and culture. Alderaanian exploration vessels plied many of most important trade routes in the galaxy. Colonists from Alderaan settled many scattered worlds.

Alderaan is a beautiful blue green orb lacking moons, and is the home of a peaceful society. Unlike the crowded Core worlds like Coruscant, Alderaanian society strikes a harmonious balance between urban centers and undisturbed wilderness. Alderaan was once home to a native sentient species that had long ago died out, an insectoid culture known as the Killiks, who left behind impressive hive-edifices -- called Castle Lands -- on the Alderaanian grasslands.

Much of Alderaan is covered by gently swaying grasslands and prairies. Alderaanian artists use the landscape itself to create living works of art, planting grasses of different hues and textures along carefully plotted paths. The savannahs support a variety of ruminant life-forms, such as grazers and nerfs, and ranching is a common occupation on rural Alderaan.

The few metropolitan areas of the planet are designed in such a way to complement their surroundings. The city of Aldera's skyline consists of gently curved, gleaming white buildings that form a subtle bridge between the green grasses and white clouds. Here, students from across the galaxy study at the famed University of Aldera, a learning institution that promots freethinking.Other centers, such as Crevasse City, melded so perfectly with their surroundings as to be almost invisible from a distance.

The planet had no weapons or military force, but it wasn't always so. During the Clone Wars, violence and warfare almost destroyed Alderaan. As a result, Viceroy and First Chairman Bail Organa outlawed all weapons, and declared a state of peace, Although Some Military Has Been Reintroduced. This period of regrowth was spectacular, and Alderaan is renowned for its beauty, hailed as the "Bright Center of the Universe."



Kamino has never recovered from the global warming that melted huge shelves of inland continental ice. Its oceans swelled, covering the landmasses, forcing the native Kaminoans to adapt. Their stilt cities echo their former land colonies, but are built to withstand the ceaseless storms that buffet the world.

Though the Kaminoans turned to genetic sciences to counteract the hardships of the planet's environmental chaos, they are not self-sufficient. They trade their advanced cloning knowledge in exchange for vital raw materials.

From Tipoca City, the planet's Prime Minister rules. Lama Su closely monitors the operations of Kamino's most prized export: clones. Though few are privy to such knowledge, the Kaminoans are reputed to be the best cloners in the galaxy. The Grand Army of the Republic, Prevalently used during the Clone War, is hatched, grown and trained at the facilities on Kamino. To supply the army with armor and transport, the Kaminoans partnered with the neighboring Rothana system to develop advanced combat machinery. Kamino Now Has A Huge Contract With The GSR To Continue To Supply The Grand Army.



A lush world teeming with immense forests, Kashyyyk is the barely tamed home of the mighty Wookiees. This Mid Rim planet is the principal world of the Kashyyyk system, a star system that also contains the homeworld of the reptilian Trandoshans. The close proximity of these worlds and a deep-rooted cultural animosity has fueled many altercations between the two physically powerful species throughout their history.

Kashyyyk hosts a unique ecosystem of layered biodiversity. The planet has several horizontal levels of ecology throughout the forests, with each lower level increasing in hostile danger. The world's intelligent Wookiees occupy the uppermost level, the forest canopy. Some of the lower levels have not seen sunlight in millennia, and are filled with deadly, primitive lifeforms. Wookiee culture has divided the forests into seven vertical levels.

The mighty wroshyr trees are the most visible form of life on Kashyyyk. Kilometers-tall, the trees have the notable ability of fusing together if their growth paths intersect, forming a stronger, conjoined tree. The limbs in the forest canopy are so thickly intertwined that they form a natural cradle for Wookiee architecture. Entire cities are perched in the wroshyr branches, housing millions of Wookiees.

Though the Wookiees are the dominant lifeform on the planet, they share their world with countless lesser specimens. The foggy skies of Kashyyyk are pierced by the high-pitched cries and colorful swirls of plumage of the avian kroyies. Prowling the mighty boles are such predators as the horned katarn, and the five-limbed kkekkrrg rro. Lurking in the shadows are such creepy terrors as the arachnid webweaver and netcaster, the incendiary flame beetle, and the loathsome gorryl slug. Of course, there are some helpful animals too -- a wiry breed of bantha and the multi-legged sureggi can provide sure-footed transportation in the treacherous undergrowth.

During the time of the Pre-Clone War Republic, the Wookiees were welcomed into the galactic community through dealings with Corellians and Alderaanians. Eventually, Kashyyyk was even represented in the Galactic Senate, with Senator Yarua being the last Kashyyyk representative prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Where In The Chaos Following The Emperors Attempted Rise, The Wookies Left.

Under the guidance of Kerrithrarr, a Wookiee official, Kashyyyk entered the Newly Formed Galactic Socialist Republic. The planet welcomed trade and its city of Thikkiiana became a major exporter of computer technology.



