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The Aeroporia..the wealthiest and most advanced Air Force in Europe*, it recives nearly 37% of the national budget. The Aeroporia is focused almost totally focused on downing enemy aircraft, rather than everyone else. It's fighters are the stealthiest in the whole region, not only against radars, but also against IR and other kind of detection systems.
The Aeroporia..the wealthiest and most advanced Air Force in Europe*, it recives nearly 37% of the national budget. The Aeroporia is focused almost totally focused on downing enemy aircraft, rather than everyone else. It's fighters are the stealthiest in the whole region, not only against radars, but also against IR and other kind of detection systems.
It constantly develops new aircraft and missile technologies.
The most advanced of these fighters is the RkvF-87A ''Necryt''. It 2 radars, and specially the frontal one, is extremely powerful and stealthy enough to fire at 6 enemy targets without being detected. It was built to eliminate all other kind of enemy stealth figthers, like F-22s and similat fighters...and has done it without a single casuality, even when heavily outnumbered.
The most advanced of these fighters is the RkvF-87A ''Necryt''. It 2 radars, and specially the frontal one, is extremely powerful and stealthy enough to fire at 6 enemy targets without being detected. It was built to eliminate all other kind of enemy stealth figthers, like F-22s and similat fighters...and has done it without a single casuality, even when heavily outnumbered.
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Special Forces is above all other departments, it works in the sky, sea and land and is like an small highly experienced army. The Special Forces are always active, doing anti-terrorist operations everywhere. It fought the International Socialists and is currently being send to Gunnlandia to support it in its fight against terrorists in Wazistan.
The KGB are the Rokolevian Special Services and Special Operations.
Spying, sabotaging, assassinations and terrorist missions are among it's operations. Some of these missions are against Monarchies.

Revision as of 15:45, 27 December 2004

Flag of Rokolev
Motto: Enige og tro til Necryts falle United and true, until Necryts fall.
Region Europe
Capital Heliopolis
Official Language(s) Rokolevian
Leader Exinius, Hélio Rodrigues
Population 3.22 billion
Currency Silver Wing 
NS Sunset XML

The Aeroporian State of Rokolev is a Republic located on Southwest Europe*, also known as Helianland. It's main worries are the Helian Race, and it's mighty Air Force, the Aeroporia, that recives 37% of the National Budget. The Helians are a very old and proud people, the kind of ones that do not like external influences because they consider foreign cultures as inferior and their peoples as Skraelings. A few years ago the Helian population revolted themselves against the other peoples living in Rokolev, and over 1,250,000 were killed by armed civilians (who have a decent military training). Helians are very scientific and rational, not the kind of ones to belive in luck or destiny. As a consequence 100% of the Helians live their lifes based on atheism.


Rokolev, as said before, is a nation located in Southwest Europe*. When you compare Rokolev to the average European* nation, you see that Rokolev is smaller, even if not much. The Helianland is a cold European nation, with many mountains and very few forests. Even on the Southern plains, that are hotter that the rest of the nation, Rokolev manages to be a almost an ice cube with temperatures only toping 16ºC on Summer. The lowest temperature ever recorded on Rokolev was -39ºC on the northern Dorve mountains, were Fjords lay. Rokolev borders friendly nations like Daracnia and Nuttylnd, neutral such as Radilo, Vocur and Nouvelle-Arcadie and a rather unfriendly nation, the GDCU (Greater Democratic Communist Union)

