The Imperial Race

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The Imperial Race
Imperial Flag.gif
Flag of The Imperial Race
Motto: Imperialists of the World, Unite! ''
Region Pink Floyd or Greater Nova York
Capital Imperialia city
Official Language(s) Russian,
Leader General Secretary of the Imperialist Party George Pita
Population 838,000,000+
Currency Imperial Rubble 
NS Sunset XML

The Imperial Race

For the people see Imperials

The Imperial Race (TIR) is a nation that has been in turmoil recently. After the War in Pink Floyd the Imperial Race was a broken nation Recently under General Secretary of the Imperialist Party George Pita The Imperial race has rebulit itself to its prewar status. Floydians and TIR are currently fighting in a Floydian Cold War. Palixia has described their nation to be "No better then Nazi Germany"


The former Nation of Russia was in famine. Communism returned and soon the nation collapsed again. the Imperialist party began to draw plans for a coup

The Imperialist Revoultion

After a famine in the nation the pesants decieded to revolt they joined a new political movement that was being crushed by the Hapsbergs The Imperialist Party. The New Party was able to finnaly storm the Palace of the Emperor and killed all members of the Imperial Family. from then on the Imperialist Party would dominate the Polotics of the Imperial race. At first free elections where allowed but after one election the Imperialist Paty called them "Counter Imperialist" The People where in the exact same condition as they where before the revolution. Poor, desperate, and angry. However the Imperialist Party survived because of the fact that they gave a scape goat. Communists, Socialists and all those that where opposed to Imperialism. This convinced the people that all of the problems in the world can be traced to one problem, Liberalism. this convinced all people that the Left wing must be crushed at all costs.


Imperialia (formerly Russia) is the Land that the Imperial race has dominence over. It is often refered to as the Motherland. The capital city of Imperailia has monuments to Pita everywhere He is seen on every street corner on everything from ads to Propaganda. The Symbol of Expansion is everywhere on monuments to heros and on areas of Public execution

War In Pink Floyd

Increased tensions with Tetris L-Shaped Block, forced the Imperial race to fight. After a coup in Pink Floyd The Imperial race set out to liberate the region. The after several days and several sleeper cells where placed in the region to observe activites. After several days peace came with the Fith peroiod Agreement.


Imperialism is Facism of the Imperial race. It dominates all corners of The Empire and recently Imperials everywhere have formed terrorist movements to fight for it. the nations most greatly affected are those that fought against The Imperial race in the 4 Day War.

for more, see the full artical


The military consists of 37,200,000 million men. They are mainly consripts who are and are given some training. The heart and soul of the military is its tanks. The military has decieded to go the way of a Soviet military. Massive numbers of Tanks and simply designed aircraft are being built. They navy is one of the largest in the region it has 200,000 sailors and have been using Soviet Style weapons. The militayr also has been improving on the designs of the old soviet weapons. They have been updating tanks and improving on the designs of the Soviets. They have also completed the ultimate tank adiquately named the Apocolypse tank. the thickest armor and 2 of the heavist guns. The Tank is also armed with SAMS for air defense. 10 tanks can defeat 50 of the M 1 Abrams tank.

Military man power

The Black Army- 36,500,000 men. Standard Rilfe AK-47. A Various soviet tanks Mostly T-80 tanks.

Black Air force- 500,000 pilots. MiG and other soviet craft.

Black Navy- 200,000 men. Soviet Craft

ISDM (Imperial Secret Defence Ministry, Unknown number of operatives)- Secret Police. they act as the eyes and ears for Pita. Often refered to as the Imperialist Party Guard they rival the KGB for the largest Intellignce operations. They also are placed to protect Important inslaltaions for example important labs are protected by IDSM troops. they also spy on nations that are problems to the Imperial race.

Church of Floyd and the Imperial race

Dispite the differences. the Imperial race has removed the tenent of Imperialism that would exterminate the religion. to preserve peace the Imperial race shall allow it to continue

The Government and the Party

The Imperial Race is Ruled by the General Secretary of the Imperialist Party. After the Death of the General Secretary Many prominent members of the Party (Businessmen, Military officials, and the Elite) meet and have The Council of Fate as it is called. They Elect a leader from the members of the Council. Once in office, The General Secretary is in office for life. He cannot be removed. What happens most of the time the Military or IDSM threatens members to vote for their candidate. Currently George Pita One of the Founding members of the Party is the General Secretary. He is known for his ruthlessness and hatred for Communism and the Rivals of the Imperial Race. He has Begun a massive industrialization project that strongly encourages (threatens) Corporations to Build factories in the Imperial race. Most notably he mass nearly tripled the size of the military

List of General Secrataries

Vladimer Romanov 1978-200

George Pita 2000- present

World fact Book

GEOGRAPHY Climate- mostly temperate with harsh winters.

Terrain- Mainly Flat lands.

Natural resources- Massive oil and Uranium resverses. Many corperations use The Imperial race because there are little or no environmental laws.

Territoral Waters- 20 miles in all directions.


Population- 838 million

Age sturcture- 0-12 10%, 12-18 15%, 18-70 70%, 70 and above 5%

Life Expectancy- Male- 70, Female- 72

National Noun- Imperial

Races- 99% Imperial. 1% other

Religions- Roman Catholic 99%, 1% Holy Church of Floyd

Literacy rate- 98%


Formal Name- The United Imperialist States of the Imperial Race

Short name- The Imperial Race. UISIR, Imperialist Union

Goverment Type- Corperate Police State

Capital- Imperialia City

Adminstrative regions- 49

Independence from the Glorious Empire

November 4, 1489

Chief of State- General Secretary of the Imperialist Party

Elections- After Death of the GS (held only by the Elite 200 people out of 200 one is chosen)

Political Parties- Imperialist Party 100%

Allies- serinistad, Neferamity,

Puppet states- Urscheler

Rivials- Socialist Freemen, Tetris L-Shaped Block

Laws- No minium wage, no trade unions, Esperanto is outlawed


Trade- Main training Partners Serenistad, Nefermaty, and Urscheler

Main Industry- Uranium Mining, Arms Manufacturing, and Door-to-door Insurance Sales industries

Currency- Imperialist Rubble

Laws- No minium wage, no trade unions, Esperanto is outlawed