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Flag of Listeneisse
Motto: "I Seek the Holy Grail"
No Map Available Yet
Region Warzone of the Defenders[1]
Capital Castle Carbonek
Official Language(s) English, Arimaic, French (regional)
Leader King Parzival XIV
Population 130 Million (as of 29 Sep 2005)
Currency Librum 
NS Sunset XML

The ancient Kingdom of Listeneisse was founded long ago in a hidden area of the world by Joseph of Arimathea and his followers. It became the homeland for the Holy Grail. Many said that it could not be reached except by the grace of God.

Once the Holy Grail departed the world, ascending to the hereafter with King Galahad I of Sarras, the purpose for Listeneisse changed radically. It was no longer the place where the actual Grail was kept, but its holy, solemn traditions and secret rites continued.

Over the centuries, Listeneisse has been challenged, and has failed to adopt to the modernistic traditions of a 'secular democracy,' preferring its theocratic aristocratic hereditary monarchy. The lineage of the followers of Joseph of Arimathea, and the bloodlines of the Grail Companions and Grail Knights who achieved the Quest of the Holy Grail, are paramount to national identity and key to one's life-long religious devotion.

The kingdom is not isolationalist though. Now, without the Grail to safeguard zealotously, many visitors are welcome to Listeneisse. There is a great burgeoning of Tourism. Most bookstores are packed with whole sections about the Grail (alongside the usual Harry Potter displays), gift shops sell replicas of the chalice of all shapes, sizes, and artistic qualities, and tourists eager to see the miracles of the Chapel Perilous and the wild Questing Beast come from all over the globe.

The country is highly militaristic. Many seek to destroy this 'hidden kingdom,' either out of spite for religion, or because they adhere to religions opposed, or at least, are percieved to be opposed, to the faith of the Grail Kingdom.


Three new regions have been added to the Kingdom of Listeneisse since the dissolution of the adjacent state of USSM. First was the admission of Bas Chanticleer and Canardia as Crown provinces. Thereafter followed the absorption of Haut Chanticleer.

  • Castle Carbonek
  • Isle of Joy
  • Western Isles
  • Canardia - 6 Million
  • Bas Chanticleer - 5 Million
  • Haut Chanticleer - 7 Million


Traditional faith is meanwhile represented by the Church of Listeneisse, a Christian faith with deep reverence for the Holy Grail as the symbol of spiritual renewal. A New Age 'universalist' minister, Rev. Josephus White, has been popularly altering the traditional Christian worship of the people, and has even been welcomed by the King in Royal Audience. He preaches of a philosphy called "All-in-All," and besides his television and radio programmes, has a prophetic dream interpretation telephone hotline and website.

UN Participation

The small, growing nation has become very active in UN affairs.

  • Sir Nasciens d'Hermitage is the UN Ambassador for Listeneisse and Regional UN Delegate for Warzone of the Defenders. He also sits on the Board of Trustees for the local chapter of UNA-Listeneisse.

Fact Book

Press Releases & Articles

Current Roleplaying

OOC: Listeneisse is quite a roleplaying-based state. There are a number of independent and semi-interlocking plots going on at all times. Links will try to point to entry points for those trying to follow what's going on, or to current status of the plot.

  • BOMBS WRACK MICROROOSTER! GOVERNMENT IN CHAOS! - Prince Kardiez is dispatched, along with Grail Templars, law enforcement officers and military police battalions to investigate the devastation of a nearby state's governmental collapse. (International Incidents)
  • Conference to get your foot in the door - Sir Eliazar, a member of the KOTHG, attends a rather intriguing and dangerous conference in the state of Otares. (This is Otares' plot, and I strongly suggest interested parties read from the beginning and even TG Otares before randomly dropping in. It's very cool, but very intricate.)
  • Another Red Cross? - Abbott J. D. Omnisterra of the Order of White Monks (OWM) investigates a plan to create another Red Cross agency, apart from the UN IRCO.

Past Roleplaying