Oriental Football Cup

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Banner for OFC 1

The Oriental Football Cup (zh:東陽蹴球高頗, kr:동양축구고파, es:La Copa Oriéntale de Fútbol) is an international football competition specifically for nations where a majority or a significant and influential minority of the population is of ethnic Han (i.e. RL Korean, Chinese, or Filipino), cultural and/or linguistic heritage. The cup is also extended to countries who host significant Japanese, Malay, Mongolian, Thai, and Vietnamese populations - to broaden the scope of the tournament - to bring peoples of Oriental heritage together in a football sporting event.

The Cup is currently maintained and regulated by the Imperial Football Association of Daehanjeiguk, who founded the cup and hosted the first edition.

At present, five nations are scheduled to participate in the first edition:

External links

soccer-ball.gif The Oriental Football Cup soccer-ball.gif
Editions: 1, 2
Teams: Daehanjeiguk, Ariddian Arctic Islands, Elves Security Forces, Sorthern Northland, Kiryu-shi,
Sokojito and Sokojiwa (소코지토와 소코지와), Taeshan
Related Articles: World Cup, Football, Imperial Football Association