Free Republic of Portugal

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The Free Republic of Portugal is the eighth and final Mediterranean State to be admitted to the Allied States. During the battle with Endless Crimes in Portugal, the country was devastated. The heavy fighting and bombing devastated the cities, destroyed infrastructure and essentially turned Portugal into one giant crater. After the provisional government could not restore order, they requested Allied States assistance in rebuilding their nation. Ten years after the end of the Mediterranean Conflicts, July 3rd, 2024, the Free Republic of Portugal was admitted to the State-Senate under the terms of the Alliance Constitution.

The Allied States of the Lowland Clans
Main article: The Lowland Clans
Cities: Graham City, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Cardiff, Limassol, Nicosia, Sarajevo, Athens, Lisbon, Toronto, Quebec City, Vancouver
Member States: Confederation of Canada, Dominion of Wales, Free Republic of Ireland, Free Republic of Portugal, Kingdom of England, Legal Republic, Mediterranean Coalition, Scottish Republic, United Mediterranean Alliance
Sports: The Lowland Clans Stars, Football Federation of the Lowland Clans, Allied States Premiership, Allied States League Championship, Allied States LeagueOne
Military: Allied States Army, Allied States Navy, Allied States Air Force, Allied States Orbital Command