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The Udal's sessions are chaired by a president, who represents the parliament in its dealings with other branches of the government.  The president of the Udal, is responsible for drafting the agenda of parliament and chairing the debates, as well as the ceremonial customs of signing bills into law and dissolving the parliament for elections on the recommendation of the premier.  
The Udal's sessions are chaired by a president, who represents the parliament in its dealings with other branches of the government.  The president of the Udal, is responsible for drafting the agenda of parliament and chairing the debates, as well as the ceremonial customs of signing bills into law and dissolving the parliament for elections on the recommendation of the premier.  
The Udal meets regularly on commissions and multi-partisan group oversight committees.  Its seat of government is in Minsar at the Palace of Alaria.  The Udal consists of 957 seats of which 479 seats are necessary for one party to hold a majority.  Members sit in seven national political parties.  Political parties must have more than 5% of the popular vote to qualify for a seat, thus excluding extreme fringe parties.
The Udal meets regularly on commissions and multi-partisan group oversight committees.  Its seat of government is in Minsar at the Palace of Alaria.  The Udal consists of 657 seats of which 329 seats are necessary for one party to hold a majority.  Members sit in seven national political parties.  Political parties must have more than 5% of the popular vote to qualify for a seat, thus excluding extreme fringe parties.

Revision as of 20:26, 24 April 2005

Flag of Spirius
Motto: Green is Life
Not Available
Region Great Lake Nations
Capital Minsar
Official Language(s) Spiri, English, French
Leader Premier Micheal Theo Vance
Population 152 Million
Currency Durcia 
NS Sunset XML
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Over two thirds of Spirius is covered in dense forest. Pictured here is the Ekin Forest National Park Reserve, Spirius' largest and oldest forest.

SPIRIUS, republic in northwestern Great Lake Nations region, officially the Commonwealth of Spirius. Spirius is a very large, socially progressive nation, notable for its expansive forests and pristine scenery that attracts millions of tourists each year. It has a variety of climates from rain forests to prarie farmlands providing its people with the resource wealth to keep it a major player on the world market. Its compassionate, hard-working, intelligent population hold their civil and political rights very dear, although the wealthy and those in business tend to be viewed with suspicion.

A large private sector is led by the information technology and defense industries, with tourism and entertainment also a close second. The socially minded government concentrates mainly on social welfare, education and healthcare. Its multicultural immigration policies are leading to a dramatically reshaped society. Spirius as an independent nation-state has existed for about 2,500 years under various forms of government. The nation became a republic and adopted the name "commonwealth" after the Blue Revolution 200 years ago. The lynx, native to the Ekin forest, is the country's national animal. Minsar is the country's capital and the largest city.

Land and Resources

Spirius may be divided into four topographical regions. The Lithian Highlands make up the highest region, with the Voral Mountains forming a natural western border. The highest point in the range, and the highest point in Spirius, is atop Mount Kaisehon (2,111 m). To the east of the mountains is a long plateau, which slopes east to the Aerany plains. The Grey Mountains of southern Spirius, along with the three fresh water lakes of Malkin, Anarius and Sidon, are the source of many rivers, which flow northeast to the Vorheim Strait. These rivers, which often have elongated lakes and a number of falls and rapids, constitute a valuable source of waterpower. The principal rivers are Jasaloke, Archerstloke, Dalaloke, Tornlaven, Jatall, and Torvalka.

In north central Spirius is the Jakai Lowland at the fertile Jasaloke delta. The relatively flat Aerany Plains, cut by the Jatall river, constitutes the easternmost border. The lowest elevation point is sea level along the northern coast. The Spirian Archipelago, off the northern coast, contains some 1,000 islands, the largest of which are Trysalven, Skane, Oland, Gamar, Ven, Risolate, Cohglon, Ridyik, and Haiken.


Spirius has a relatively mild climate; winters are wet and cool, and summers are warm and somewhat drier, especially in the south. The average coastal temperature is about 0° C in January and ranges between 16° and 21° C in July. Moist ocean winds bring large amounts of precipitation to the coastal region, especially in autumn and winter. Annual precipitation generally exceeds 2500 mm on the north coast and on Trysalven Island, but is less than 1000 mm in some areas around Lake Anarius.

Natural Resources

The principal natural resources of Spirius are fertile farmland and forests that cover about two-thirds of the country. In addition, Spirius has large deposits of iron and other minerals and abundant sources of waterpower for the production of electricity.


Spirius’ population is composed principally of Malts, Alerians, Lithians, Lohks, and Vendians. Spirius’ immigrant population is increasing rapidly, with approximately 50,000,000 aliens currently living in Spirius.