Home planet of the gregarious Corellians, Corellia is a world renowned for its impressive shipwrights who build large, speedy and powerful vessels. Corellia has also earned an infamous reputation for the many pirate raids carried out in nearby trade routes.

Since the inception of the Republic, Corellia has always proudly followed its own path, occasionally at the expense of the larger galactic community. It is a fiercely independent world governing a fiercely independent sector that has traditionally been inward-looking, detached from seismic political events that have reshaped the galaxy time and again.

Corellia and four other planets orbit the star of Corell in the Corellian sector. The entire system is an astrophysical curiosity, an enigmatic relic possibly left behind by an incredibly advanced ancient culture. As unlikely as it seems, all five planets are habitable, and floating between the fifth and sixth planets -- Tralus and Talus, the Double Worlds -- is an immense artifact known as Centerpoint Station. It is an unimaginably ancient device floating at the gravitic balance point between both worlds. Some xenoarchaeologists posit that Centerpoint was employed by an ancient, incredibly powerful culture to move the planets of the Corellian system into place.

Corellia is known as the "Elder Brother" of the system, serving as the administrative center not only for its "Brother planets" Drall, Selonia, Talus and Tralus, but also the entire sector. The planet is governed by a Diktat, while the sector itself was represented in the Galactic Senate by a Senator.

Corellia is a beautiful world of fields, forests and seas. Despite its age and influence in Galactic affairs, it has not become a completely urbanized city planet like Coruscant. Corellians take pride in the open expanses of razor grass fields and unpolluted sandy beaches. Their solution to urban overgrowth was in moving shipbuilding facilities off-planet. The shipyards of such monolithic companies as the Corellian Engineering Corporation are immense, producing such famous vessels as Corellian CR90 corvettes, Republic cruisers and the ubiquitous YT-series freighters.

Corellia's cluster of continents are bracketed by two huge oceans, an eastern and western one. The capital city of Coronet lies on a coastal front along the Golden Beaches, with other cities such as Bela Vistal and Tyrena. Though the planetary population has fluctuated, it numbers over 15 billion, with Coronet being the largest single concentration of citizenry. Scattered inland are a number of small towns and farming hamlets.

Though Coronet is a bustling city, it is filled with parks, plazas and open-air trading stalls, indicative of the Corellian love of wide open spaces. One of the most popular locales is Treasure Ship Row, an garishly eclectic bazaar filled with a complex tapestry of alien cultures.

The native species of the Corellian system -- humans, Selonians and Drall -- could be found throughout Coronet. Selonians preferred to live beneath the surface of the planet, in complex warrens and tunnels that date back to pre-Republic times. Also located beneath Corellia's soil is an ancient planetary repulsor, further evidence of the planet having been relocated by an unknown alien force in the far distant past.

The Corellian system is wealthy enough to afford its own fleet and security forces.It handles its own law enforcement free from the involvement of the galactic government. The Corellian Security Force, or CorSec, remains largely intact even after the Clone Wars. Even Corellian Jedi are reputed to be non-traditionalists in that most ascetic of orders.

Corellians have a cultural wariness towards big galactic government. Though one of the founding worlds of the Republic, Corellia has fostered a tradition of independence, and has, during its long history, attempted to vie for separation from the union more than once.

When Count Dooku's Separatist movement arose, Corellia tried to remain neutral in the conflict. Not wanting to be involved in a decisive Military Creation Act vote that would determine the future of armed conflict in the galaxy, Senator Garm Bel Iblis withdrew Corellia from the vote, and sealed up its borders, hoping to wait out the coming conflagration. His attempt at isolation failed, and before long, Corellia too was dragged into the Clone Wars that followed.



A harsh rocky world less than a parsec away from Tatooine, Geonosis is a ringed planet beyond the borders of the Galactic Republic. Its uninviting surface is marked by mesas and buttes, and barren stretches of parched desert hardpan. The rocks and sky are tinted in red, and the creatures that evolved on Geonosis are well equipped to survive in the harsh ecology.

The most advanced lifeform are the Geonosians, sentient insectoids that inhabit towering spire-hives. The Geonosians maintain large factories for the production of droids and weapons. Save for attending to clients that venture to the planet to place orders, the Geonosians typically keep to themselves.

An eerie world, Geonosis is marked by spectacular yet uninviting vistas. Radiation storms occasionally blast the surface, driving lifeforms underground for protection. Dense high-altitude fog produces gloomy, night-like conditions that may last for weeks. Life on Geonosis has adapted for such circumstances, and many creatures are bioluminescent.

A casual glance of the planet's desert plains would suggest the world is uninhabited, so carefully crafted is the Geonosian architecture. Immense, organic spires are actual hive-mounds built by the Geonosians, and upon closer inspection, escaping steam and exhaust vents betray its artificial nature. Geonosians cultivate a parasitic creature called a phidna that excretes raw material that Geonosian artisans mix with stone powders to form a rock paste substance.

