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Flag of CairnTarra
Motto: Seek to adapt, not to change
Map of Sisgardia
Region Sisgardia
Capital Yagdrassil
Official Language(s) English, Tarran (Gaelic-Quendi evolved hybrid)
Leader The ardseanaad, an elected council
Population 3.498bn
Currency None 
NS Sunset XML

Brief History

Tarra, a collection of free tribes unified by a shared set of teachings, beliefs and code of honor, existed for around three thousand years in Norn Iron. It is estimated that there aural teachings, myths and legends and some of the structures dating back to more then thirty thousand years of human habitation in the region.

After a period of civil war between the other nations in the region the Confederacy of Lorrellian annexed Tarra and burned its forests and inhabitants. Fleeing what has become known as the 'Second Schism', some estimated five million Tarrans escaped the onslaught and made there way in a huge flotilla of ships to Sisgardia where there longest standing ally Zethkur had journeyed a few years previously.

Starving and desperate they arrived to Sisgardia, with only 200,000 of the Tarrans having survived the crossing. The Sisgardian nations welcomed them with aid and open arms and allowed them to begin construction of a place to live in the center of the Gulf of Ador in central Sisgardia.

Here they completed one of the most striking wonders of the Sisgardian nation as the capital, a stunning four mile tall, extensively genetically modified 'tree' called Yagdrassil. The wondrous settlements built around, beneath, within and on this biological marvel have become the capital of the new Tarra, renamed Cairn Tarra in remembrance of the uncounted millions of unmarked graves that remain in Norn Iron.


Tarrans are humans standing on average arround 1.7 meters tall, there features are somewhat elvish and they tend to dress in natural or naturally engineered fabrics. Tarrans are quite xenophobic, they do not give their trust easily to foreigners, they are also, for the most part, pacifists. Tarran Biology and genetics is probably the most advanced in the region, Tarrans believe that, because of its dynamism and context dependence, biology is the greatest of the sciences. Exposure to the WTE has brought their knowledge of physics forward by leaps and bounds and a recent breakthrough in phase field technology brought about a new FTL drive system. 'Tarran' has no word for chemistry, it is seen as a branche of Biology and Physics.

The tarran military is the second smallest in the region, comprising three space born ships (also known as the Peace Ships, all of them forming the Triumverate) and a standing navy of around a hundred people. Their arms complement is specifically designed to defend from attacks in space, using advanced gravimetric technology and the Peace Ships are incredibly adept at this task.

Things of interest


Yagdrassil - The capital of Cairn Tarra - a 3km tall genetically enhanced tree

Ehbrus 'Nord - 'The Silent City' the seat of Tarran philosophy and religion

Generally Cities in Cairn Tarra fall into two groups:

  • Cities such as Belfirstchia and Annindrassil are usually trading towns and administrative centers for the unwieldy Tarran democracy. Populations tend to be quite large, around two million in some places. The architecture of these cities is a monument to the original Tarran architecture, buildings tend to be small, but functional or vaulted, domed and spired nearer the center of the city.
  • Cities such as Cairn Sibion and Cairn Nendrum (and all Tarran cities with the 'Cairn-' prefix) are sites of outstanding natural beauty where the inhabitants enjoy a much slower pace of life, use of modern technologies is frowned upon, loud visitors are not welcome and when people speak they do so in hushed voices, or not at all. The Cairns are places of contemplation, meditation and art, the Tarrans burry their dead under the trees surrounding these places.

The Tarran population is evenly distributed amongst the unspoiled forests and vales of their lands, countless microscopic settlements and tribal communities exist among the trees only emerging at set times during the year to take part in the country’s Grand Council.


Tarrans are for the most part a spiritual people, so entrenched with Tarran culture is the religion that it is not even given a name, as it is assumed that everyone is aware and faithful to its laws. The religion is by no means simple, it is based upon a set of songs about 'Lord Stone of the Seven Circles', this character is as enigmatic as he is vague, popping up regularly in Tarran legend under various names and guises (The lest Druid, The Warden of Cairn Macha, The Winds of Change, The Keeper of the Circles, The Raven of the Seaborn among many others) Lord Stone is said to have given Three books to his people (the Tarrans) The Green Book - is an ancient text concerning the code of honor that all Tarrans abide as if it were physical law. The White Book - is much more enigmatic and contains many myths and legends about great conflicts and civilisations, specifically discussing the Founding War - a ancient battle where the 'Tuatha' came to the land form the west to oust the 'Feyborn'. The Black Book or Red Book - is a grim set of prophecies by the 'Ancients' to Lord Stone.

Even though all of the Tarrans accept Lord Stone and his teachings as part of daily life, opinion is divided about the Tarran celestial map. There are two points of view concerning just who or what the people regard as supremely divine. One camp says that the nameless lords of the Tuatha and the Fey, who dwell in the absolute west created the universe and continue to manage it under instruction form the God and Goddess (Thricecrowned.. and various other names). The other school of thought is that although the first school is correct, a group of powerful spirits known as the 'Ancients' guard over the everyday lives of the Tarrans and that speaking to 'The Lords of the West' is futile as they are only concerned with managing the universe.

There is a good deal of documented evidence to support the theory that there are entities described by Tarrans as 'Ancients' which offer invisible guidance and support in times of trauma.

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