Population Characteristics

The population of Spirius was estimated at 152 million in 2005. A majority of the population lives along the northern coast, especially in the Jakai Lowlands, the plains of Cardisa and Aerany, and the coastal lowlands of Aleric. Large areas of the western and southern mountains are sparsely inhabited. Some 83 percent of the population is classified as urban.

Political Divisions

Spirius is divided into 21 theaters: Jaikai, Dainthany, Cardisa, Valaris, Torvalis, Koridan, Anaecedon, Lokhmar, Vencolm, Aleric, Jatalgard, Ridvale, Issmark, Malthoria, Isonan, Aldergard, Archerst, Lithica, Varralheim, Vendia Islands, and Trysalven Island. Each theater has a governor and a theater administrative board. The governor, appointed by the central government, is chairman of the board; the board’s 14 members are elected by the theater council. Each theater has a theater council elected by local voters. Theater councils are mainly responsible for overseeing health services. Spirius is further divided into 286 municipalities. Municipal councils, elected by local voters, control local government and taxation.

Principal Cities

The principal cities of Spirius include Minsar, the capital and largest city; Danalloh, an industrial center and seaport; Alerica, a commercial center and seaport. Other major cities include Fenore, Mendon, Malthor, Grentor, Jathsport, and Linmark.


The ancient faith of the Spirian people is Ayorianism, a form of pagan nature based faith, which has experienced a revival in the “New Age” era of spirituality. Today, 41% of the Spirian people identify themselves as Christian. Members of the Roman Catholic Church make up two-thirds of that number, due mainly to massive immigration from Catholic dominated countries. Of the remaining 59% of Spirians, 22% are Ayorian, 12% are Muslim 3% are Jewish and 2% are of various other world religions. A significant minority of the population, 20%, identify themselves as atheists. Spirius has no officially sanctioned religion or state church and government policy has evolved a very strict separation of church and state.


The Spirian people speak primarily Spiri. This language has seven major dialects corresponding to different regions. English and French are the two secondary languages commonly spoken by inhabitants as well as many other world languages.


Organized higher education in Spirius dates from the late 15th century, when the first, and perhaps most influential, Spirian university was founded in Danalloh. Other Spirian universities which received international recognition were founded at Aleric, Minsar, and Venfore. Additional important institutions of higher learning include the Spirian Institute of Technology, the Minsar School of Economics, and the Commonwealth Institute, a medical college; all are located in Minsar.

Education in Spirius is free and compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and 18. Many types of vocational schools provide training for trades. Adult education is extensive. Including the outstanding universities in all its major cities, Spirius has 37 national institutions of higher education. Other institutions, principally “people’s colleges” providing adult education, are administered by municipal governments.


Spirius has developed a modern industrial culture based on natural resources, technical skills, and a sense of quality. The people have tended to maintain provincial traditions and customs because of the isolated location of the country. Spirian society and life are characterized by simplicity and even severity resulting from geographic and economic conditions. Over the centuries, however, Spirian traders have returned with ideas and products that have been assimilated into Spirian culture. In the 18th century French influence was especially important in modifying Spirian culture.


Spirian culture is rich with a variety of cultural festivals that are still celebrated from the old Ayorian faith. Durvan’s Day, a spring festival celebrating the god of the forests, has remained hugely popular as a national holiday. Great parades and flags of bright green and brown are flown across cities on Spirius, while camping and outdoor activities with friends and family are promoted. Malkane, the Spirian harvest festival is celebrated with a week of feasting and bonfire activities. Salhorgod, a festival which focuses on remembrance for one’s ancestors has also become a national time of morning for those lost in the service of the country and during war. Christian festivals are also widely celebrated in the country. At Christmas, in many large Spirian cities, a host of outdoor concerts, dinning, lights and fireworks displays, are offered, which last from the beginning of Advent to the Epiphany, and attract large numbers of tourists each year. Easter is particularly noteworthy as city squares fill with crowds for large Masses and celebrate the Stations of the Cross through the streets. The feast day of St. Matthew, the patron saint of Spirius is also widely celebrated.

In recent decades huge numbers of immigrants have brought their cultures to Spirius and, encouraged by the government, have publically celebrated them. Aleric, the largest multicultural city in the Great Lake Nations, boasts nearly a hundred different cultural and religious festivals and has earned it the title "the party city". In keeping with its welcoming atmosphere for immigrants, World Day has become a national celebration of newly arrived Spirians and all cultures of the world.

Spirius’ national holiday is Commonwealth Day, celebrating the birth of the republic and the modern country. Jashim Day, originally the celebration of Admiral Jashim's victory of the Spirian navy over a Lyrelian fleet, has become a celebration of the military in general. The SAF parades itself through the capital and other major cities while patriotic songs are sung by choirs and marching bands. Korvis Day, the celebration of the birthday of Spirius' greatest hero and king, has also become a patriotic celebration of the public servant.

