The Osage-Yvresse War

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The Osage-Yvresse War

Result Tie (Treaty of Pon'ka O'don Xu'tha)
Tor Yvresse, The C'tan, Menelmacar, Pilon, Thelas the Osage empire, Raem
Tor Yvresse and allies

Regular army: ?
Militia: ?
C'tani allies: ?
Thelasi allies: Several hundred thousand

Osage Empire

Regular army (includes wakongi and normal golems): 4.2 million
Dragons: 6,000
Siege Golems: Twenty
Mon'ce'ho'tonga: 3,000


Osage Empire:
Killed in action: ~100,000
Wounded in action: ~300,000

Other deaths: None
Civilian deaths: None

Tor Yvresse and allies:

KIA: ?
WIA: ?
Civilian deaths: ?

The Osage-Yvresse War (known as the Third Necromantic War in official Osage records) was a conflict between The Osage empire and Tor Yvresse, fought entirely in orbit or around Mars.

The war had its origin in the sending of an Osage asteroid-ship to contact Mars, where it met and conversed with a ship from Auman. As this was going on, the nation of Pilon launched a probe toward the two ships, which was promptly shot down by the Aumanii ship. Auman maintained that the ship was a mining project and none of Pilon's business. Following this, another Pilonese probe was launched. This time, thinking themselves under attack, and having no means of radio communication, the Osage ship shot it down.

As this was going, major inquiries were launched in the Duma, with several nations demanding that the Aumanii explain the situation, and Auman generally telling them to leave well enough alone, in somewhat stronger language.

Following this, a fleet from the nation of Tor Yvresse showed up, and contacted the Osage ship by means of crude telepathy, threatening them. The Osage ship responded with a telegraphic image of many more Osage ships showing up, and were then threatened. All would have been well, but the Yvresse image was transmissted by the Dead - and the Empire had maintained an immense hatred for necromancy ever sense the First Necromantic War, wherein a being known only as the Necromancer conquerered the Empire, and the Second Necromantic War, where his apprentices tried it again.

Thus, Osage fleets showed up, and a brief meeting between the Eldar High Farseer and the leader of the Red Banner was arranged, with the Osage demanding the necromantic practises be given up. Obviously they were refused, and as Iyaana was leaving the area the Osage fleets opened fire.

Immediately the Pilonese, Menelmacari, and C'tan fleets arrived, and as these allied fleets were thrown in more and more Osage fleets arrived an joined the fray, under the command of fleet-generals Irul Kasaros and Mon'hin Da'pa.

The first Eldar fleet was largely destroyed, but with the advent of a second Eldar fleet and two Thelasi fleets, the Osage fleet-generals decided the time had come to end the naval war and begin the ground war. Enlisting the support of Dark Eldar from Raem, the Osage armies were led onto the surface, where they quickly created their own portals, pouring at first men and wakongi, then golems, then finally dragons and siege golems from them. Portals were opened in the sea, and the Mon'ce'ho'tonga, great metal fish, were unleashed, their most notable contribution being the siege of Thelasi Mars.

The ground war was characterised by an initial massive assault gradually being slowed down until peace was offered. Eldar militia initially faced off against Osage ground troops, then Thelasi and C'tan troops joined the fray. During this period, the leader of the Osage invasion, Irul Kasaros, destroyed a necron assault team sent to assasinate him but was then killed by an orbital strike from necron warships.

Peace was then offered by the Star god Asirnoth - in return for a part of Sentinel Two, the Osage armies would withdraw and pay a large indemnity. Peace negotiations are in the process of being finalized as of right now.