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Population: 18 nations
Delegate: Czardas
Founder: Optima Justitia
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Welcome to the Cosmos regional page. Inhabitants of this region may contribute links, edits, and a history.

World Factbook Entry Cosmos was founded on left-liberalism, and a few of its countries still boast progressive policies such as regulated markets bordering on command economies, socialized health/education, and strong environmental protection. The left-wing/democratic and right-wing/dictatorial nations are currently in a tenuous and uneasy balance, in which the slightest vacillation by an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy will tip the scale one way or another. The official Regional Animal is the Tigerbear (Ursus tigrinus).

Cosmos in NS

Cosmos has not had a very interesting game history. For a long time it had no delegate and no role-playing was conducted. However, among its more unusual inhabitants were Bush rules and all of its puppet nations, who spammed the messageboard with comments such as "Bush rules suckaaaazzzzzz!!!!!11!!11111!1111"; the first delegate, Alotawhores; its own founder, Optima Justitia, who served as delegate for a few months between December '04 and April '05; and Czardas, the current UN delegate. At one point, Cosmos housed dozens of puppet nations of a mysterious entity known only as Juan-Salvador. Other current inhabitants include:

Cosmos is currently beginning a massive recruitment program to attract more active members.

Cosmos, history

The founding of Cosmos was an event witnessed by few and remembered by even fewer. In the mists of the past, a few technologicians from a far-off planet, armed with their knowledge, settled on an abandoned community and built it into the center of Cosmos. Tribe after tribe joined Cosmos, until its glory was complete. Then, suddenly, all records of the Cosmian civilization disappeared. What catastrophe came upon the small and sovereign region? What had happened? No-one knows to this day.

It had taken Cosmos a long time to increase its glory. It would take even longer the next time.

But Cosmos would rise again, until its people became as numerous as the stars in the sky. Or so the legends say.

Miscellaneous statistics

(...more later --Czardas)