The History

Classical Times

The Helians are originally from Northern Europe*, where today is Hugoland and the hostile lands south of this nation, thwy named that area Korolyev. The Helians were not united back then, and as so local powers had a considerable power over them. However, they felt that they could not live lick that, and so they decided to depart towards South in 440 b.C. They made many stops on their way south..they passed through the European Central Bay, the Western Great Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar, to the Implarian Sea..they finally landed on today's border between GDCU and Vocur, but these lands were too hot for these Norsemen, and so they moved East, until they reached a frozen plain with a long river, they named the area New Korolyev. They settled there in 434 b.C and created a large city, named Rokoleva, that later named the nation. The Helian leader at the time, Hélio Rodrigues, ensured that the Helians could survive the first years in New Korolyev..fortunetly they were good hunters and manage to survive the cold winters. After their survival was certain, they focused on expanding their influence. To achieve this, the Rokolevians created new cities, met new people and traded with them. However, they had still in mind what they suffered in Korolyev, and they sistematically refused to adopt these people's culture. In time they grew richer and manage to keep thier land free of any foreign threat. Today Hélio Rodrigues is considered a Rokolevian national Hero, and many Rokolevians were named after him. Helians were named after him. After his death, the Rokolevians managed to hold the whole New Korolyev area, develop their culture further and discover new technologies. The Government was different from all others, it had a leader for life, named Exinius. This men would only cease it's funtions when he died, or decided to quit. His successor would be chosen by the local leaders.

Dark and Middle Age

The Dark ages were not dark to the inhabitants of New Korolyev..infact they were very birght. The met a new rich culture, that even they had troubles in not being influenced by them. These people came from the Northeast and were named Gregus. They were keen on comerce and the study of philosophy, they also had very effective military tactics. The Rokolevians immediatly knew that they needed to adopt some of these people's ideas, but adapt them to Helian reality. These included the use of coin, military formations, new kinds of body armor, just to name a few. However, despite these two people's good relation, some differences begun to cold their relation..namely Religion. The Gregus had a great deal of faith, whereas Rokolevians didn't had any kind of religion. The Northerns tried to convert Helians, but they were not welcomed and killings happened. The Gregus viewed this as an act of war, and sent their armies to knock out the peoples of Rokolev, but fortunetly the Helians did not share their military secrets with their former friends, and they were able to defeat them in almost all battles. When the Gregus armies were torn apart, the Helians faced a new question, Shall we finish them?..the answer was yes. The victorious Rokolevian Armies marched into the Gregus land, and sieged their cities...since they had barely no soldiers, defeat was at hand. The Helians were not kind to their enemies, a great deal of them was killed, and others served and sold as slaves, not able to have an offspring to make sure that no more Gregus would exist in the next generation...pretty effective, as in 666 a.C the last Gregu died. To this new land, the Helians gave the name of Thalos. In 752 they begun a new challenge..expanding their influecne further North. However, in the North no one lived...it was the cold and mighty Dorve Mountains. No one was able to inhabit in these lands, but the Helians that were used to live in the cold, decided to give it a try. The first city was named Uppsala..it only survived because it had a large amount of wild animals living nearby, and a complex road net made contact with neighbour cities easy. Colonization of Dorve took nearly a thousand of years..however they found a really bizzar thing in Dovre..when they lived in Korolyev, the first Rokolevians admired a falcon, named Nercyt, later known as Helian Falcon, that only lived there..when they got to Dovre, Helian Falcons begun locking there, and made their new home in those mountains..this gave home to uncommom legends whitin the Helians..legents that one fay the Helians would be able to fly with the Necryts and rule the skies.

Industrial Times

Only in 1740 was this job done. Dovre had lots of cities and small towns, connected by a large amount of roads. Despite all this work done to make Dovre as populated as the rest of the nation, it was not successful. Not that it had to do with the cold, but because an Industrial Revolution was starting in New Korolyev, and the in this area it was easier to establish factories, to get raw materials and workers. New Korolyev and Thalos became very industrialized and populated, whereas Dovre suffered a large exodus by 1800, a great deal of the large cities got deserted, and only small towns and a few cites remained populated as before. Meanwhile in the South a new political movement was making its appearence..in 1859 Marxism hit Rokolev, and factoryworkers begun demanding for better living standards. They demanded a large increase in their wages, or they'd revolt. The Rokolevian Government knew it had to do something...after all, these workers were also Helians, and they needed respect. A few years later, Rokolev turned into a Social-Democracy, focused on giving their people a good Healthcare system, Education and good wages. In the late XIX century, Rokolev was about to change forever. Although it has a very large and effectie train system, a new machine would make Rokolev a completely new country, the Aeroplane. When Rokolevians heard about this, they remembered the Necryt Legend, and realized that it was possible to actually fly like Helian Falcons and rule the skies. This led to an enourmous research into flight technology.

