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Flag of Zhengia
No Map Available Yet
Region Lazarus
Capital Landfall Citadel
Official Language(s) English
Leader The Enlightened Cabal
Population 576 million
Currency Imperial Credit 
NS Sunset XML


After a disastrous military campaign carried out by the old Terran nation of Zhengia led to widespread environmental devastation and the destruction of at least fifty major population centers, the surviving refugees gutted the remnants of their spaceworthy stellar navy and abandoned the despoiled land to the elements. Narrowly escaping the orbital blockade that threatened their egress, the refugee fleet fled into the adjacent Veil Nebula and began their quest for freedom.

Landfall would come later, rather than sooner. Although current nav-charts gave reasonable approximations of stellar positions, the Refugee Council chose to distance the fleet as far away as possible from the conflict-ridden Terran Sector. Three years of wandering eventually led to the discovery of the planet that would be later dubbed Landfall. It was here that the seeds of a new civilization would be planted.


Although nearly three centuries have passed since arrival upon Landfall, the political situation has remained extremely authoritarian. Descendants of the Final Remnant, those military veterans and elements of the ruined government who first conceived the need for egress, continue to exert almost unchallenged dominion over the nation. Recent reports of political liberalization remain unsubstantiated.


Extreme government subsidy as well as technical and artistic expertise gained from refugees from other troubled lands in close proximity to old Zhengia contributed to a growing economy. Although Landfall contained the richest abundance of natural resources both living and nonliving, development was concentrated upon the second landfall world of Autumn, a stark and forbidding world ridged with imposing mountain ranges. Deep within these natural fortifications military bases and industrial facilities were constructed.

All trade is internal. Isolation is enforced, and visitors are extremely infrequent. The government has been undergoing a trend of reducing subsidies in favor of true capitalistic competition as industrial capacity has matured and developed. Unemployed citizens are automatically drafted into the military service.


Education is completely subsidized by the State. The youth of Zhengia spend over 12 hours a day engaged in intensive study involving the sciences, mathematics, history, rhetoric, logic, and literature; all institutions of learning are equipped with advanced instructional equipment. Teachers have been historically held in high esteem by society. Upper education involves either attendance at a Technical Institute, Military Garden, Conservatory, or University of Liberal Studies.

All students are mandated one year's worth of rearguard military service. Discipline is severe but focused upon eventual rehabilitation. Student participation has led to the formation of athletic and academic leagues, as well as social and scholastic cliques and groupings.

Social Concerns

Continuing a tradition carried over from the days of old Zhengia, the religious arm of the State serves also as a welfare agency, offering support in the event of disability or the loss of employment. Welfare is meant as a transitionary measure and many institutions offer retraining to employees who require new skills in order to re-enter the workforce. A well-funded network of hospitals and orphanages provides social expertise and relief for the infirm and parentless.

There is no death penalty; offenders are instead sent to manual labor institutions where they constantly perform basic tasks such as the operation of heavy machinery and simple construction work.


The people of Zhengia were shipwrights before they were forced to flee the old Terran sector. This expertise, as well as the expertise of the sizable number of refugees who fled from nearby nations and worlds, is evident in the work of the many orbital shipyards that may be found throughout the modern Zhengia nation.

The Vengeance Class Dreadnought and Victory Class Battleship, based upon old Terran designs of prominence, anchor the Fleet of Zhengia. The Vengeance Class is slightly more than one kilometer in length and possesses advanced singularity-based armament capable of rapidly neutralizing enemy forces, and is also capable of carrying a complete detachment of Marine Deployment forces.

There are currently rumors of a new class of capital ship under construction, supposedly at least five kilometers in length and much more powerful than the Vengeance. Although officials have been silent regarding this matter, the recent conversion project occuring at Gamma Daikon Yards, as well as the cancellation of all Vengeance-A orders for the next fiscal year, points overwhelmingly to the fact that the Fleet is preparing to introduce a new generation of capital warships.

Zhengia ground forces are equipped for surgical and special-operations strikes rather than full-out assault. The E-144 Assault Engine forms the cornerstone of the Ground Forces unit, featuring a deployable shock cannon capable of devastating enemy positions from long range. The E-80 Multipurpose Combat Vehicle possesses twin EMF-pulse launchers as well as a Heavy Plasma Cannon, and is used for operations where the sheer firepower of the E-144 is unnecessary. Current land warfare doctrine emphasizes operation in tight coordination with orbital and low-altitude air support, as well as rapid neutralization strikes and flexible movement patterns in order to confuse enemy attackers.