Legal Republic

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The Legal Republic is the ninth and most recent addition to the Alliance. Composed of most of southern Legalese, the Legal Republic was the main territorial body of the Anarchist faction in the Legalese Civil War. After being pacified by the 10th Army Group, the Anarchist faction was disbanded, but still maintained a strong presence in the cultural mindset. After large immigrations of northern Legalites, they estables a complicated form of semi-presidential form, based on replicating the culture of the previous Legal government. Currently under siege by the Quirrith Plague and renewed Anarchist sentiment, President Justin Law and First Minister Anara Popouvel have declared a state of emergency and allowed the Alliance to deploy the 10th and 13th Army groups into the Republic.

The Allied States of the Lowland Clans
Main article: The Lowland Clans
Cities: Graham City, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Cardiff, Limassol, Nicosia, Sarajevo, Athens, Lisbon, Toronto, Quebec City, Vancouver
Member States: Confederation of Canada, Dominion of Wales, Free Republic of Ireland, Free Republic of Portugal, Kingdom of England, Legal Republic, Mediterranean Coalition, Scottish Republic, United Mediterranean Alliance
Sports: The Lowland Clans Stars, Football Federation of the Lowland Clans, Allied States Premiership, Allied States League Championship, Allied States LeagueOne
Military: Allied States Army, Allied States Navy, Allied States Air Force, Allied States Orbital Command