Rising Flame

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Rising Flame
Flag of Rising Flame
Motto: Even in death, we will rise again.
The Seventh Column
Region The Seventh Column
Capital Brand
Official Language(s) [English], [Japanese], [Chinese], [Dutch]
Leader B'ern TseTung
Population Over 20 Million
Currency Star 
NS Sunset XML


The Nomadic Peoples of Rising Flame is a largely free territory, that has only recently adopted organized government in order to keep up with the changing world. As such their history, while rich indeed, was not measured with dates until the last five years or so.

Speculations of the origin of Rising Flame vary slightly, but the country is generally regarded to have began by nomads who followed the Phoenix because they believed it to have mystical power. Now they love visitors, and are generally very peaceful and well liked.



One popular activity is the (always non-lethal) Phoenix Hunt, where after signing a few waivers, the government will let you adopt the caught Phoenix!


Current trends indicate a few cities cropping up here and there, and an ever increasing border patrol. The population has gone from around 5 million a few years ago, to over 20 million today. The relatively lax government is a major contributor to the population growth.


For example, Recreational drug use is legal, and even clothing is optional! The government tries to look out for the little man overall, and even instituted a reimbursement program for organ donors!


There isn't a pervasive military presence in Rising Flame - all members are voluntary.

The Noble Phoenix


The military is looking into uses for the Phoenix in military applications, as they are quite plentiful. Their most current issue is trying to get the birds to combust on demand.

Revered Beast or Pain in the Ass?

The Phoenix, the national animal of Rising Flame, has long been revered, but as the country moves out of the simple life and into modern trappings, the bird is regarded as a nuisance. More and more angry housewives complain about the birds landing on thier clotheslines, only to have to buy a new wardrobe because of scorch marks. The homes are being constructed with clay roofs, because this problem is so great.

Natural Defense

The sakura forests offer a respite and a natural choice for home and building construction, as the Phoenix does like to nest in the roots, but seems to have an aversion to the cherry-blossoms. These blossoms are being processed for extract, which is then used to treat the homes. It's not practical for clothing as of the time of this writing, so the indoor dryer industry has found a niche market.