Minor Ariddian political parties

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Minor political parties in the Ariddian Isles include:

  • the Morality Party, which advocates a strongly religious, mainly Christian morality. In the PDSRA (Ariddia) and in North-West Ariddia, it is given to fighting atheism and communism, while in West Ariddia it opposes social injustices. The party has mainly moral, religious and social concerns. It has no seats in the Parliaments of the two communist States, but holds two seats in the West Ariddian Parliament. In the PDSRA, it disbanded in 2124.
  • the Ariddian Communist League, a movement which claimed that Ariddia is ready for pure communism, and that the State should dissolve itself. It was present only in the PDSRA, held no seat in Parliament, and disbanded in 2124.
  • the Socialist Party, which exists only in West Ariddia, and is a left-leaning party which aims at bringing the extremes of West Ariddian politics back to a moderate centre. It advocates a free market regulated by social laws – a balanced, moderate capitalistic system. The Socialist Party holds one seat in the West Ariddian Parliament.
  • the National Fascist Party, which advocates an end to immigration, an end to democracy, and a capitalistic system regulated by mild social laws. It exists only in West Ariddia and North-West Ariddia, and holds no seat in either Parliament.
  • the Blank Party, which exists to represent the “blank votes” of those who wish to vote for no-one. It is absent from the PDSRA, but holds one seat in West Ariddia’s Parliament and two in that of North-West Ariddia.
  • the Political Party, a party which deliberately advocates absurd and humorous policies. It exists only in West Ariddia and North-West Ariddia, and holds no seat in either Parliament.
  • the Rainbow Party, which advocates vesting all power into a Parliament made up of citizens selected at random and compelled to serve a three-year term. It exists only in West Ariddia and North-West Ariddia, and holds no seat in either Parliament.

See also