The Eastland Islands

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The Eastland Islands
Flag of The Eastland Islands
Motto: In Union, Freedom
No Map Available Yet
Region United Kingdom
Capital St. Thomas Harbor
Official Language(s) Atlantic English
Leader Queen: Elizabeth II, Governor-General: Sir Michael Quinn, Federal Government Leader: Walter Kettering
Population 104 million
Currency Atlantic Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

The Dominion of the Easland Islands consists of an archipagalo in the north Atlantic.


The Eastland Islands have been discovered several times by many people over time. Yet no one bothered making note of their dull existance. The Islands became well known and charted in 1911 by a small British fleet of fisherman. The 15 boats (represented byt the 15 stars on the flag) found refuge in the archipagalos harbors. Since then, the Islands have been a frequent stop to seafarers of many kinds.

Many nations protested the British Establishment on the Island, citing 'discoverys' of the islands. Amongst these were Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Canada, Newfoundland, and the US. In 1915, the 4-Islands war broke out between the Navies of the nations. No one was killed. However; while the English were busy defending the Islands, a rebel group seized control of the government and ruled for 36 hours.

In 1957 the Islands were granted independance, and remain in the commonwealth.


The Eastland islands are an Independant relm within the Commonwealth of nations, recognizing Elizabeth II as their Queen. She is represented in in the Federal government by a Governor General (or a Lieutenent Governor in the Provinces). The Governor General appoints a memeber of the Parliament, who has Parliament's confidence, to form a government (usually this is the leader of the majority party). The Federal Government Leader may be from either house, but is usually from the National Assembly. Cabinet members are drawn from either house.

Parliament has two houses: the National Assembly and the Assembly of Peers. The National Assembly's 50 members are elected from constituancies in each provence (either single member, or multi-memeber, bepending on the Provence). The Assembly of Peers has 25 members. 5 are appointed by each province, one by St. Thomas Harbor, and 4 are appointed by the Governor General. Appointments last for life, or until resignation.


Currently the UN rates the Eastland Islands as a 'Father Knows Best' State, where a figure holds near dictorial power, but uses the power sparingly. This figure is the Governor General, who is free to appoint any Government Leader, Lieutenent Governor, or judge he sees fit. Currently the Party in Power is the 'National Democratic Front'. A small, but growing, oppostion party ,the Progressive Alliance, has seats in Parliament.

Political Divisions

The Eastland Islands is divided into 4 Provinces. New Guerney, New Iberia, and Trinity are the three main island. The outskirts comprises of the two dozen or so islands that lie around the Nations perimeter. St. Thomas Harbor is the Capitol district, located on a man made island.

Each province has complete internal control. A Lieutenent Governor reigns over each provence, while the Provinical Assembly elects a leader to run the government.

Provinces New Guernsey, New Iberia, Trinity, The Outskirts,

Cities Dunwich (New Guernsey), Santa Maria (New Iberia), Saint Peter (Trinity),

Special Administrative Regions St. Thomas Harbor