Dark Celene

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Dark Celene
Flag of Dark Celene
Motto: Unity, Power, VICTORY!
No Map Available Yet
Region Roll the Bones
Capital Enstad
Official Language(s) English, Russian
Leader Sadildir
Population 26 mllion
Currency bone 
NS Sunset XML

The Dark Celene is rulled by a dictatorship government, which is rumored to be made only of undead skeletons. The head of the governemnet is known as Sadildir, but other then his name, very little is known about this mysterious person.

The backbone of the Dark Celene is its compulsory military service, which is the only way for a common man to gain any position of power. The civilians (women, those unfit for military service, and those who chose to quit the military after compulsory ten yeas of service) are despised by the government and majority of militarists alike; civilians are usually refered to as “human resources”, and women are often refered to as “breeders” instead (although many of them are working as well as raising children). In any case, the civilians have a great deal of freedom (unlike the military, which requires strict discipline), however, their choice of work is limited with one government-run industry or another, and they have no real chance to raise above the level of a common worker.

The priesthood (which is wholy made of retired veterans), on the other hand, is widely respected by militarists and civilians alike, and only the ruling elite stands above them.

Dark Celene's history

Shortly after being founded, the Dark Celene moved into the region of Roll the Bones. There, the Dark Celene was granted the position of Head of Defense, and also competed with the nation of the Malecki Clan for the position of Roll the Bones' UN Delegate. Although the Dark Celene was slowly winning the elections, despite being repeatedly befouled by the power-hungry Malecki Clan, the arrvial of a several new nations, including Aquatnis changed the situation dramatically, and the Dark Celene was forced to endorse Aquatnis in order to prevent the incompetent and power-hungry Malecki Clan from assuming the position of Roll the Bones' UN Delegate.

In 24 June 2005, the Dark Celene founded a puppet nation of DC Defense Cordon, whose purpose is to assume the position of Roll the Bones' Head of Defense should the Dark Celene be away for some reason.

Dark Celene's diplomatic relations

The Dark Celene currently houses embassies of the following nations:

Brunswick High School
