Gwendolyn ni Cunedda

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Gwendolyn ni Cunedda
19 February 1982
Her Most Esteemed Royal Highness, Grand Duchess of Shieldcrest, Her Imperial Highness, Princess of Kuldiga
Marital Status
Married to Prince Peter of Kuldiga

Gwendolyn ni Cunedda is the elder of High King Owain's two younger sisters. She is heir presumptive to the throne of the Resurgent Dream. Constitutionally, she is first in line to the throne of the Resurgent Dream but third in order of precedence, after the High King and the High Queen Consort. She is second in line to the throne of Marlund but fourth in the order of precedence.

Grand Duchess Gwendolyn is known for her extensive charity work and her sponsorship of the Evangelical Methodist Episcopal Church. She also performs a wide range of royal duties for the Danaan Royal and Excalbian Imperial families as well as all of the duties of the chief of state of Shieldcrest.