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Flag of Ysabol
Motto: Freedom Matters
Region BookCrossing
Capital Enilef
Official Language(s) English, Ysabollian
Leader Ysabol
Population <100 Million
Currency Ysa 
NS Sunset XML

The Free Land of Ysabol

The Free Land of Ysabol

  • Leader, Ysabol
  • Co-Leader and National Symbol Figurehead (Cat), Princess Tabrizia
  • Capital City: Enilef
  • Other Towns: Mouse, Fresian, Etienne Navarre, D' Anjou, The Town of The Lady, Lover's Town, Hawklands, Adventure's Town, Bast, Bengali, Tac.
  • Colonies: Please check out The Serene Republic of Serene Green, our NEW colony (Nation!)

National Information

An island in the Bibliographic Ocean; Located in the BookCrossing region. Although small, it has several very different breathtaking environments. It has been described as resembling New Zealand.

Only the capital has modern convieniences. The rest of the nation resembles a third world country, except that there is plenty of food to go around. This has been done on purpose, to keep the land fruitful. Citizens who want modern conviences must move to the capital.

To the North is a region of mountains.

The plains are in this direction, where all the farms are located.

To the South is a jungle.

The Nettik Lake is in this direction.

To the West is a desert.

To the East is a hilly, normal region, lightly forested, with meadows and simular things.

There are many rivers in this direction.

This is where the capital city is located, and where the Leader and Co-leader live.

It is also where the town of Tac, a harbor town, is located. Tac is on the Eastern coast, and this is where the trade center,shipping and ship construction is located. Merchants are also located in the town of Tac.

The capital is the only city at this time (There are other towns).

Other towns are located in the East. A few towns are located in The North. All farms are located in the plains to the north of the capital city.

The South and West is uninhabited as of yet, except for a few adventurers and nomadic peoples, and also some aborigines.

Cars have been outlawed. Transportation is by horse, wagon, cart, ship, boat, raft or barge.

National Symbol Information

We would like to announce that our citizens have voted for a cat "figurehead", as our National Symbol is the cat. Leader Ysabol's pet kitten, Tabrizia has been chosen. She is a 7 week old Maine Coon Mix. She has black longhair, with some wisps of silver hair around her throat. Any citizen can send Tabrizia a word or letter at their convenience.

Jarrettsonia extends it's congrats to Princess Tabrizia for being chosen the National Symbol. Also sent: a gift of catnip and gourmet kibble, as well as a special collar with her rank and a little bell so all citizens will know when they are in the presence of greatness.

National Library

A National Library The Free Library has been built in the capital. Admission is free, and is open to all citizens. Visitors from other nations must request a Pass.


An embassy has been built in the capital to house visiting ambassadors, and our ambassadors that are either leaving or returning.


Our Ambassadors
Leader Ysabol sent Ambassador JhennaSaelearn and Cat Ambassador Sapphira to The Armed Republic of Clarimond, City of Lerur Aera.
Leader Ysabol sent Ambassador Loreli and Cat Ambassador Greymalkin to The Queendom of Atabei , City of Ciudad de Yukiyú.
Leader Ysabol sent Ambassador Sorcha and Cat Ambassador Sayyadina to Knigi.
Leader Ysabol sent Ambassador Bhadra and Cat Ambassador Sachi to The Rogue Nation of Odditish.
Leader Ysabol sent Ambassador Kaitilyn and Cat Ambassador Rosaliyeah to Rosarana.

Ambassadors Sent Outside our Region
Leader Ysabol sent Ambassador Sunechin and Cat Ambassador Sun Yen to Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia, CDEA region.

Ambassadors we have been sent
The Armed Republic of Clairmond has sent Ambassador YogiLa6 to us.
The Rogue Nation of Odditish has sent Ambassador Yamble the 18th, and companion feline Atticus to us.
The Queendom of Atabei has sent Ambassador Isabel Flamboyán and her daughter Sirena (age: 16) to us.
Rosarana has sent Ambassador Dynamic to us.

Ambassadors we have been sent outside our region
The Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia, CDEA region has sent Ambassador Zegna Embargadora, (39 years old) to us.


