East Malaysia

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East Malaysia
Flag of East Malaysia
Motto: "All you need is East Malaysia."
@ Bottom Of Page
Region The East Pacific
Capital Eastrovia
Official Language(s) English, Pig Latin
Leader Emperor Justin Ashton
Population 2.434 Billion
Currency EMD [East Malaysian Dollar] 
NS Sunset XML


Kingdom of East Malaysia-Revolt Era [1826-1829]

The beginning of East Malaysia is when four small kingdoms joint together and formed The Kingdom of East Malaysia in 1527. The Kingdom's descendents peacefully ruled the Kingdom, until King James Kane II started to unrightfully order soldiers to murder rival families, and anyone against his Kingship in 1826. Tyler Bishop of the rival Bishop Family started to ask that the people of East Malaysia join his effort to stop the King, and succeeded, when the King tried to get him killed, but failed and two of the four Kingdoms declared there loyalty to Tyler Bishop and the Bishop Family. On the last days of the war, when Eastrovia was being taken by Tyler Bishop commanded forces and the death toll was rising, the King's soldiers turned against the King and the revolt officially ended when Tyler Bishop gave the "The New East Malaysian Era" speech.

Post Revolt Era [1829-1844]

After the revolt Tyler Bishop issued a new system of government bill to the provisional government, and to the public. The bill passed with the provisional government and the public, the new system of government was put in place three months after the Kingdom fell. When the public voted on who would lead this new system of government, ninety-five percent of the population voted for Tyler Bishop; he was named Emperor two weeks later, and the population agreed that this would be the only time they could vote on who would be emperor. Emperor Tyler Bishop first order was to build a legislative building, which would be called the People's Union, and would have two houses; The Imperial House and The House of The People. The Emperor also ordered the building of the Emperors House, and every new government building in East Malaysia.

Growth Era [1844-1915]

During the Growth Era, East Malaysia was in a time of technological, military, and expansion growth. Technologically East Malaysia was developing computers for governmental uses, and computers for the public; East Malaysia was also starting to lunch satellites, and small spaceships [starships]. Militarily East Malaysia had a growing sea naval force and it's army was larger than ever before; it wasn't a big army at all, but larger than ever before. East Malaysia was in an expansion of territories time, and during this time East Malaysia had set up colonies on Westrovia Island; Westrovia Island added four states when it was fully integrated into East Malaysia in 1903. East Malaysia would also start setting up colonies north of Caven in 1914/15

Tech Era [1915-1935]

Right after the "Growth Era" East Malaysia started to build starship for military use at first, but after five years they opened commercial starship construction yards for transport corporations. East Malaysia opened three spaceport in major cities [Eastrovia, Sava City, and Marlyn Port].

Growth Era II [1935-1955]

The "Growth Era II" was a time of expansion only. during this time East Malaysia fully integrated a former territory that population was 75 Caven; it's the biggest state that East Malaysia has and keep its territorial name North Caven Union. East Malaysia also expanded it territories in the East Pacific to four territories [Raven Territory, Dominion Minor, Kir'Shara Territory, and Hilton Hotels]. East Malaysia also expanded into space, a space colony was set up on a planet, which had been names East Malaysian Prime.

A New Empire Era [1955-1975]

After the expansion into space, East Malaysia officially changed it name to The Star Empire of East Malaysia and completely reinvented and expanded all its spaceports, plus built one in Prometheusburg and on East Malaysian Prime.

Open Era [1975-1995]

The "Open Era" is when East Malaysia started swapping embassies with other East Pacific nations and started to get into international happenings.


After the "Open Era" East Malaysia started to really get into international happenings. The East Pacific government had just set up an judiciary system, and East Malaysia applied one of there judges [Judge Sam Morgan] to the newly set up system, but East Malaysia has since recalled there judge, when the whole [EP] government system was restructured. East Malaysia is a member of the Magisterial Assembly and SSEP. When the Trioni Situation [or EP War II] started East Malaysia was and still is a fully pledged ally of Packilvania, but did bomb Krechzianko's capital, and Krechzianko rouge agents did assonated Emperor Ty Bishop; since then Krechzianko and East Malaysia relations are normal.


Government Type- Imperial Congress Democracy [Democratic Socialists]

Legislative- The People’s Union, which is composed of two houses, the House of The People and the Imperial House are both composed of 245 members. All bills originate in the House of The People, and if passed, the Imperial House then must ratify these; ratified bills finally go to the Emperor for assent, after which it becomes law.

Executive- chief of state: Emperor Justin Ashton (April 3rd, 2005 as Emperor, but was 1st elected in as Prime Emperor in 04/08/03)

Head of Government: Prime Emperor Jonathan Knightly (April 3rd, 2005)

Cabinet: Imperial Seat chosen by the Emperor and then is ratified by The People’s Union

Defense: General B. Greene and Senior Admiral M. Juneburg

Intelligence: Director J. Jones and Director D. Lynn

Diplomacy: Ambassador G. Jung

Foreign Affairs: Director T. Watts

Judicial- The Supreme Court of East Malaysia (chief justice is appointed by the Emperor after designation by the cabinet; all other justices are Elected by the population) Other Judges: are appointed by the Emperor and approved by The People’s Union, and Population

Capital- Eastrovia

Administrative divisions- 1 district* and 11 states; Eastrovia*, South Rovia, Java Coast, Malay Forest, Sava Coast, Westrovia, New Eastrovia, Memore Bay, Hot Spring Coast, North Caven Union, Raven District, Bishop City-County, Kir’Shara

Independent divisions [Major Cities] within the Administrative divisions- Malay Port (Malay Forest), Sava City (Sava Coast), Marlyn Port (Java Coast), Memore Bay City (Memore Bay), Orange City (Hot Spring Coast), Prometheusburg (North Caven Union), Bishop City (Bishop City-County)

Dependent areas- Dominion Minor (118), East Malaysian Protectorate of Caven [Caven] (119), The Republic Protectorate of East Malaysian Prime , The Billion Dollar Corporation of Hilton Hotels

Independence- 1826 (from The Kingdom of East Malaysia ) National holiday- Emperor Kyle Bishop Day, 27 May (1826) - East Malaysia Day, 27 May (Est. 1826)

Political parties- Eastrovian Party (EOP), Peoples Republic Party/ Peoples Liberal Party (People’s RL Coalition), Savaian Conservative Party (SCP), Center-Left Federal Democrat Party (CLFD), No-Freedoms Party (NFP).


-- 19 July 2005 06:23 (GMT)

-- 22:05, 24 Feb 2005 (GMT)