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==Current Events==
==Current Events==
The Chosen and Holy Emperor Clemintine XVII's first major political incentive a controversial new bill is being introduced. The bill is called: "The Betterment of Human Charestics Act, 2005". The Bill states that:
*Any Adult with a disablility, physical (excluding disabilities resulting from service in TCAF, or The SS) or mental, (e.g. Blindness, Deafness...etc...) cannot reproduce.
*After a child is born it will undergo a series of tests, at different ages. If the child is deemed to be "below average" at any of the tests it shall be flagged for futher testing. If this testing is also failed it will go down on the persons record, and may dissallow that to have (a) child(ren)
*Every 5 years every citizen must undergo tests in IQ, General Reasoning, Aptitude, Physical Ability and Condition. If any of these tests are failed that person may be dissalowed the right to have (a) child(ren)
*All immigrants entering TCN will be screened with the above tests. If they fail they are immediatly deported. If they pass they are granted indefinate leave to remain (maximum). If the immigrant couple decides to have a child they must undergo the same tests and check that a citizen of TCN must go through. The immigrant must also go through the 5 year checks as citizens of TCN.
*Contraception, family planning, and abortions are free of charge.
*All couples must have a state issued permit to allow them to have children.
*To obtain one of the prementioned permites, both the prospective mother and father must undergo, and pass certain tests and checks:
**Eyesight, Hearing and Physical Ability Screening
**IQ Tests
**General Reasoning Test
**Parenting Test, following the  completion of parenting courses
**Neither prospective parent can have a criminal record
**Neither prospective parent can have any family history of mental illness, or physical disability
*Couples have the right to geneticall modify their child to give it certain traits. The child will still have to undergo the same checks and tests.
*All people with sever mental or physical disabilites shall be detained in special centers where they can be properly cared for.
*There shall be a new wing of The SS setup to make sure the above rules are enforced.
The "The Betterment of Human Charestics Act, 2005" will be implimented over a number of years, with TCAF not having to undergo the tests until The Master Race is fully established, to provide TCN will full protection
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Revision as of 15:17, 31 October 2005

The Chosen Nations
Flag of The Chosen Nations
Motto: "Who dares wins"
Region Europa
Capital Themis
Official Language(s) Chosen English and Chosen Latin
Leader The Chosen and Holy Emperor Clemintine XVII
Population Approx 500 million
Currency Tanista 
NS Sunset XML

Major Cities

Themis is the capital of TCN, and is a huge and diverse city. It have the nations best university - The Chosen Regional University - and many people flock to Themis as tourists. The historic city of Rhea, and formar capital city of TCN - is stunning. It have many of the old government buildings, and is full of history. It is in Rhea that "The Chosen Archive" is situated. In "The Chosen Archive" is the most extensive collection of documents anywhere in TCN. Although strictly not a city, the MRA (Multi Regional Assembly) is a vast expanse of land, and is where the national government is situated. Also in the MRA are the various HQ's of the TCAF divisions (TCAiF, TCLD, TCHG, TCNa, TCSF).

Geography of TCN

TCN lies near the center of Europa, and so enjoys hot, mediterranean weather. It rarely rains, and the sun if ofter beating down. The north of TCN (north of Saone) is mainly desolate and rocky, but attracts many visitors, who come to marvel at it's beauty. There are 2 majour rivers in TCN, The Sholo River (Source: Extreame NE; Mouth: W Coast, parrellel to Saone), and The K'Elo River (Source: 45 miles NW of MRA; Mouth: W Coast, nr. Hastlehoth). The K'Elo River runs through Hastlehoth, whils The Sholo River runs through no majour cities.


As mentioned above TCN enjoys glorious sunshine, and heat most of the year. For this reason there are no green forests.

TCN Government

The political System of TCN is a Monarchy system, where the Ruler has absolute power. "The Chosen and Holy Emperor" is the title given to the ruler of TCN. Upon inheriting the throne of TCN "The Chosen and Holy Emperor" is ruler for life. Upon the death of "The Chosen and Holy Emperor", his heir is crowned as the next "The Chosen and Holy Emperor". "The Chosen and Holy Emperor" has a panel of advisors in different areas, but they can only advise. TCN recently went through a misguided phase of democracy, but has now reverted back to the traditional TCN system. TCN is a founding member of The League of the Treaty (LT); and is to be the Arch-General of the LT taks force in December, and Vice-Arch-General in November.