Free Day, an unofficial holiday, started by conservative groups to celebrate Spirius' long historic tradition of freedom and liberalism, has become the favoured day for radical left-wing protests, anarchist parades and hipppie gatherings.


Spirius has an urban industrialized economy based primarily on extensive forests, rich iron-ore deposits, and abundant waterpower resources. Although more than 90 percent of Spirian industry is privately owned, the government exercises substantial control over the economy to moderate economic fluctuations. Although Spirius enjoys one of the world’s highest standards of living, the country has been experiencing a serious recession. The Spirian government has responded with austerity measures and a reassessment of its traditional commitment to full employment and the welfare state. The government budget in 2004 was $843.5 billion and expenditures reached $818.2 billion.


Spirius is nearly self-sufficient in agricultural products although only 7 percent of the land is cultivated. Scientific farming, including intensive fertilization and mechanization, makes possible good crop yields despite poor soil, rugged topography, and a short growing season. Agriculture is intensively developed in the northern and eastern lowlands, especially in the fertile eastern plains of Aerany.

Spirian farms vary in size from large estates to small farms. In recent years, many small farms have been combined into larger units. Most agricultural production is for domestic consumption. About 3 percent of the population is engaged in agriculture, forestry, and fishing.

Forestry and Fishing

Spirius has the largest timber reserves in the Great Lake Nations, and is its largest producer of timber products. Forest products account for substantial portions of Spirius’ yearly industrial output and exports. Timber production in 2004 was 60.2 million cu m (2.1 billion cu ft); about one-half of the logs are made into lumber and the other half are used in making paper. The most productive lumbering areas are in the lower slopes of the western highlands and in the Aleric region. Timber-processing plants are concentrated along the coast of the Gulf of Archerst; some of the many rivers that flow into the gulf are used to supply the mills with power.

In 2004 Spirius’ fish catch totaled 412,153 metric tons. Herring made up about two-thirds of the annual catch; other fish caught include sprat, cod, trout, and mackerel. Evrin, Grentor and Malachin are important fishing ports.


Mineral production is very important for both domestic use and foreign trade. Extensive high-grade iron-ore deposits are located in central and western Spirius, notably around Varralhaven and Adanaco Lo. The country also contains an estimated 15 percent of the world’s uranium reserves. In 2004 mineral production included 13.9 million metric tons of iron ore, 280 metric tons of silver, 86,600 tons of copper, and 100,000 tons of lead. Zinc, gold, crude petroleum, and iron pyrites also were produced.


Manufacturing has become increasingly important in Spirius since the 1880s. The value of manufacturing has increased by more than 2 percent annually since the mid-1960s, and as the 1980s ended Spirius was one of the most industrialized countries of the Great Lake Nations region. Manufacturing output decreased, however, during a persistent recession in the early 1990s. While facing increased competition for its manufactures, Spirius maintains the industrial advantages of high-quality domestic raw materials and skilled labor. In the early 1990s about 18 percent of the workforce was employed in manufacturing. Most of the manufacturing plants were privately owned, and the majority were small. Spirius is a producer of high-quality steel; the annual output of crude steel was 4.3 million metric tons in the early 1990s. The principal manufactures by value of production in the early 1990s were transportation equipment, food products, paper, machinery, metal products, wood products, chemicals, electrical goods, and printed and published material. Important manufacturing centers include Mendon, Danalloh, Linmark, Iliandil, and Fenore.


Spirius is rich in waterpower resources, and 47 percent of its electricity is produced in hydroelectric facilities. Some 46 percent is generated in nuclear power plants; however, a decision has been made to phase out nuclear power plants in Spirius by the early 21st century. Total annual electricity output in 2004 was 143.9 billion kilowatt-hours. Because of stringent environmental legislation, the lack of further hydroelectric resources, and the government’s desire to phase out nuclear power, Spirius is developing alternative sources of energy.

Currency and Banking

The basic monetary unit of Spirius is the durcia, which is divided into 100 pennies (2.62 durcias equal U.S.$1; 2005 average). The central bank is the Bank of Spirius in Minsar. It issues currency and determines monetary policy in cooperation with government officials. Spirius also has several commercial banks with many branches, in addition to savings banks and a few other types of banking and loan organizations. The main stock exchange is in Minsar.