Modern Times

In the 20th century, Rokolev suffered from the same plague that many other European nations suffered...fascism. Fascists come to power in 1928 and begun a large purge to kill Communists and Skraelings. Despite this killings, Fascism was not bad for the Helians. Their culture remained alive, their aerospacial industry prospered, they were the first to create a single engined jet fighter, and later the first stealth air superiority fighter known..but their living standard dropped, fear conquered the average Helian, and António Sazalar forced Helians worship him like a God. This regime, however, had many enemies. One of the was a young man, named Hélio Rodrigues (he had the same name as the founder of Rokolev) who joined the Fascist Party in order to sabotage it from the inside. He also joined the military and started recruiting soldiers in the fight against Fascism. On May 1, 1987 Rokolev suffered a revoution that knocked down the Fascist Regime...Sazalar was considered a fake-Helian and murdered in a very funny way..he was tied to a bomb and dropped over his palace. Hélio Rodrigues was infact a Communist and created the CHUR - Communist Helian Union of Rokolev. During this time, Rokolev prospered..the people's living stardard rised brutally, the military grew stonger and Helian might and advanced technology in fighting aircraft was now clear.

Rokolev Today


Former Rokoleva, now known as Tagus, at dusk.

Rokolev is again a Social-Democrat nation like it used to be before the Fascist Era. The living standards have never been so high, thanks to a free Healthcare and Education system. However, Rokolev has a free market policy..at least when it come to Helians..foreign companies are free to sell and build their products in Rokolev, as long as no Skraeling enters the nation, this means that only Helians will operate and manage the factories, even if they belong to someone else. This has been accepted by a large majority of foreigners, since most of these give a rather large profit.

The Government, however, is extremely large, but it has been able do deal with bureaucracy effectively, specially taking it's size into account. Taxes are 100% in theory in Rokolev (only personal taxes, not corporate taxes..these are considerably lower), but the Government makes sure everyone recives approximately what each company has planned. Poorer citizens usually recive considerably more than planned, while richer recive a bit less. This policy made Rokolev have extremly low levels of poverty, but still having a rather large wealthy sector..social inequality is large not because there are a large amount of poor, but because the rich are extremely wealthy.

The Aeroporian State is still ruled by the Exinius Hélio Rodrigues, the same that made the revolution. He holds total power over the nation, but since no man can do everything alone most of this work is done by the Parlamento..the Exinius can veto/pass any law he wants to, without Parliamentary vote.

Rokolevian Educational system is not very conventional. It focus a lot of Helian History in order to make the kids a traditional Helian..rationalist, atheist and intelectual. One of the odd things teenagers must study is Introduction to Flight so all of them can understand aircraft technology and have a quicker learning time in Aeroporia Academies.

Rokolevian states

Rokolev is composed of three states: New Korolyev, Thalos and Dovre.


New Korolyev's Flag

New Korolyev is the main State in Rokolev. It is home to most industries and a large chunk of Helian population. The most important city in New Korolyev is Tagus, the former Capital, home to 12 million Helians. It has an extremely large amount of military bases, perhaps unique in Europe, giving it's small size.

Thalos is the Commercial State of Rokolev. A great amount of Rokolevian companies are based here. It is small and filthfy rich.

Dovre is the cultural centre of Rokolev, despite it is by far the less populated if all three states. The capital, Heliopolis, is located here, in South Dovre but not in the mountain. It is said that the Aeoporia's main testing bases are located somehwere in the mountains, near the Helian Falcons.

Rokolevian Politics

Rokolev has a unique political system in Europe. It's leader rules for life, but he is elected by the people. He can veto or pass any law he wishes without asking anyone's permission..this is not very common though. He is the one who makes the Government.

There are elections, however. These elections are aimed at creating the Parliament (1000 seats), that passes most of Rokolevian laws. There are three main Parties in Rokolev: The Communist Aeroporian Party, the Centrist Aeroporian Party and the Helian Race Party

Centrist Aeroporian Party 290 seats

The CeAP is not so centrist as it may seem. In fact it is Social-Democrat, but some of it's members are more right-winged, hence the name Centrist. It currently holds the majority of the seats in the Parlamento. The name Aeropoian comes from it's aim at developing the Aeroporia.

