United Galactic States

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United Galactic States
Flag of United Galactic States
Motto: We don't need no stinkin' motto!
None Available
Region Allied Union of Nations
Capital Galactic City
Official Language(s) English
Leader Dr. Michael Tradow, MD, PhD, J.D.
Population 107,000,000
Currency Credit 
NS Sunset XML

Introduction and Background

The United Galactic States have recently emerged onto the international stage as a new government of formerly disperate minor colonies, republics and states in varying degrees of disarray. Under the leadership of Dr. Tradow, the nation has quickly grown to a population of 107 million residents.

The primary commitments of the Galactic States are to freedom, democracy and education. As a holder of multiple doctorates, Dr. Tradow believes in the value of lifelong learning and has committed the future of the States to this goal.


There are three primary federal legislative bodies in the United Galactic States. In order of seniority and influence they are:

The Council of Five

The Council is chaired by the national leader, Dr. Michael Tradow, and as the name of the body suggests, is composed of four additional members. As decreed by its charter, the President of the Union Senate, the Chief Regional Councilor, the Commander General of the UGS Armed Forces and the Chief Justice of the High Court occupy the other four seats on the council. Recognizing the importance of both regional membership and United Nations membership, Dr. Tradow has directed non-voting observational seats be provided for a representative of the Allied Union of Nations as well and the United Nations for open sessions on the Council of Five.

Union Senate

Membership of the Union Senate is composed of one member from each region within the United Galactic States. At present, there are 75 regional delegates to the Senate, though this number changes frequently with population shifts. In the event of evenly split votes in the Senate, when an even number of delagates exists, the matter is referred to the Council of Five for final decision. Presidency of the Senate is determined based on senority. The current Senate President is Marc Andrews.

Regional Council

This body is designed to reflect closely the individual characteristics of residents within the United Galactic States. To this end, membership is fluid, delegations are based on the decisions of regional governments and these governments act in direct response to popular votes. The constitution of the United Galactic States dictates that every region must send at least five delegates to the Council, however these seats can be reallocated in many ways. In the present session of the Council, there are 1,748 delegates each of whom represent approximatly 55,000 citizens of the States. Several proposals are currently being debated within the Council to reform the composition of this body.

Regional and UN Membership

In accordance with the numerous academic lectures Dr. Tradow has delivered throughout his career on the importance of participation in both a world governmental body and a regional union, the government has moved quickly to include the States in both the United Nations and the Allied Union of Nations.

Dr. Tradow's government is committed to continually striving for equality and freedom for all people and nations.