Foreign Trade

Foreign trade is very important, and Spirius is a member of the Great Lake Union (GLU) and the Haratine League. In 2004 exports earned $167.6 billion and imports cost $159.7 billion. Principal exports of Spirius include transportation equipment, primarily automobiles; paper and paper manufactures; chemicals; raw and processed forest products; electronic sound equipment; iron and steel; power-generating equipment; and ships. Leading purchasers are Freedoomers, Ameracadia, Cyrus, U-Ville, and Efrafria. Chief imports are chemicals, petroleum and petroleum products, transportation equipment, food products, computers and office machines, and clothing and accessories. Leading suppliers are Ameracadia, Freedoomers, Efrafria, AquaL, and Saltwater Seaway. Spirius has the largest trade surplus in the Great Lake Nations region with $7.89 billion.


Spirius’ transportation facilities are concentrated in the northeastern third of the country. Spirius has about 210,760 km of roads, of which 14,577 km are national roadways. In the early 1990s about 4 million motor vehicles, including about 3.6 million passenger cars, were in use. Railroad trackage totals 9,821 km, virtually all of which is state owned; approximately three-quarters, including the principal rail lines, is electrified. Inland waterways include the Jathsport Canal, which connects the Malkin Sea with Lake Anarius; although the canal is important chiefly as a tourist route, it serves some local commerce. The Spirian merchant marine has a total displacement of 2.7 million gross registered tons. Alerica and Grentor are the leading seaports. Numerous ferries ply the waters of the Vorheim Strait between Spirius and its 1000 islands. In addition, the country is financing a bridge and tunnel project that will link the mainland to Trysalven. It is one of the largest infrastructure projects in the Great Lake Nations.


In 2004 Spirius’ 94 daily newspapers had a combined circulation of 30.9 million. Some of the influential dailies were Expressen, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, and Svenska Dagbladet, all published in Minsar; Göteborgs-Posten and iDag, in Göteborg; Sydsvenska Dagbladet and Arbetet, in Malmö. The Spirian Telecommunications Administration provides telephone and telegraph services. Radio and television service is provided by three independent companies under a privatization plan.


In 2004 the employed Spirian labor force totaled 14.8 million persons. Of the workforce, about 26 percent were engaged in manufacturing and other industries, and 62 percent in providing community, social, economic, and personal services. About 9 percent were employed in the business and finance sector. About 3 percent worked in farming, forestry, and fishing. In 1989, about 81 percent of all Spirian workers were unionized, according to the International Labor Office—the largest percentage of unionized workers of any Great Lake nation. Working conditions and labor-management relations are generally excellent and strikes are rare.


Spirius is a representative democratic republic. The nation’s official name, which was adopted when the new constitution came into effect, is the "Commonwealth of Spirius” but its conventional short form is simply “Spirius”. All Spirian citizens 18 years of age and older are permitted to vote.


The Spirian constitution is a complex set of written and unwritten codes. The unwritten common law is the basis for all civil and criminal laws and developed over centuries of precedents in local courts. Spirius’ old governments were based on unwritten codes. All Acts of the Udal (Parliament) are considered constitutional and that tradition continues to this day.

A watershed in Spirian constitutional history occurred with the outbreak of the Blue Revolution. The Udal with popular support began to institute liberal democratic reforms, voted to abolish the monarchy and declared Spirius a commonwealth. The executive powers of the monarchy were transfered entirely to the Udal. The new powers were strictly controlled and limited under the Ecurian Charter. Adoption of the Ecurian Charter marks the beginning of what is referred to as the new constitution, though it does not invalidate any previous acts of the Udal. Subsequent acts for creation of the Supreme Court and the Court of Auditors has expanded the written portions of the constitution. The demand for more individual rights and freedom from tyranny of the government, which dominated the demands of the Blue Revolution years, led to the adoption of a constitutionally entrenched bill of rights known as the Spirian Covenant of Guarantees. The covenant sets out all of the rights and freedoms that have evolved through convention and customs that cannot be revoked by the Spirian government.


The Ecuria

The executive functions of the government are carried out by the Ecuria or executive council, which functions similar to a cabinet. The Ecuria is responsible for proposing legislation to the Udal, for managing and implementing policies and the budget, enforcing Spirian law (jointly with the Court of Justice), representing the country and the government on the international stage, and for negotiating treaties and other agreements. The Ecuria consists of twenty-two members, assisted by 24,000 civil servants, and is chaired by the premier. Members of the Ecuria are known as ministers. They usually have all held political positions before in their theaters of origin and usually, though not always, hold seats in the Udal. There is no set term limits for the Ecuria, since its members are appointed by the Udal and the premier, but the constitution mandates that a new Ecuria must be appointed at the opening of each session of the Udal, which in practise is usually every three to five years. The Ecuria is politically answerable to the Udal and attends all of the sessions of the parliament where it must clarify and justify its policies. It also replies regularly to written and oral questions posed by MPs.

