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Flag of Magistratia
Motto: "Potestas Pro Populis"
no map available at this time
Region Union of Wise States
Capital Capitalia
Official Language(s) Latin
Leader Ductor Gnaeus Aurelius Maximus
Population 10 million
Currency non-monetary trade 
NS Sunset XML


The Holy Empire of Magistratia is a growing nation in the Union of Wise States, which it founded. The leader is Ductor Gnaeus Aurelius Maximus, a dictator who aims at bettering the land. Although they don't enjoy many political freedoms, such as voting, the government claims this is because they don't want a mob rule to oppress anyone. The absolute rule of the government allows for many civil rights to be enjoyed by the people, and rarely oppresses anyone from enjoying those rights. The economic system is built on non-monetary trade and all capitalist ideals have been outlawed.

Magistratia and the Economy

Magistratia was fast becoming the poorest nation in the Union, but recently, with an increased spending for defense, they're creating more jobs to boost the economy, but without the stigma of losing men to fight a war. Social welfare and healthcare, though, still are top priorities, with education being transferred over to defense as the conscripts are gaining new opportunities for their future through the military instead of traditional means. Their economy is now on the rise, and they are second-best in the region.

Magistratia in the UN

Having only been recently accepted into the United Nations, Magistratia has only been able to vote on a single issue: they voted against the Nuclear Armaments Resolution proposed by Flibbleites. Didymus Durans, the ambassador to the UN, was quoted as saying, "If ever we are to achieve global peace, this resolution will not be a stepping stone. We feel as that diplomacy will be better for all nations, and a far wiser choice than this resolution which calls for war."

Realizing that the UN was becoming more violent-prone over the years, Magistratia decided to resign from the UN to develop a small nuclear arsenal of its own, with a promise to its neighbours never to use them unless attacked first.

Relations with the Union of Wise States

Magistratia resigned as the delegate to the United Nations and decided to pursue its own nuclear program without the consent of the rest of the UWS. The Democratic States of Subternosh, which stepped up as the new leader of the UWS, condemned Magistratia and threatened to sever ties with the nation. Subternosh's president, Q. Valerius Scerio, is highly favored in Magistratia, and the government acknowledges this, but is still cautious, claiming that Scerio "does not have to live in these conditions" of poverty and a crippling economy. Most officials in Magistratia brush of the severing promise of Scerio, claiming that he is "too compassionate" to do anything drastic against the nation. But top officials in Subternosh claim that if diplomacy fails, they would take unprecedented action against the once too-friendly nation. Currently, there is a joint project with Magistratia, Subternosh, and the Democratic Republic of Haelsgard to maintain a peacefuly UWS.

NationStates Summary

The Holy Empire of Magistratia is a small, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its devotion to social welfare. Its compassionate, cynical population of 9 million are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich. In their personal lives, however, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people, or if it hasn't gotten around to stamping out civil rights yet.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it is mainly concerned with Social Welfare, although Healthcare and Education are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 58%, and even higher for the wealthy. Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Furniture Restoration.

Elections have been outlawed, all major public areas are watched by police surveillance cameras, scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes, and the thinking man is a protected species. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown. Magistratia's national animal is the thinking man, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the non-monetary trade.

Magistratia is ranked 1st in the region and 24,878th in the world for Most Comprehensive Public Healthcare. Magistratia is ranked 1st in the region and 51,845th in the world for Most Beautiful Environments.