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Flag of Roania
Motto: Amor Patriae Nostra Lex (Love of the Fatherland is our only law)
Region Fatal Terrain
Capital The Holy City of Tarnaqin
Official Language(s) Russian/French
Leader HDIM Tsar Adrik Alexei Chyornyev
Population 4.4 billion
Currency Imperial Mark 
NS Sunset XML

The Empire of Roania (proper name: The Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles) is an imperialist nation coextensive with the entire continent of Novar Ohan in the Northern Pacific. It was founded first by Russian, and later by French, colonists fleeing from internal struggle.

A rather introverted and defensive nation, the country consists of 5 States (Roan, Agua, Arquis, Altara and the Sunset Isles), several territories ((Divine Imperial East Africa, the Red Sea States, the Micronesian Federation, and the Divine Imperial Eastern Territories, as well as the Capitol, the Most Holy City of Tarnaqin)), and two Free Cities ((Novaya Archangelsk and White Harbour)).

Its metropolitan territory spans across the entire North Pacific. The Continent of Novar Ohan is bounded on the south by the Pacific, on the east by the Western Marches (locally known as the White Sea), to the west by the straits of Tolemsky, and to the north by the Arctic Ocean. Its closest neighbour is the Republic of Iansisle.

People of Novar Ohan

The Divine Imperium is a land of contrasts, not least amongst its people. There is an entire world's worth of difference between His Divine Illuminated Majesty Tsar Adrik Alexei Adrian Chyornyev and the average Altaran farmer, or indeed that same farmer and a tribesman in the jungles.

Broadly, the key fixation of many citizens of the most blessed Empire is with order. Many centuries of long aristocratic tradition and close cultural ties with the Confucianist states of the East (evidence of this includes the existence of a large Chinese community in the state of Altara) have affected the society of Novar Ohan in that there exists in many places a very united society in terms of cultural and social morès.

This great cultural equality is at its lowest in Arquis, where the lords and commons live almost in parallel worlds to one another; and at its highest in Altara, where the Shattering effectively eliminated the vast majority of the population, with especial attention paid by Death to the ranks of the nobility.

The culture itself has been described as a mixture of Tsarist Russia and pre-revolutionary France. To the Roanians, (to speak vulgarly, as we are forced to do for lack of any uniting word for the entirety of the Imperium's citizenry) though, such a comparison would seem both an insult and a sign of a diseased mind. The Divine Imperium is, for all its faults, a fully democratic society, despite the existence of a mass of meddling nobles and monarchs. Over the past half century, more and more of the nobility have stopped interfering in matters within their territories, seeming content to let the people govern themselves so long as entertainment, profit, and food keep coming.

Unless something interesting happens. Or their local elected official (Mayor, Lord Mayor, Premier, Prime Minister) acts rude. Or they get bored. Or feel like doing something. Apart from those instances, the elected officials are left free to run the country. More of this later.

There are certain similarities between the DIR and the aforementioned nations, though. Firstly, religion is an integral part of society. The Church of Novar Ohan is, despite repeated demands for reform from the Vatican and its officers, one of the largest landowners in the Imperium, controlling almost 5% of the territory (which might not sound over large. However, if that territory was brought together it would roughly cover France from the Pyreenes to the English Channel, with the addition of the Rhineland). This Church is the great column of Roanian internal society, maintaining stability and unity in troubled times. In recognition of this fact its Archbishops and Patriarch always are welcome to address the House of Nobles, despite repeated protests by Papal Nuncios

(More coming.)