Tetris L-Shaped Block

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Tetris L-Shaped Block
Flag of Tetris L-Shaped Block
Motto: Lets Play some Tetris Motherf**ker'
Region The Proletariat Coalition
Capital Gameboy City
Official Language(s) Russian English Esperanto
Leader Player
Population 445 billion
Currency Tetrad 
NS Sunset XML

Tetris L-Shaped Block

The Tetris L-Shaped Block is located in the Gameboy Tetris Cartridge, and is a practicaly unarmed but tightly controlled socialist democracy. The L-Shaped Block is ruled by an elected player- who is never seen, but the effects of his lack of checks and balances is seen throuhgt the block. The Capital City is named "Gameboy City" and was named after the cartridge in which the Tetris L-Shaped Block is contained in. It has a beautiful city and somewhat resembles moscow (incidentaly, moscow is where tetris was programed)

A Picture of "Gameboy City"'s beautiful Skyline

Tetris L-Shaped Block is a U.N. Member, but often refuses to vote due to large spread political apaty extending from the citizens to the U.N. delegates.

Tetris L-Shaped Block has traditionaly been called an "8-bit Socialist Democracy", but the U.N. has considered it a "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise" despite the nation's dissaproval of this label


The Tetris L-Shaped block was created when the population of an unstable (ex)nation called "The Red Free States" demanded the rights to "Be 8-bit, Float, Ignore Gravity, and spin at 90 degree angles!" Naturaly the leaders of the free state showed much scorn to the rebels, causeing a civil war. The civil war ended several years later with the Tetris Rebels fleeing the country and takeing refuge in a nearby gameboy cartridge.

Once they arrived, they found that the uninhabited L-Shaped block would make a great home, and started by building the great Tower (showen on the right). The Great "Tetris Tower"

The Tower would stand for 200 years, untill a great war with the now destroyed nations of "Tetris R-Shaped Block" and "Led Zepplin" would cause it's destruction. The war with the previously unknown R-Shaped block would bring mass destruction to both sides, but economic prospherity to the L-Shaped block. Now in Post-War Tetris L-Shaped Block, the country has been able to forge great allyances with the nations of Asian Computer Nerds, Philanchez, and Socialist Freemen



Terrain: Quite Possibly the flattest structures in the known universe, perhapse because its two dimensional...

Climate: Dry in all areas of the Block except the man-made forests where the tetromino's frolic. The extensive heat waves often cause famines.

Natural Resources: Extensive iron, nickel, gold, aluminum, coal, and titanium mines. The mines cost a large fortune of the tax payers money, because the government cares so much about their "Fragile environment"


Population: 554 Million Age Structure: 0-14 years: 17%; 14-64 years: 73%; 65 years and over: 10% Life Expectancy at birth: total population: 89; female: 94; male: 85 Nationality: noun: Tetris L-Shaped Block Citizen/Block Ethnic Groups: White: 45%, black: 32%, Grey: 20%, Dark Grey: 3%, Religions: Government is officially Followers of the Church of Floyd, but people are free to worship how they wish. Church Of FLoyd: 69%, Christianity (various sects): 12%, Judaism: 5%, Islam: 4%, Other: 2%, None: 5% Languages: Official language is Standard Esperanto, spoken by everyone, but everyone in the nation must speak at least 3 languages. Second Languages are as follow Russian: 98% English: 87% Japanese: 60%, Chinese(various dialects): 55% German: 49%, Spanish: 42% Literacy Rate: total population: 97%


Conventional long form: The People's Republic of Tetris L-Shaped Block Conventional short form: The Proletariat Coalition Government Type: Scandinavian Liberal Paradise Capital: Gameboy City Administrative Divisions: 4 Squares, each 8 X 8 px Independence: March 2005 from the Red Free States Suffrage: 16 Chief of State: The Player Elections: Every Game Over Terms: Untill Game Over Political Parties: Socialist Party


Trade: Extensive shipping trade with all nations on the Pacific Rim, especially SouthEast Asia, Australasia, China, and Japan. Primary Exports: Information Technology Primary Imports: Textiles, Lumber, Meat, Dairy Products Currency: Tetrad. 100 Points = 1 Tetrad Currency Code: TETRIS


Military Age: 25 (Universal Conscription) Term of Service: 10 years of government/military service Max. After 6 months of intensive Basic and Advanced Training, the remainder of the 2-year enlistment is taken up with training in a State-provided University. After graduation from University, selected personnel (chosen for proven aptitude and skill) are offered full-time positions in the military services (making the active-duty ranks an All-Volunteer force). One third of active-duty military personnel act as cadre for training and administration of Reservists, and form the professional core of the Reserve ranks in the event of Mobilization. Total Population of Military Age: Approximately 1,200,000 Actual Active-Duty military population: Classified, estimated at 35,000 Total Reserves: Classified, estimated at 45,000