A Trade Center has been built in the town of Tac.

Our National Products are Furniture Restoration, Soda Sales, Uranium, Soda, Beef, Trout, horses, wagons, carts, ships, boats, rafts and barges. We also have a specialized cat trade, see the section below on it.

  • Sending free range beef to Clairmond. Clairmond provides Flame-Retardant Manatee Hair Fabric.
  • Sending Feather-Bellied Cat to Jarretsonia. Jarretsonia provides Miniature Horse.
  • Sending Feather-Bellied Cat to Rosarana.
  • Sending Feather Bellied Cat to Aoirghistan.

The Specialized Cat Trade

The Free land of Ysabol specializes in breeding all types of cats. The most popular with other nations is our line of exotic pet cats. Only liscenced catteries breed these cats. We also breed normal domestic cats, and also wild cats if your country is lacking. We will list the ones we specialize in breeding here

  1. The Bagral (Dometic Cat Bred with a Canadian Fishing Wild Cat)
  2. The Bengal (Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Burmese or Egyptian Mau, Bred with an Asian Leopard Wild Cat)
  3. The Chausie (Domestic Cat Bred with a Wild Jungle Cat)
  4. The Pixie Bob (Domestic Cat Bred with a Wild Bobcat)
  5. The Safari (Domestic Cat Bred with a Wild South American Geoffroys Cat)
  6. The Savannah (Domestic Cat Bred with a Wild African Serval.
  7. The Serengeti (Domestic Oriental Shorthair Cat Bred to a Bengal Cat.)
  8. The Toyger (Designer Domestic Cat)
  9. The Ocicat (Designer Domestic cat)
  10. The Spotted Oriental
  11. The Abyssian (Domestic Cat)
  12. The Egyptian Mau (Domestic Cat)
  13. The Main Coon (Domestic Cat)

Information about all these cats here

The Extinct Cat Trade Our scientists have recently perfected animal cloning, and the first chosen animal was our Nation's extinct Feather-Bellied Cat. Included below is some information about this cat.

The Feather-Bellied Cat Size: roughly the size of a Bobcat to a Lynx Coat Color: Any natural Domestic Cat coat color Feather Color: Any color found in bird's feathers, usually those colors found in Parrots (such as the Macaw) Intelligence: At least that of a Monkey to an Ape, or possibly more. It is unknown as of yet.

Appearance: A very large cat, raised ONLY on meat from cows raised for food. These cats are highly intelligent, and seem to understand human languages. They respond to what you say to them. They also seem highly compassionate and empathetic to humans - if their human tells them not to do something, they will not do it. Not a lap cat, these cats are leaders; headstrong, they like to be the center of attention.

These cats look like VERY large domestic cats, except for the fact that they have what looks like bird feathers on their bellies, the underside of their tails, and the tips of their ears. Further study reveals this to actually be some sort of specialized fur. It does truly resember a bird's feathers, and even mimics colors found in parrots within the Free Land of Ysabol.


The Free Lands Combination School has been built in the capital city.

Schooling until age 18 is mandatory, and the government pays for all citizen's education. If student 18 and older want to continue on to University, there are several ways to do it.

  1. Pay your own way (non-residents allowed)
  2. Grants and Loans (non-residents allowed)
  3. Testing. Any resident age 18 or older may request that they take a placement test. If that resident passes the test, they are placed into whichever specialization they tested into, and this is fully paid by the government. (residents ONLY)



Member of NATO

The Feline Alliance. Any Nation that has a Feline as the National Symbol is welcome to join in this alliance. Members agree to Enact Laws Protecting any Feline Creature. They May not be hunted or killed in any way, except in cases where the feline is in pain or diseased. Tranquilizer guns may be used to move felines encrouching upon humans to distant areas. To join, send The Free Lands of Ysabol a telegram or messenger.

Members of The Feline Alliance
  1. The Free Lands of Ysabol.
  2. The Grand Duchy of Vastnear has sent Princess Treesinger very shortly with two Clawguard escorts.
  3. The Rogue Nation of Odditish
  4. The Most Serene Republic of Fluffiette