TCAF (The Chosen Armed Forces) is split into these divisions:

TCAiF (The Chosen Air Force) 
TCLD (The Chosen Land Division)
TCNa (The Chosen Navy)
TCHG (The Chosen Home Guard)
TCSF (The Chosen Special Forces)

TCAF (The Chosen Armed Forces), is currently concerned with homeland security, and defence of our homeland. TCAF would find it expensive, but not impossible to mount a mass overshore operation. TCAF conscripts civilians, and has them places in TCHG (The Chosen Home Guard). TCAF is split into 5 main branches:

The Chosen Land Division

TCN put a lot of funding into TCLD, and it is equipped with much of the latest tecnology. There are multiple mechanised divisions, and scout regiments. TCN provides its soldiers with extensive training, and most are well trained. TCLD relies on intelligent, and skilled officer to command troops, as the required skills are not taught to the grunts. There are no conscripts in TCLD, all men are volunteers, but many volunteer into TCHG.

Corps. within TCLD:

TCLD Catering and Logistics TCLD Artillery TCLD Engineers TCLD Mechanised Troops TCLD Rout Planning TCLD Scouting and Recon TCLD Infantry

The Chosen Air Force (TCAiF)

TCAiF recieves the most funding of all the branches, and TCN relies on TCAiF to protect its boarders and guard the skies. TCAiF is and always has been a non-conscription force, they only take the best.

Corps. within TCAiF:

TCAiF Coastguards TCAiF Fast Attack TCAiF Bomber and Deep Strike TCAiF Airbourn Weapon Platform (Helicopters attached to Infantry Units) TCAiF Air Defence and Airborne Early Warning TCAiF Reconnaissance TCAiF Air Transport and Air-to-Air Refuelling TCAiF Support Helicopter TCAiF Flying Training TCAiF Other Squadrons and Flights (such as display teams..etc..) TCAiF Seabourn Division TCAiF Logistics TCAiF Commercial Waterbourn Protection Regiment (Created 25/Sept/2005)

The Chosen Navy (TCNa)

TCNa is curently undergoing massive reform, and recieveing massive funding, in an attempt to "beef" it up. THCNa will soon be a formidable force. The Chosen HomeGuard (TCHG)

TCHG is almost entirly a conscript force. It's only concernes are law-and-order, and acting as a reserve force for the rest of TCAF. It is a large force, but nowhere near as well trained as the rest of TCAF, a weak opponent for a large trained army.

The Chosen Special Forces (TCSF)

These are the most secret part of TCAF. Their tasks are similar to the SAS of the UK. They are well trained and experts on recon, infiltration and sabotage. They are small in number but huge in skill. They are also skilled in assasination of key targets, defence of key targets...etc...


The Main Religion within TCN is Chosen Christianty. This is a radical but histroic denomination of the origional catholic church.


Sport is taken very seriously in TCN. All schools teach Rugby and Baseball. For each sport there are 3 different leagues. The teams that play in each league are decided on performance (as in UK Soccer Leagues). In Baseball(*) there is The Majour League (26 Teams), The Minor League(30 Teams), and finally The Z League(42 Teams). In Rugby(**) there is The Premiership (20 Teams), Division B (20Teams), Division C (24 Teams). There are 64 professional Rugby Sides, and 98 professional Baseball Sides. There are also Collage Level Competitions for each sport. Every team plays every other team in the same league as themselves once (twice in The Majour League, and The Premiership). The Baseball 3 points is awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 1 poin for a loss (point for loss only awarded if the losing team was within 2 runs of the winning team) with a bonus point available for each home run socred. In Rugby 5 points is awarded for a win, 2 for a draw, and 0 for a loss. At the end of the season, the bottom 5 teams from each League (or Division) drop to the below League (or Division)(In the case of The Z League, and Division C the bottom 5 teams are not included in the next season, thus meaning the each year 37 teams in The Z League, and 19 teams in Division C actually compete). Also at the end of the season the top 5 teams advance the the League (or Division) ahead of them. In the case of The Majour League and The Premiership to top 8 teams enter the playoffs (a knockout competition) to decide "The TCN Majour League Champions" (Baseball) and "The Premiership Champions" (Rugby)

(*)The Majour League is the best, followed by The Minor League and the worst is The Z League.
(**)The The Premiership is the best, followed by Division B and the worst is Division C.

Current Events


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