The Premier

The presiding officer of the Ecuria is the premier. The premier is responsible for organizing the Ecuria's agenda and chairs its proceedings. The premier is usually the leader of the party with the largest number of seats in the Udal and must have the confidence of the Udal. The Udal appoints the new Ecuria during its first sitting after the elections. The premier nominates ministers for each seat on the Ecuria and the Udal approves or rejects them. By convention, the premier appoints one from each of the theaters. It is up to the premier to decide which minister will be responsible for what policy area and to reshuffle these responsibilities if necessary. The Ecuria meets once a week in the capital city of Minsar. Each item on the agenda is presented by the minister responsible for that policy area and the Ecuria takes a collective decision on it. Because of the transfer of executive power, from the monarchy to the Ecuria during the Blue Revolution, the premier is effectively the nation's head of state as well as the head of government and fulfills all the ceremonial functions of a chief of state, except for the signing of bills into law and the dissolution of the Udal.


The Parliament, also known as the "Udal", is the legislative branch of the government. As the law making body it has the responsibility for drafting and approving legislation, supervising and overseeing other government institutions, has authority over the budget and can aprove or reject the Ecuria members, as well as Justice and Auditor nominees. Members are directly elected by the people of Spirius through proportional representation. Elections must be held at least once every five years but the Udal often dissolves on the request of the premier and Ecuria.

The Udal's sessions are chaired by a president, who represents the parliament in its dealings with other branches of the government. The president of the Udal, is responsible for drafting the agenda of parliament and chairing the debates, as well as the ceremonial customs of signing bills into law and dissolving the parliament for elections on the recommendation of the premier.

The Udal meets regularly on commissions and multi-partisan group oversight committees. Its seat of government is in Minsar at the Palace of Alaria. The Udal consists of 657 seats of which 329 seats are necessary for one party to hold a majority. Members sit in seven national political parties. Political parties must have more than 5% of the popular vote to qualify for a seat, thus excluding extreme fringe parties.


The Spirian judiciary is entirely independent of the other branches of government and comprises a three-tier system of courts: the Supreme Court, six courts of appeal, and district and city courts. The Supreme Court is the court of final appeal in all cases and may also consider new evidence. The appeals courts, in addition to having appellate jurisdiction, are responsible for the administration of the court system in their areas and for the further training of judges. District and city courts are courts of first instance. They are presided over by judges who are assisted by a popularly elected panel, usually consisting of from three to five laypersons.

The Spirian judicial system has an official known as the ombudsman. This official’s duty is to oversee how the courts and administrators observe and apply the laws. An ombudsman may investigate complaints by any citizen and initiate investigations and can bring evidence of error or wrongdoing before a court. An ombudsman is appointed by the Udal for a term of four years.

Court of Auditors

The Court of Auditors, which is an independent branch, checks that all of the Spirian government’s revenue has been received and all its expenditure incurred in a lawful and regular manner and that the government’s budget has been managed soundly. Members have all worked for auditing institutions and are specifically qualified for that work. They are appointed by the Ecuria and confirmed by the Udal for three year terms after which they may be re-appointed.

Local Government

Each of the 21 theaters in Spirius is governed by an administrative board appointed by the central government, in conjunction with a popularly elected theater council. Local government and taxation are provided for by the constitution. Towns, cities, and rural districts within the theaters constitute communes and also have popularly elected councils.

Political Parties

For years, the leading Spirian political groups have been the Greens, which hold the largest number of seats in the Udal (426), and the Social Democratic Labour Party. Other influential groups include the Free Alliance, Christian Democratic, Liberal, Progressive, and Socialist Reform parties. There are also small extreme right-wing and left-wing parties. (See also Spirian political parties)

Health and Welfare

Spirian social-welfare legislation has been extensive, ensuring that all citizens receive old-age pensions, health insurance, and workers’ compensation disability benefits. An unemployment-insurance plan is subsidized largely by the government but administered by the trade unions. Other social-welfare provisions include subsidies to families who are raising children, maternity benefits, and government-subsidized low-rent housing.


The military is formally integrated into the Spirian Armed Forces or SAF, combining the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. The SAF currently has about 300 000 active combat ready personnel and is open to all citizens without discrimination, provided they can pass rigorous physical and psychological testing. Service in the SAF is voluntary. Due to its generous scholarship programs and high salary rates, it continues to attract men and women from all over. The SAF routinely assists in conducting scientific research and its officers routinely hold degrees in engineering, mathematics and the natural sciences.

The SAF command is headed by a Chief of Defense Staff or CDS, who is responsible for military strategy as well as command, control and administration of the entire Forces and implementing government decisions. The CDS advises the Minister of National Defense on military requirements, capabilities, options, and the possible consequences of taking or failing to take an action. Whenever required the CDS advises the premier and Ecuria directly on military developments.

