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Flag of Wazistan
Motto: "Fight the Good Fight"
Region Europe
Capital Ijad
Official Language(s) Arabic, English
Leader His Excellency, President Kamal Jalil (Head of State.)

The Honorable Musham Allawi, Prime Minister (Head of Government.)

Population 1.881billion.
Currency Meki 
NS Sunset XML

The Revolutionary Republic of Wazistan is a Federal Republic, with a semi-presidential form of Government.


(Coming Soon)


Executive Branch

Main Article: President of Wazistan

Wazistan's Heads of State are a President and Vice President, who's official titles are His/Her Excellency, the President or Vice President of Wazistan, with the Vice President only executing duties given to him by the President. The President of Wazistan, bylaw must sign all treaties, sign all bills passed by the Legislature before they can go into effect. The President of Wazistan represents the people of Wazistan at international fourms. The President of Wazistan, bylaw must appoint the someone to head the Government, has the power to dissolve the Government and the Legislature, appoint the Govenment, on the advise of the Head of Government. The President has the power to declare a state of emergency, suspend the consititution only in a state of emergency, and to recieve foreign diplomats. The President has the power to put laws and other civil matters to a National Referendum, issue orders called Decrees which have power over all agencies in the Government, but they can be overrule by a majority vote in the Cabinet, but traditionally they never are.

Wazistan's Head of Government, who's official title is The Honorable, Prime Minister of Wazistan, is appointed by the President, normally the leader of the majority party in the legislature. The Prime Minister, then forms the Government, on which s/he will serve as Chair. The Government, which consist of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and the 17 Ministers to head the Government Ministries. The Government sets the domestic and foreign policies of the Government, and executes all laws passed by Parliament and approved by the President.

Legislative Branch

The Legislature of Wazistan is the Parliament of the Revolutionary Republic of Wazistan, which consist of the Heads of State, the House of Councillors, and the Senate. The Parliament powers include:

  • Make the laws
  • raise the armed forces
  • collect the taxes
  • establish courts under the Supreme Court
  • coin money
  • regulations concerning commerce between Foreign nations
  • To make uniform rules for the naturalization of foreign citizens
  • To set the standards for weights and measures
  • Bring forth impeachment against Federal Officiers.

The House of Councillors consist of 669 members, who are elected to a 7 year term. Two-Third of the House of Councillors are up for elections every 5 years. The House of Councillors is the only body that can bring impeachment charges against the President, Vice President, or any Federal officer. The Senate consist of 200 members, who are elected to a 7 year term. Two-third of the Senate are up for elections every 5 years. The House has the reserve power to motion a Vote of No Confidence against the Government, but it can be vetoed by the Senate, traditional never does.

The Senate, bylaw, must conduct a trial after impeachment charges are brough against a federal officer. A majoirty vote of a Joint session of Parliament is needed to force the Cabinet into resigning. A two-third vote is needed by all 200 Senators to impeach the President, Vice President, or any federal officers. As the upper house, the Senate reserves the right to pass legislation without the consent of the House of Councillors, but traditional never does.

Judicial Branch

The Supreme Court of Wazistan is the head of the Judical Branch of the Wazistan. The Court consist of A Chief Justice, and 9 Associate Justices. The Supreme Court has the power to declare acts by Parliament or the President unconsitutional, it can settle disputes between Provinces and the Legislative and Executive Branch, serves as the final court in a appeal, and also can overturn impeachment convictions by the Parliament. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the Court's day-to-day operations. S/he is required by law to administer the Oath of Office to the President and Vice President of Wazistan. S/he also must preside over impeachment trials against federal officers. A majority vote is needed in any case before the Court.


The Economy of Wazistan has taken many hits in the last century. Under the rule of King Zahir, the value of the Doller was almost nothing. Since the Revolution ended in 1975, the economy has been organized into a capitalist model with minor Government regulations introduced.

Since 1995, the Ministry of Commerce has had much control over the Economy since it has the authority to set sanctions to Companies that fail to meet standards set by the Ministry.

Much of the Private Sector is dominated by the Uranium Mining industry. This can traced back to the 1800s when the majority of the workforce were working the mines. The Arms Manufacturing Industry has grown in the last couple of years.

The Economic center of the nation is Taiji City, which is home to the Wazi Chamber of Commerce, and the Wazi Stock Exchange. Taiji is also serves has the Headquaters for many Wazi Corporations.


Terrorism in Wazistan has been a huge problem since the end of the Revolution. The Armed Revolution(AR) has taken responsibility for 89% of attacks that have taken place in the country since it was founded in 1990.

The most wanted terrorist in Wazistan Abu Ian Mosfa, a veteran of the Great Revolution who wanted to establish an Islamic Republic once the Monarchy fell.

Many hardline groups with suspected links to terrorism include the Muslim Brotherhood and the Gurdian of Islam.

There are many Militant groups spread out throughout the country since the Monarchy fell, some who are anarchist, others just serve as a second police force in their territory. There has been many attempts to disarm rogue militants since the Government of Prime Minister Musham Allawi came to power. In early 2005, after negoiations with Militas to disarm brokedown, Allawi ordered Security Forces and the Army to begin disarming militants by force. It was the first time a Prime Minister decided to engage militants with weapons instead of diplomacy.