Xiang Gang

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The Chinese Republic of Xiang Gang is a nation in the Meritocracy. Although ancient, with a population of nearly 5 billion, it was insular for much of its existence. After a 30-year-long economic boom, the developed economy is now cooling. Government expenditure has increased greatly over the past 5 years as the government turns to the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens instead of improvement of the conditions for big business.

The Republic is a member of the Meritocratic Accords Senate, SATO, the SATO Free Trade Agreement and the SATO Open Borders Convention.

Xiang Gang
Flag of Xiang Gang
not available
Region The Meritocracy
Capital Yongjing
Official Language(s) Chinese
Leader H.E. Lin Ming, President of the Republic
Population nearly 5 billion
Currency Denarius 
NS Sunset XML


Xiang Gang is a free, democratic republic with the rule of law, before which all citizens are equal. Its is a unitary state with three overseas territories.

President of the Republic

The Head of State and chief officer of the Central Government is the President of the Republic. He is ex-officio co-chairman of the State Council, President of the Foreign Affairs Council, Prefect-General of the overseas territories, President of the Academy, Commander of the Order of Honour, honourary mayor of Yongjing and Chief of the Armies. He has control over broad internal policy and all external policy.

The President is elected by popular vote, and may serve only one 6-year term.


The officer charged with the details of the implementation of governmental internal policy is the Premier, who is appointed by the National Assembly on the advice of the President of the Republic. He is co-chairman of the State Council

State Council

The State Council presides over internal governance of all of the Chinese Republic except from its overseas territories. The following sit on the State Council: -

The President of the Republic (co-chairman);
The Premier (co-chairman);
The Director of the Financial Affairs Administration;
The Minister of Internal Affairs;
The Minister of Defence;
The Minister of Public Security;
The Minister of Justice;
The Minister of Transport and Communications;
The Minister of Health;
The Minister of Education;
The Minister of Welfare and Labour;
The Minister of Science, Technology and Research;
The Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Council;
The Minister of Commerce and Industry;
The Minister of Land, Resources, Construction, Public Facilities and Agriculture.

Foreign Affairs Council

The Foreign Affairs Council of the Republic is responsible for the foreign policy of the Chinese Republic of Xiang Gang. It sends ambassadors and consuls, as well as formulating policy and representing expatriate communities. It is chaired by the President of the Republic; its vice-chair is the chief minister-delegate.


Membership of the Council: -

President of the Republic;
Chief Minister-delegate;
Minister-delegate for the expatriate communities;
Minister-delegate for senatorial affairs;
Minister-delegate for senatorial office (where a senatorial office in the Meritocracy is held);
Minister-delegate for the locality;
Minister-delegate for SATO;
Special Minister-delegate for the Overseas Territory of Tchongksin;
Special Minister-delegate for the Overseas Territory of Shaan-xi;
Special Minister-delegate for the Overseas Territory of Foukien;
Minister-delegate for ambassadorial and consular affairs;
6 ministers-delegate without portfolio.

National Assembly


The National Assembly is the supreme organ of state power. Its 1990 members are elected by the additional member system, and are lead by the President of the National Assembly, whom they elect. The President, Premier and Chief Minister-delegate give fortnightly reports to the National Assembly, which has sole authority to create legislation.

The two overseas territories each are headed by a Chief Secretary and two Prefects-General, one of whom is ex-officio the President of the Republic, the other sent by the National Assembly. The Chief Secretary is responsible to the Territorial Assemblies and the Territorial Assembly Governments.

The following political parties are represented in the National Assembly:

Party (Bloc) Number of seats
Democratic Progressive Alliance (Progressive Union) 747
Party for the Free Republic (Free Coalition) 612
Centrist Party (Free Coalition) 340
Socialist Party for Democracy (Progressive Union) 203
Left-wing Congress (Progressive Union) 69
Han National Party (Free Coalition) 9
Party for the People 3
Independents 2
Special Appointees 5
(Progressive Union) (1019)
(Free Coalition) (961)


Armed Forces

The Chinese Republic of Xiang Gang maintains an all-volunteer army, which, although small in proportion to its population, is well-trained. It has the responsibility to defend the mainland and defend and police the overseas territories of Tchongksin, Foukien and Shaan-xi. It is composed of: -

The State Land Force;
The State Naval Force;
The State Air Force;
The State Missile Force;
The State Intelligence Force;
The Overseas Territories Gendarmerie.

Administrative Divisions

The mainland of the Chinese Republic of Xiang Gang is composed of 22 provinces, each of which is headed by a Provincial Governor and a Prefect; the former elected by the residents, the latter appointed by the National Assembly. Each province has a Provincial Governing Council, which is appointed by the leaders of the prefectures.

Each province is composed of several prefectures, each of which is either a 'metropolian area', a 'county' or a 'circuit'.

Metropolitan Area

Metropolitan areas are centred around a large city, and have an elected Mayor and Metropolitan Council. The metropolitan governments have large budgets and manage the area's National Police Force as well as the public infrastructure.


Counties typically cover a collection of close-by large towns, and have an elected Prefect and County Council. The county governments have smaller budgets than the metropolitan, as they have a less-developed infrastructure to manage. They have a degree of control over the area's National Police Force's operations.


Circuits typically cover large areas of sparsely populated land or a chain of small islands, and have an elected Administrator and Administrative Council. The circuit governments have small budgets, as they have a small local infrastructure to manage. They have no degree of control over National Police Force operations, and are policed by the Gendarmerie in most cases.

Capital Metropolitan Area: Yongjing

Yongjing is the capital of the Republic, and the only Capital Metropolitan Area. It has an elected Mayor and Capital Assembly, as well as several City Councils and City Administrators as a lower tier. The metropolitan government has a very large budget, and maintains one of the most extensive, largest and well-developed public infrastructures in the region. The City Governments and Capital Government have a high degree of control over the operations of the National Police Force in the area except on Yongpu Island, which is policed by a special unit of the Gendarmerie.

Yongpu Island contains the National Assembly building and the Office of the President, as well as most key Central Government institutions and offices. A special unit of the Gendarmerie polices the area, to which access is restricted at certain times.

Yongjing CMA is equal in status to a province.

Overseas Territories

The overseas territories of Tchongksin, Shaan-xi and Foukien have a special relationship with the Central Government, which controls primarily their defence and foreign affairs, whilst devolving certain issues to their respective elected Territorial Assemblies and Territorial Governments, headed by Chief Secretaries.

The territories are an integral part of the Republic, and all of their citizens are full State Citizens. The police force of the territories is the Overseas Territories Gendarmerie.

Public Security

The Ministry of Public Security has broad responsibility for public security in Xiang Gang, and is composed of the following departments: -

Department of the National Police Force;
Department of the Internal Intelligence Force;
Department for Organised Crime and Triads;
Department of the Gendarmerie;
Department of Immigration and Domicile Registration;
Department of the National Police Narcotic Bureaus;
Department for International Crime;
Department for Diplomatic Security;
Department for Terrorism;
Department for Emergencies;
Department of the Coast Guard;
Department of the Fire Service.