The commander in chief of the SAF is the premier, who as the chief of state, has the formal authority to command the Armed Forces. The premier, however, has little power without a mandate from the Ecuria. All major decisions involving foreign policy, military action, warfare and the distribution of peacekeeping forces to other nations must be approved by a majority vote of the Ecuria. The Ecuria has a whole has the authority to command the troops, as legally the Ecuria has the powers at one time endowed to the monarch. In practise, it is rare if the Ecuria does not follow the lead of its chairman.


First Age

For a period of approximately 1000 years, the peoples of Spirius: the Malts, the Alerians, the Lithians, the Lohks, and the Vendians lived in unlawful anarchy and barbarism. The five main tribes of peoples colonized the land separately and often fought amongst each other. The Malts inhabited the southern region around the Malkin Sea, founding the cities of Malthor and Shietfore. The Alerians settled in the northern most Aleric region and built the cities of Eliana and Aissur. The Lithians remained largely uncivilized and settled along the western forests, Voral Mountains, and the Lithian Highlands. The Lohks settled in the northeastern region and build the cities of Mendon, Meilar, and Naisur. The Vendians originally settled on Ven Island but began invading and settling in the area east of the Lohks, founding the cities of Danalloh, Dalniff, and Dendolf. The more advanced Vendians, using longboats found Lohk cities along the coastal islands to be easy targets for raids and piracy. After a few centuries, the Vendians managed to conquer most of the Lohk cities and assimilate them into their culture.

Little advancement of knowledge was done at all during this period. Towards the middle of this Dark Age, the Vendians who were primarily a warrior culture fractured by rival clans, began to unite. The unlikely Acares clan, who had never been a strong house, began to grow in numbers and strength, under the leadership of Fendomir the Elder. Within several generations, the Acares clan had come to dominate the Vendian tribe through war and well-arranged marriage alliances. Fendomir the Younger began the process of conquering and uniting the nearby Alerians. A series of wars between the Lohk-Vendians and the Alerians that lasted for half a century finally resulted in the adding of the Aleric kingdoms to the Lohk-Vendian kingdom.

Rise of the Dasseric Kingdom

The Lohk-Vendian kingdom known as the Dasseric Kingdom, after Lord Dasseri, was proclaimed and the earliest formations of the Spirian culture and nation began to emerge. Dasseri is regarded as the first king of Spirius, although this is not historically accurate. The Dasseric Kingdom saw the origins of the modern Spirian system of government and land distributions develop. The warrior culture of the Vendians called for each village or town to have councils of elders, almost always former warriors, who had distinguished themselves in battle. Such councils were known in the Vendian tongue as a "Udaltorts". It used to be believed by leading anthropologists that the Vendians had largely developed the thetar system of land organization, but this has now been disputed by archeological evidence found at the Mendon dig. It appears as though the Lohks utilized this method centuries before the Vendian invasions. Under the Vendians the main fortress-castles of the local warriors would be centrally located in the largest city or town and other smaller towns and villages along with communal farmland and common pastures would surround it. This system allowed for the maximum protection of the lord’s peasantry by closing the distance between the unarmed peasants and the lord’s soldiers, as well as reducing overcrowding into small areas of land near the fortress. By the time of the conquering of the Alerians there were nine thetars each controlled by lords of other clans but subservient to Calidan II and his Acares clan centered in Danalloh.

The Clan Wars

The death of Calidan II and the inability of his son Calidan III to reign in the growing challenges of the other clans, led to the end of the Acares clan dominance. The other clans began to fight the Acares for control of the kingdom. Over the next century, the thetars of the Dasseric Kingdom would plunge into bloody clan wars, known as the Wars of the Green Crown (the Green Crown was so named for the emeralds built into it and has since been a color of Spirian royalty). The end of the war resulted in the rise of the Heldon clan under Waslid, but it was a short-lived victory. Just weeks after Waslid proclaimed himself king, the clans united against him. The leaders of each clan vie for control of the kingdom allying and re-allying with each other over time. During this period, the Dasseric Kingdom has no recognized head of state and each thetar is regarded as independent entities. The capital city of Danalloh is destroyed by rival clans along with Linmark and others. After years of violence, Durvan, chief of the Heldons, finally conquers the last of the thetars and reunifies the Dasseric Kingdom. The Heldon clan became the prominent one but no clan ever again held the absolute power that the Acares did. The new capital became the Heldon home city of Alerica.

Golden Age of Alerica

The Heldons centered in Alerica began unifying the kingdom by looking for conflicts outside the kingdom’s borders. They began to construct a series of defensive forts along the open border with the Aerany plains to prevent barbaric invasions and encouraged further exploration of the forests. Within a few centuries the Dasseric kingdom had been revived and was beginning to colonize deep into the Lithian highlands. There, colonists met some resistance from Lithian peoples, which prevented heavy settlement until well into the 3rd age. The Lohtvan kingdom lasted only another hundred or so years until it collapsed under the pressure of invasions from the east. Aerany tribes descended on Danalloh and swarmed across the country. It took seventy years for the Dasseric clans to revolt and regain their country from the Aerans.

