People Pie

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People Pie
Flag of People Pie
Motto: Have a neighbor over for dinner
Region Lazarus
Capital ÊtaÐ (Big Cliff City)
Official Language(s) English, Piiese
Leader Vice President Franklin Failure
Population 950 million plus
Currency Toe & Finger 
NS Sunset XML

The Tasty Rogue Nation of People Pie was born late last century, when a group of rogue cannibals from Western Utah invaded the small island of Âtræd, and declared a nation. The first act was to make cannibalism legal. The nation was an international pariah for decades, through the despotism, however it stayed afloat by catering to the very wealthy amoral minority.

After fourty years, a successful coup-d'etat was waged by General Failure, who remains the national overlord to this day. Over the past few decades, the General has modernized several of the national systems, to create an economically viable nation. The legacy of the nation's founding is still the fact that cannibalism is legal, and each family must, by law, have at least five children in order to keep the elites fed. However, poor Anglos now occasionally are subject to cannibalism as well, and a few wealthy natives have joined the elite ruling class.

General Failure, for all his marginal and ironic success, is getting on in years, and his son Franklin is the de-facto leader. Franklin is attempting to further his father's progress movement, against the resistance of some of the elite, by bringing some limited civil and political rights to the masses, and bringing the military and foreign services into the modern age.