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Kennyite Orthodox Puritans For Ending Excessive Libertinism (KOP-a-FEEL) is a prominent women's morality organization in the Federal Republic. Its membership, mostly feisty old ladies and militant soccer moms, is pledged "To restore our nation's moral values, by any means necessary" -- although some of the "means" the organization has used in the past could hardly be termed "moral." KOP-a-FEEL is infamous for inciting riots, setting off a political firestorm and calling for the censorship of television after an embarrassing on-air exposure of Vice President Antigone Morgan [1], and for demanding that talk-show host Bill Maher submit to a colonic after calling supporters of the invasion of Chechnya "bad patriots." It also campaigned against the United Nations resolution Outlaw Necrophilia, arguing it was too weak. [2]

KOP-a-FEEL members have collaborated with foreign morality organizations, like the Flibbleite Matrons Of Morality (MOM) and the Gruenberger Mothers Against Weird Shit/Stuff (MAWS).