The Second Age

The second age was marked by a period of darkness in which the thetars of Spirius were controlled by local lords with only a cultural connection to each other. They had thrown off the bonds of tyranny but anarchy and lawlessness prevailed. The forests of Spirius were filled with robbers and thieves who evaded capture in the towns and major cities. It was a dangerous time, when diseases were at large and war between thetars was common. Thetar sizes increased mainly due to conquering and annexation. Spirians further refine the sail and the development of new shipbuilding techniques allows for greater navigation and trade. Coastal cities like Danalloh, Grentor, Venfore, Malachin, Alerica, and even Minsar on the Jasa become larger and more commercial, which kept them strong and independent of any federation. The mystic religion of Ayorian began to form from remnants of other primitive pagan beliefs and continued to grow and evolve as each new tribe was added to the race of Spirians. Religious conflicts were also not uncommon and at times different Orders engaging in dark practises fighting amongst each other. Priests and priestesses were often advisors to the kings of the thetars and attempted to predict the outcomes of battles and wars.

Meindar the Dainth

The thetars remained divided and weak for close to 200 years. Raids and attacks by nearby Aerany tribes made the time more bleak and the weakened thetars barely able to defend themselves. Throughout this time prophecies began predicting that a savior would arise to lead the Spirians to greatness. This man would be the rightful king of the Spirians and all of the people would flock to his banner. Legends claimed that the Nihmur would make him immortal until his task had been completed. This man came in the form of Meindar the Dainth, the son of Gredriden. The priest Agorius supposedly told Meindar that he was indeed the one blessed by the Nihmur and from that day Meindar became fearless, convinced that he could not be killed. He led his father’s army against invading Aeran tribes and with an alliance of thetars, drove them from the eastern Namrin forest. Soon after his father died and he succeeded him. Meindar rallied the other thetars to him. Some followed and some did not. The ones that did not were conquered so that by the time that Meindar was an old man, he had united the Spirians from the Lithian Highlands in the west to the Namrin forest in the east. In every battle, Meindar was there to command and was never once injured while leading a charge. He was seen as the fiercest warrior because of the chances he took. Meindar died at the Battle of Yaoftik, when he was trying to invade the Aeran city and gain more territory for Spirius. That invasion was believed by most of his advisors to be unnecessary and many attribute this to his death, claiming that the Nihmur believed he had completed his task and lifted his immortality.

Fall of the Dainth Clan

Meindar the Dainth’s son Draden was an equally able warrior and administrator who continued to oversee the strengthening and expansion of the Spirian kingdom. Draden was the first king to consult a Udaltort before engaging in a war with the Malts. Over the next few generations the Dainth clan’s power continued to be strong until Dayrious the Wise, who had no sons or daughters, named Fiefgod of Isonia, his heir. This started a war of succession between the clans of Isonia and Dainth for the kingship. It ended with the Isonians winning and reducing the Dainths to a mere fraction of their original size.

Kingdom Expands

As time passed on, the territory of the Spirian kingdom gradually increased in size subduing the Malts and the various Ekin peoples and integrating them into Spirian culture. Although the Spirians attempted to assimilate other tribes, they often found that the conquered tribes had as much to offer their culture and the two wound up blending rather than eliminating the lesser ones. By the mid to late second age, the Spirian kingdom had expanded considerably from its early start as a loose confederation of thetar kingdoms to a powerful and highly bureaucratic federation. Spirians, although plagued with internal problems, were beginning to look beyond their borders and see themselves as a nation. They were also considered to be expert sailors and seamen and Spirian ships were viewed at this time as some of the best constructed for war or peace.

Rise of Lyrel

During this period, the Lyrelian Empire had been on a steady rise from obscurity. Its sailors and merchants had become masters of seafaring and in the increasing competition for ports and markets with their Spirian neighbours, the two were drawn into conflict. Lyrel had made the jump from an alliance of kingdoms (both conquered and united) to a powerful centrally governed state sooner than the Spirians. The Lyrelian emperor had created a standing army and was using this new powerful tool of warfare to consolidate his power over the regional kings and threaten other neighboring powers. To add to this precarious situation, diplomatic relations between Lyrel and Spirius had been badly injured when Lyrel had supported an invasion of Aerian tribes across the eastern Namrin forest in an attempt to weaken the Aerany tribes and colonize the plains. The plan resulted in heavy losses on both Spirian and Aerian armies and the repulsing of the invasion. It also provided an opportunity for Spirian soldiers, who were still an unregulated band of peasants and warrior chiefs, to gain battle experience that proved helpful in the ensuing war with Lyrel.