The rings that orbit Geonosis are a mixed blessing. Geonosians harvest their rich metallic content for raw materials used in their secretive manufacturing processes, however the asteroids themselves form a security liability. Corporate spies can hide within the ring, and asteroids falling through the atmosphere are so common that cunning pilots can exploit the laziness of Geonosian scanner operators by flying down to the surface with only the most basic of sensor stealth.

The droid foundries and the planet's remote location made it an ideal base of operations for the Separatist movement that spread through the galaxy. The Archduke of Geonosis, Poggle the Lesser, hosted an important meeting of the heads of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The commerce barons in attendance pledged their mechanical military forces to Count Dooku, the charismatic leader of the Separatist movement. The Separatists were ready to wage war, but their plans were overheard by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The Jedi was taken captive, though he managed to dispatch a distress call to the Jedi Council. With their forces spread throughout the galaxy in an effort to maintain the peace, the Jedi Council was only able to dispatch 200 of their ranks to Geonosis. Obi-Wan, meanwhile, was sentenced to death in a huge execution arena. He and his compatriots, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, had to face down three terrible arena creatures before the Jedi reinforcements arrived.

While the Jedi could easily contend with the Geonosians, they had not counted on the sheer size of the droid army laying in wait. Scores of battle droids poured into the arena, slaying many Jedi. A scant few Jedi remained before even more reinforcements arrived -- in the form of the newly created Republic clone army. With the arrival of these forces, the first battle of what was to become known as the Clone Wars began on Geonosis. The Republic military, led by the Jedi, were able to drive the Separatists into retreat.



An idyllic world close to the border of the Outer Rim Territories, Naboo is inhabited by peaceful humans known as the Naboo, and an indigenous species of intelligent amphibians called the Gungans.

Naboo's surface consists of swampy lakes, rolling plains and green hills. Its population centers are beautiful -- Naboo's river cities are respendlent with classical architecture and greenery, while the underwater Gungan settlements are a beautiful display of exotic hydrostatic bubble technology.

Naboo is a geologically unique world. It lacks a molten core, indicative of an ancient world. The planet is a conglomerate of large rocky bodies permeated by countless caves and tunnel networks. This causes numerous swampy lakes on the surface, which lead deeper into the planet's structure. The native Gungans have developed transports that exploit these cave networks, but even these hardy explorers pause at venturing too deep into the planet core, for it is infested with gargantuan sea beasts with ravenous appetites.

When the senate enacted a measure that would increase taxation along outlying trade routes, the credit-hungry Trade Federation protested by blockading Naboo. A screen of huge warships surrounded the planet, cutting off supplies to the Naboo. The world's leaders, Queen Amidala and Governor Sio Bibble, were taken captive by the Trade Federation's droid armies.

Jedi Knights sent by Supreme Chancellor Valorum freed Queen Amidala, and she then journeyed to Coruscant, to request the senate's intervention in the blockade. Even Naboo's representative, Senator Palpatine, could not get past the bureaucratic stalling tactics of the Trade Federation.

Disheartened with the senate's inability to act, Queen Amidala took actions into her own hands. She returned to Naboo and recruited the help of the Gungans. Together, Naboo's two cultures were able to repel the Trade Federation invasion, and bring peace back to the serene world.

The cooperation of the Naboo and the Gungans was unprecedented, and marked a new era between the two people. Ages ago, when Naboo and Gungan first met, there was bloodshed, and tensions between the two cultures continued for thousands of years. Despite the suffering caused by the Trade Federation invasion, the end result brought about new prosperity for Naboo.

In the interests of preserving ecological stability, alleviating overcrowding in Otoh Gunga, and fostering peace and goodwill, the Naboo and the Gungans launched an ambitious joint venture to colonize Ohma-D'un, one of Naboo's three moons.


The Fleet


The Fleet contains hundreds of vessels that ply the tradelanes and protect the Republic, guarding against its Internal Daemons and invaders.

The Grand Army

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The Mainstay Of The Army Are The Millions Of Clones, Backed Up By AT-TE's and other behemoths of military technology, The Army can Smash all who oppose aside.


Clone troopers are fully encased in hard white armor, their identical faces concealed behind a t-shaped visor. Color-coded flashes on the armor denoted rank, with green troopers being sergeants, blue being lieutenants, red being captains, and yellow being commanders. The clones designated for command duty are specifically trained in that capacity.

The clones are constantly trained in fighting techniques, vehicular skills and battlefield tactics. Yet they still maintain a spark of independent and creative thinking, making them far more suited to handle unexpected turns of warfare than droids.

Persons of Note

None as of yet.

Memberships Held


Random Facts
