Johnston Island

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The Dominion of Johnston Island is a large economically strong country that is ruled by the Communist Party. Its policies are never outlined to the Public and there are many secret institutions thar are upheld to the ultimate secrecy that not even the Premier is allowed to know about. The Nation was once known as The Forrest Elves when it was ruled over by an Elvan council and President, but shortly after the President was killed the Elvan council was forced out of power and a Democratic Government instated under Asgrimsson.

Johnston Island
Flag URL
Flag of Johnston Island
Motto: E Pluribus Unum
No Map Available Yet
Region Western Europe
Capital Reykjavik
Official Language(s) Elvan, German
Leader Premier Halldor Asgrimsson
Population Over 3.5 Billion
Currency Dollar 
NS Sunset XML


The Federation of the Forrest Elves is a federation of united elf tribes. These tribes fought each other for ages. But since the democratic revolution of High Elf lord Thedran, these tribes united into the Federation of Forrest Elves. He rallied the elves in a struggle against there human dictator. This war against there oppressor lasted for 80 years. After eighty years the war ended and the settled there capitol and named it after there national hero Thedran. He himself died in the war while trying to save some of his soldiers. They were saved but he died trying. Two years ago the country had celebrated its 450 year existence.

The Federation of Forrest Elves fought alongside Munatan in the First Munatan-Madaran conflict. Forrest Elves after the war kept good relations with both Brabant States and Munatan. When conflict started in Moere Forrest Elves, Brabant States, and Munatan joined together and formed the Triangle Alliance.

The Forrest Elves also fought against Dark Eagle in Sun Elves, Shoarma in the Svalvard-Shoarma conflict aswell as several other large conflicts. There was also Several Smaller Conflicts which made Forrest Elves an Imperial power. At its greatest point Forrest Elves Controlled Jan Mayan, Faroe, Malta, and Bearichland (Celtysp). Shortly after the fall of its Imperial powers and the loss of its President the New Parliament quickly changed the name of the nation to reflect the new state and withdrew the country from all alliances Forrest Elves had been a part of.



The Government is a single party state which is currently dominated by the Politburo. They make decisions regarding the internal policies of the Dominion and are based out of the former Althing building. The Premier decides all actions of the foriegn affairs and is only advised by his ministries of what actions to take.

The Ministries of the Domion are: Ministry of War, Ministry of Foriegn Relations, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Security

There is also the Supreme Soviet which meets twice a year to Rule on any laws that are passed by the Politburo and on the actions of the Premier of the Dominion. The Supreme Soviet serves as the Ultimate governing power in the state.

Ministry of War

The Ministry of War is the largest of the ministries in the Dominion. It handles all o the intelligence operations and houses the intelligence Services as a sub-ministry. The ministry of war handles all the armament requirements of the nation making sure that the military is capable of defending the fatherland aswell as the allies of the state.

The ministry employs over 4 million people into its services each with different security levels. Only 25 people in the entire country have access to security clearance X which is the highest security level in the nation. Only 1 man in the Ministry of War has that clearance and his position in the ministry is secured for life by the communist party.

Ministry of Foriegn Relations

This ministry handles all relations with the other nations of Europe. It is the smallest ministry and answers directly to the Premier on how it shall act on the foriegn scene. There is little information on this ministry since its the smallest and is only used on certain occasions.

Ministry of Security

Ministry of Security handles all the internal security of the nation. It carries out counter-espoinage missions in the event foriegn agents do manage to get into the country despite extreme measures taken to keep the states secrets secret. This Ministry monitors all foriegn nationsals from the 5 countries that are allowed to have tourists enter the country and monitors all nationals of the Dominion who leave the country to make sure they are not carrying information vital to the security of the state.

Ministry of Commerce

The Ministry of Commerce monitors all trading that the state carries on aswell as all internal economic actions. It ensures that no illegal trading activity that could hurt the state occurs and makes sure that the economy is running at peak performance. It handles all economic matters inside and outside the dominion.



