Hyperspatial Travel

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Hyperspatial Travel
Flag of Hyperspatial Travel
Motto: Erehwon
No Map Available Yet
Region The Republic
Capital Shadar Station
Official Language(s) HT Standard
Leader Lord Minister Tyyr'Chgiy
Population 3.491 billion
Currency HT Credits 
NS Sunset XML

Hyperspatial Travel

Hyperspatial Travel is a large spacefaring nation, slightly corrupt, but still faring well throughout the ages.

Originally founded by a group of refugees from Earth, who were fleeing an oppressive world goverment. They built the Song of Sirens, a rickety colony transport, and set off for a planet they had discovered. During cryo-sleep, 3/4 of the population died, and only 185 people survived to step on Shirai, the new planet.

The planet was easily hospitable, and there were no predators. Many fell prey to poison and disease, but, within 35 years, a large population of 1257 people had risen. The population rose expotentially during the next few generations, tripling or quadrupling each time. Approximately 7000 years from the present day, the population reached 5 million.

A famous scientist, Lord Scientist Shadar, created a hyperdrive, at approximately the same time the government-funded space program had reacheds the moon. Using this new technology, he gathered 1/3 of the population, and left for other planets, after the government rejected his work. Two thousand, well-equipped spaceships landed on ten planets, not all as hospitable as Shirai, but still enough to decrease overcrowding. Another 85 years passed. Shadar died, and placed his consciousness into an AI program, where he developed both superior AI and superior creatures.

The Federation of Hyperspatial Travel (As Lord Scientist Shadar had named it, the original name was the Republic of Shirai)spanned 27 planets, and each was sparsely populated, and produced foods, ships, and the like. Meanwhile, back at Shirai, the overcrowding was tremendous. A small planet, little food, and only a very rudimentary hyperspace drive, left behind from what Shadar had in the way of notes. They noticed Yalvaon XVI, a prosperous agricultural planet.

The Shirain scientists developed a fighter, and raided the unsuspecting planet of all it's food. The communications was destroyed, and 7 months passed before communication was re-established. Lord Scientist Shadar developed a powerful fleet of 17 ships, all larger than the prototype fighter. They descended on Shirai, vengeance in their hearts. The entire planet was ripped apart by laser weapons, missiles, and torpedoes.

To this day, the once beauteous planet of Shirai remains a desolate wasteland, as not one living thing was left to propagate itself.

At this point, there were 12 'provinces' of Hyperspatial Travel

Golag Shadar Kanaran Shiro Kahla Hardir T'chika Nymola Province 9 Exploratory Regions Outer Area Whitya