Makh Allet

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Makh Allet
Flag of Makh Allet
Motto: The country is life.
None Available
Region Thorin
Capital New Thokran
Official Language(s) Modern Du-Hickazn
Leader Jingh Azkabar Kanath
Population 45 million
Currency Vuttsit 
NS Sunset XML

The Kingdom of Makh Allet is a tiny, devout nation, renowned for its complete absence of social welfare. It is a total dictatorship, ruled without mercy by the First Jingh, Azkabar Kanath. After Thingamabobbers's totalitarian government collapsed, it was reabsorbed into Thingamajiggers. However, the land stayed turbulent, and the citizens rejected the Karnbeln's rule. Kanath managed to organize the many factions and establish himself as the leader of the region. To avoid potential nuclear war, the Karnbeln allowed the region to secede once more (the people did not wish to live with "the traitors of Bobbers" anyway), although Kanath decreed that it would go down in Alletian history books as a deadly battle, which ended with Kanath slaying the current Karnbeln. The current population of the country is 45 million. Its national animal is the aquatic leopard and its currency is the vuttsit.


The Crash of Thingamabobbers