World Cup Hall of Fame

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The World Cup Hall of Fame is for Players, Coaches, Referees, Commentators, Mascots and 'Other' Characters who have made a memorable imapct in the history of the World Cup.

From ancient, long-forgotten and mis-remembered players to the some of the newer participants of the Cup, all sorts of people (and other things) can make it into the Hall of Fame.


For a nation to gain a place in the Hall of Fame, they must meet the following requirements:

  • For every 7 World Cup Qualifying Campaigns, 1 place is earned
  • For every 4 Qualifications (World Cup proper appearances), 1 place is earned
  • For every World Cup Championship, 1 place is earned

Nominees by Nation



Olivia Bream
Claire Briscoe
Vanessa Carpenter
Johnny Lewis
Darren Morlock
Jim Parker
Nick Yu

Cockbill Street

Harald Axewielder
Rikki Stone

Kaze Progressa

Faiwe Irafma
Sani Luvo


Liverpool England

NEWI Cefn Druids


Jenji Y



Simeone Di Bradini
Nick Matranga

The Belmore Family

Alan Belmore
Kshitiz Ghandi
Thomas Wickersham

The Weegies

Peter De Bruis
Jamie Smith


Callum Banda
Santo Kecker
Helmut Vilkaous