Assington Vampires

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The Beginning

The vampire starts within the medieval age of Assington. Assington is a complete monarchy ruled over by a young, arrogant king. The council of High Mages advised the king on the well being of the nation and are sworn protectors of the people and the land. Besides humans, there is a significant elven population scattered amongst the forests of the nation.

There was an uneasy history between the humans and elves as it was tainted by the blood of a long war. Whilst they lived in peace afterwards, it was an uneasy peace and humans just tended to stay away from elves, save for the wise mages.

It was one of this mages that kick started things. Daveon, a High Mage and one of the most respected in the arcane community was lurking about in the dark arts in a search for more power. Daveon summoned a powerful demon known as the Barklor. This breed of demon had been at constant battle with the elves of Assington for centuries yet the humans assistance had prevented them from entering Assington ever since they were banished by the combined might of the elves and humans. And yet Daveon summoned this demon.

The mage proposed that the demon share his body in exchange for dark powers. Unfortunately Daveon underestimated the power of such a demon and was eventually overwhelmed and swalloed up by the might of the demonic creature. And so Daveon and the demon became one, a hybrid of human arcane power and higher demon. This being was known as Marduk.

During a rampage throughout a human village, Marduk suffered several wounds from the village defenders, spilling his hybrid blood everywhere. Through mere chance, this blood managed to enter the bodies of five human villagers. Over the next few days these humans experience odd changes as a sickness struck them down, essentially killing their bodies yet keeping the brain alive.

Skadi, Idun, Uller, Svartel and Lysar (Zardon) emerged as changed people. These were the first vampires of Assington.

The Concept

These vampires obviously have a demonic background. This background has lent them many attributes of demon kind, yet they are their own creatures. They are not under the dominion of demon lords, nor do they fully exist within the world of humans.

To understand the Assingtonian vampire, one must examine its weaknesses, strengths and abilities.

Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Immortal (but not invincible)
  • Fire kills
  • Sun kills
  • Silver hurts
  • All normal attacks may hurt but not kill.
  • Severing of limbs does not kill (can be put back on and healed, save for beheading)
  • Supernatural speed, strength and endurance/resistance
  • Telekinetic and Telepathic powers
  • Flight (only the older vamps, 500yrs +)
  • Can climb walls/ceilings
  • Silver bullets to the head killl


As is the case with many Barklor, these vampires will not die of old age. Unless killed, they live forever.


Fire is more lethal to vampires than ordinary creatures. This is because their blood is highly flammable. If a vampire is set on fire, he/she will go up very quickly unless the flames are extinguished immediately.

The Sun

The mixture of demon and human has produced an unnatural weakness to the rays of the sun. The rays have an odd reaction with vampiric flesh, causing it to heat up and eventually catch alight. Obviously the issue of flammable blood finishes the vampire off. It should be noted that UV ray related weapons don't have the same effect.


Silver is not a natural weakness of the vampires but is a result of sorcery. Sithaer (Assingtonian high mage) cursed Marduk with a spell that would spread to all of his offspring, making the touch of silver highly painful and potentially lethal to Assingtonian vampires. Silver also prevents healing of vampires until the object is removed and even afterwards the vampire will heal much slower. Silver bullets to the brain are lethal.

Physical Attacks

A vampire is not immune to broken bones, torn muscles, bruises and other such physical injuries. The fact that they have a rapid rate of healing means such injuries are not as significant to a vampire, but they can be injured in many ways as humans can. Note that they can be knocked unconscious, yet don't tend to stay out for long periods of time.

Vampiric Blood

The blood of a vampire is a very interesting substance. Whilst it poses the danger of being highly flammable, it also provides great benefits. It is the vampiric blood that gives the vampire their rapid healing and supernatural powers. The more blood they possess within them, the faster they can heal and stronger they are. It can also be used to heal the injuries of others. Note that vampires can die from loss of blood or starvation.

Severing of limbs

Due to the healing properties of their blood, vampires can lose their limbs yet if the limb is retrievable, they are able to put it back in place and over time their blood will heal the wound. This does not work with the head. Vampire will heal after losing a limb, even if it cannot be salvaged.


Beheading is an instant death for a vampire. Without the brain, the body quickly loses all life and the brain fails without a source of blood to keep it living. A beheading can be performed with any material, silver is not necessary.

Supernatural Strength/Speed/Endurance/Reflexes

The main advantage over humans that vampires possess is their supernatural abilities. Even the strength of a fledgling outweighs that of most humans, as does their speed, physical endurance and their senses. They can see further and clearer, hear further, smell better and generally out do humans. They are not perfect of course, but they are superior. These abilities can be given momentarily to humans by giving blood.


Due to their superior strength/speed and reflexes, vampires are able to jump great heights/distances or drop from great heights. They are able to use their mental powers to land safely and direct their movements. The older the vampire is, the higher they can jump.

Psychic Abilities

Another ability passed on from the demons was powers of the mind. Vampires possess the ability to speak to others with thoughts and even listen to the thoughts of those that do not shield their minds. Those particularly weak minded may even find that a vampire can influence their actions. Besides this telepathy, vampires also have very strong telekinetic abilities. They are able to move objects quite easily with their minds and as they grow in strength, heavier objects become easier to move. Note that they do not possess an unlimited ability as excess use causes mental weariness.


Flight is basically an extension of telekinetic powers. Once the vampire reaches around the age of 500, they are able to focus their mental powers enough to lift and direct themselves through the air for prolonged periods and at speed. Those of younger age are not privy to such powers.


Every vampire possesses the ability to sire another vampire. This is done via the transfer of blood. The vampire drains the soon-to-be fledgling of the majority of their blood, then allows their own blood to pass into the victim. After ingesting enough blood, the victim will begin to change over the next few hours as their body dies and they fully become a vampire. The older the vampire that sires, the stronger the fledgling will be. It should be noted that vampires can give their blood to humans without draining them, a sort of 'temporary vampire'. This gives the human some vampiric abilities for a short amount of time.

The Brain

The brain is a vampire's most important asset. Since the rest of their body is essentially dead, it is the brain and blood that sustains a vampire. The brain is kept alive thanks to the vampiric blood and so the need to feed is created in order to sustain the brain. Without fresh blood, the brain begins to slow down and the vampire loses strength. Due to the massive amount of blood in the brain, silver bullets are necessary to kill the brain, otherwise it can heal.


Age is simple with vampires. The longer they live, the stronger they become. Ancient vampires are freakishly powerful due to their longer existence. Blood intake can also influence strength, but not as significantly as age does.


Religious words, symbols and other such associated things have no effect on vampires at all. Same goes for garlic, wooden stakes and many other myths.

Defying Gravity

Whilst younger vampires cannot fly, they can use their telekinetic powers to climb flat walls or cling to ceilings. This is done with relative ease and can be sustained for some time.

Age Classifications

Fledgling: Birth → 200yrs
Neonate: 200yrs → 500yrs
Elder: 500yrs → 1000yrs
Ancient: 1000yrs +

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