The Palentine

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The Palentine
Flag of The Palentine
Motto: "Cry Havok! and let slip the Dogs of War!"
No Map Available Yet
Region Antarctic Oasis
Capital The 'Burgh
Official Language(s) English and Pittsburghese
Leader Emperor Captain Spaulding I
Population 500 million
Currency greenback 
NS Sunset XML


The nation that would be known as the Holy Empire of the Palentine, was founded by the mighty warrior queen Komoniwannalaya in 1812 when she united the nomadic peoples of the land. The nation pretty much stayed isolated under the mostly apathetic rule of the heirs of the queen. Then one day the last heir died off. The people looked for a savoir to protect them from more agressive nations. Then one day a mysterious stranger arrived in the land. Some said he was a military officer, others said he was an explorer, while still others said he was a degenerate. One thing was for sure ... he was eccentric. He looked around and uttered the immortal words, "Sod this! Lets go where the action is!" Such statements are the stuff leaders are made of; the population unanimously offered him the crown. At that point he became Emperor Captain Spaulding I, ruler of the Holy Empire of the Palentine. The nation moved to Antarctic Oasis shortly afterwards.

Founded as a right-wing utopia, the Palentine is currently a inoffensive centrist democracy. However it has toyed with being a moralistic democracy from time to time. Do not be fooled by labels; the Palentine is a staunchly pro-capitalist, pro-military, evil conservative state. Arms manufacturing and gambling are the primary industries. Mad Scientists ... err, "Science Advisors" are also welcome in the Palentine. The population is armed and has some political and civil rights, but in truth, the government prefers not to intrude too much in its citizen's private lives.