Port Olympus

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Port Olympus is the National Capital of The Federated Klatchian Coast. It is located on the southern end of Lake Olympus at the head of the Djel and Fasta river systems, near the southeastern corner of the state of Vrak. The City is built on a large island in the Fasta, in a bowl shaped valley north of the Fasta, and a penninsula located between the Fasta and the Djel.

City Districts

Parliament Hill 
location of the Klatchian Parliament, The Klatchian Privy Council Chamber, The Klatchian Parliment Library, and the Klatchian Presidential Palace.
Arx Hill 
Location of the ancient city fortress, now the central headquarters of the The Joint Defense Force of the Klatch.
Cenotaph Hill 
The wealthiest area of the Klatch, named for the ancient Cenotaph located at the crest of the hill.
Temple Hill 
The location of the ancient temples of Port Olympus, primarily used as a huge burial ground.
Olympus University 
founded in 1722 the school exists on the far western hill of Port Olympus. Known primarily as a party school, with very little academic profiles other than in the study of Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy. However, the school owns a huge brewery that makes Olympic Beer, "It get's you toasted fast" and the Whiskey Gardens, "Bathe today in 30 proof corn spirits."
The Shades 
Located between the University, Parliament Hill, and the New City Center, this area of small narrow alleys, squares, and dilapidated buildings is quite unsafe to walk in unless you have a squad of armored marines at your back.
New City Center 
Area rebuilt by Vrak the First after the Blood Wars. This area of square streets and several blocks given over to pools filled with water is now the main finnancial district of the city. The early Vrakian buildings have been replaced with skyscrapers of glass and steel.
Guild City 
This area of the city surrounds Guild Square, where each of the city Guilds built huge palace/fortress complexes as they ruled the city with an iron fist before the Blood wars. After the Blood Wars they remained primarily in power until the destruction of the Assasins Guild in the Day of the Dark Knives which is now Landgravine Square.
This area under the western shadow of Cenotaph Hill consists mainly of older, narrow streets and townhouses. At the center is St. Mary's Cathedral, Cathedral Square and the Palace of the Patriarch.
The Vrakian Narrows 
This walled city within a city is the home of most Vrakians living within Port Olympus. It lays along the narrow Long Lake between Parliament Hill and Arx Hill.
The Sands 
The Eastern part of the city, primarily around the sides of the Black Pool. Filled with large industrial concerns and drab appartment complexes.
The Black Islands 
The Old part of the city which stands on islands built into the center of the Fasta River. Well known for its fortress like townhouses and narrow canals.
The Point 
The Area of Docks, wherehouses, and blast furnaces between the Djel and Fasta rivers.