First Lyrelian War

The First Lyrelian War was the inevitable clash of opposing empires each desiring to rid the other from the sea. The conflict began when merchant ships between Spirian and Lyrelian attacked each other in the Bay of Duihuin. Not long after, merchant ships from each nation were attacking the others. King Harmond the Valarian, ordered a fleet of ships to be gathered and readied to make war on Lyrel. Lord Jashim the Blue (so named for his expert seamanship) lead the armada, which consisted of nearly 1200 ships, mainly merchant ships refitted for battle with a few warships. The fleet set sail for the Lyrelian coast from Minsar. The fleet sailed down the Jasa Loke and into the Bay of Duihuin, then attacked and raided Lyrelian cities on the mainland. The fleet was met by a lesser Lyrelian fleet of 500, however due to poor weather conditions and a lack of knowledge about the coast, half the Spirian fleet was lost to shipwreck and the rest was defeated by the Lyrelians. The campaign was a disaster, but it did not leave Jashim totally humiliated. Jashim retreated from the battle with 287 ships and remained abroad to continue his raiding campaign, which proved much more successful. His massive fleet patrolled the waters around the Southern Acary Ocean severally crippling Lyrels ability to trade by sea.

This opened the second theater of the war, which came when the Lyrelian professional army began marching toward the southern boarders of Spirius. The massive army was nearly ten times the size of every available Spirian force united together. However Jashim’s pirate force had intercepted orders that revealed the plan. He sailed his navy into the Bay of Duihuin and landed his sailors along the coast. The men used guerilla tactics to delay and slow down the forces. By then, the Spirians had mounted the best defense that they could. The forces of King Harmond manned a series of forts that spanned the Torvalka Loke, but the forts fell to the superior numbers of the Lyrelians. The retreat was made into the forests of the Kattery where battle lines would be drawn that would remain the rest of the war. More battles between Jashim’s navy and the Lyrelians occurred throughout the course of the war and it was at the famed Battle of the Rhoaltar, where the two navy’s slugged it out in what has been recorded as the most savage battle ever. Jashim defeated the Lyrelian commander Otan and gained unparalleled glory. His song, the Song of Jashim (or “Jashimmuir” in the Spirian tongue) has been enshrined as the unofficial national anthem.

The war ended in stalemate with both sides admitting they could not win. On the coastal-front Jashim had kept Lyrelian merchants poor but failed to make any substantial territorial gains. On the border-front the Lyrelians had been tied down in dense forest and “scorched-earth” policies that left them unable to hold on to their territorial gains. Some land did change hands. The Spirians gained control of several islands of the coast of Lyrel, which they outfitted with fortresses and naval harbors, while Lyrel gained control of the Delmoin and Torvalka Lokes expanding their territory dangerously close to Spirian cities.

Second Lyrelian War

The Second Lyrelian War broke out twelve years later, mainly due to infractions of the original treaty but also due to the aggressive nature of their leaders. King Harmond died and was succeeded by his son Denthar, called “the Fat”, who had commanded the defense force during the first war and sought to expand Spirius’ power. He had seen the advantage of a professional army and attempted to create one for Spirius, but was checked by the Udal. The nobles and landowners of the thetars were not interested in relinquishing their power over the king, who needed their support for any war, and would not tolerate the conscription of their peasants. Instead in true Udal fashion, a compromise was arranged. A semi-standing army was created instead. The army would be allowed to be commanded by the king as long as it remained the size of a usual thetar army and require Udal approval for any military action. This force would be enough to man and protect the fortresses and castles and would be drawn from the urban poor, as well, the nobles and thetar councils would be in charge of appointments for commissions. During times of war the King would ask for a summons from the Udal, which would then grant him the remaining soldiers which could be conscripted from his peasants and trained by the standing soldiers.

The Second Lyrelian War was much more continental in scale. It involved nearly all neighboring dukedoms, princedoms and fiefdoms. By its end, the Spirians had established a nearly permanent defensive boarder along the Torvalka as well as expanded control of the Grey Mountains and its resource rich territory. The Lyrelians on the other hand had added Laerus, Sidon, and portions of upper Creetoria and two of the Fenian states to their empire. The war ended with the Peace of Sprigvie.

Third Lyrelian War

Three years later the Peace of Sprigvie had been violated by roving bands from the Creetorian kingdoms (Creetoria was a member of the Lyrelian Empire). It was a surprise and unprovoked attack by Lyrelians on the boarder towns of Andor and Numinen. The two towns had seen their share of disaster during the first two wars, but had not expected such dangers during peace.