American Corporationz

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American Corporationz
Flag of American Corporationz
Motto: "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Government"
Region The North Pacific
Capital Washington, AT&T
Official Language(s) English & Spanish
Leader K. Luther Zogg
Population Growing Everyday
Currency The Almighty Dollar 
NS Sunset XML


The United States of American Corporationz was officially founded in The North Pacific Region on July 21, 2259, after a very long civil war finally dislodged the socialist, pro-government forces from power. Anti-government forces, backed by several gigantic corporations, quickly assumed control of the country at both the state and federal level.

With the United States of America now gone, many outsiders have publicly criticized this new, libertarian nation. They claim that it is nothing more than a corrupt, corporate oligarchy, headed up by a capitalist madman.

In fact, the United Nations has categorized the entire country as "capitalizt".

On the other hand, the international community has also applauded the U.S.A.C. for its rather progressive stance on social issues, like free speech and drug legalization.


The Constitution of the U.S.A.C., which is proudly sponsored by Blockbuster Video, was put into effect on July 21, 2259. This new constitution replaces the old American Constitution, which was first implemented in 1789.

The very powerful executive branch of the U.S.A.C.'s privatized federal government is taken in the form of the charismatic Prezident K. Luther Zogg, the wealthy Chief Executive Officer and namesake of the U.S.A.C.'s largest corporation: Zogg-Mart.

The Parliament of American Corporationz acts as the nation's legislative branch. As one might expect, it often passes laws that favor big business at the expense of the working poor. However, it does tend to be fairly liberal on non-economic matters. On July 22, 2259, Prezident Zogg strongly advised the Parliament to elect Marvin Muffley as Prime Minizter. Muffley, a political novice, is also the Chief Financial Officer of Zogg-Mart.

The Supreme Court of American Corporationz acts as the nation's judicial branch, but, according to the Constitution, can only convene when one corporation sues another corporation. Citizens, often referred to as "consumers" by the federal government, are expected to settle legal disagreements amongst themselves. Hubert T. Bork, who is Prezident Zogg's longtime attorney, was appointed as Chief Juztice on July 23, 2259, and quickly confirmed by the Parliament the following day.

The capital city of the U.S.A.C. is Washington, AT&T. Other important cities include Verizon's Chicago, BMW's New York, and Taco Bell's Los Angeles. Like the local police, the Armed Forces of the U.S.A.C. can be activated for a fee.


July 26, 2259: Prezident Zogg registers the U.S.A.C. to vote in The North Pacific. The nation also becomes a member of The North Pacific Regional Assembly.

August 1, 2259: Socialist, pro-government forces return from thier brief exile and seize control of Ben & Jerry's Vermont. The rebel state quickly seceded from the U.S.A.C. and formed the Republic of Vermontopia. When asked whether or not he would quell the insurrection by activating the Armed Forces, Prezident Zogg issued this official statement: "Nah. Let the hippies have thier little country. I think it's cute."

August 2, 2259: The U.S.A.C. officially joins the United Nations.

August 5, 2259: Prezident Zogg enlists the U.S.A.C. in The North Pacific Army.