Communist Aeroporian Party 281 seats The CoAP is composed of members from the former Communist Government, and it manage to get 28.1% in the past elections. They are important in making sure Rokolev does not leave Social-Democrat system, despite they wanted to come back to the old days. Like the CeAP, it's named Aeroporian.

Helian Race Party 280 seats

Definitly the most radical Party in Rokolev. The HRP wants the Helian Race to prevail over all other European races..they are responsible for the killing of 1.250.000 Skraelings a few years ago. Still, the Helians like them very much, hence the 28% in the past elections.

The other 14.9% are held my many minor importance Parties like the Hurray for KGB Party, the Illuminati, Maoist Farmers Party and many others...some of these only have one member in the Parlamento.

Helian Military

To become a Qantrixian Soldier is the dream of many small boys in Qantrix, however the army in non-battle times only takes in the best men of Qantrix, most athletes of Qantrix are in the army and the soldiers have a very good condition, you’ll need to have that if you want to succeed in the various trainings that happen in both the hot dunes of Duneria, the large cold forests of Dariota and the desert in Trion.

The Qantrixian Army is one of the biggest armies in the world, with an huge budget it's reknown to be very strong. The Qantrixian Army has done operations in Baharr, Prax, Europaland, Wazistan and Monkecia.

Helian Army

The Helian Army is responsible of attacks on ground targets or positions, bombing missions and civilian training. It is a small force, it only has 700,000 soldiers. It relies more on MBTs and attack helicopters. The Rokolevian MBT is the Nega, a very long, heavily armored tank with a 140mm gun.


Helian Aeroporia

The Aeroporia..the wealthiest and most advanced Air Force in Europe*, it recives nearly 37% of the national budget. The Aeroporia is focused almost totally focused on downing enemy aircraft, rather than everyone else. It's fighters are the stealthiest in the whole region, not only against radars, but also against IR and other kind of detection systems. It constantly develops new aircraft and missile technologies.

The most advanced of these fighters is the RkvF-87A Necryt. It 2 radars, and specially the frontal one, is extremely powerful and stealthy enough to fire at 6 enemy targets without being detected. It was built to eliminate all other kind of enemy stealth figthers, like F-22s and similat fighters...and has done it without a single casuality, even when heavily outnumbered.



The KGB are the Rokolevian Special Services and Special Operations. Spying, sabotaging, assassinations and terrorist missions are among it's operations. Some of these missions are against Monarchies.


International Relations

Most of the Qantrixian International Relations limit themselves to Europe, Qantrix is in the Free Market States, it has ambassadorial exchanges with various nation and has been member of the League of Nations, the Stuttgart Treaty, the Right Wing Bloc. However it seems like Qantrix will be faring a more isolationist course. Qantrix is known as one of the bigger military powers within Europe, with a military budget that is bigger then the total governmental budgets of some nations this isn't really suprising. Qantrix has been performing military in a number of nations, these nations include Wazistan, Russia-Borisgad, Daracnia, Prax and Baharr.


Qantrix also has hostile relations with a number of nations, these are usually communist states like Europeland, Greater DCU and Monkecia, recently Qantrix was in a war with these 3 nations, in this war Europeland suffered heavy casualties, Qantrix had a enormous bombing campaign which included missiles and bombers operating from bases inside Qantrix and from aircraft and missile carriers in the sea's, Qantrix decided at the end not to invade Europaland and is currently in a cease-fire. But now Qantrix finds itself in a war with the communists, in the south war is going on in Greater DCU, Daracnia and Vocur. Qantrix is one of the main players in this war, with troops deployed in Vocur and huge bomber campaigns in Greater DCU (which have destroyed their capital Verde City.)

Outside Europe, Qantrix has a large history, Qantrix has a history in the ACC (Atlantic Central Command, also known as the Atlantic Alliance) a legendary invasion organisation. Qantrix also has been for a long time in the Meritocracy, which it's very proud of. Qantrix is in a central world bank called the First Sovereign Bank, because of this Qantrix has it's current currency, the Sovereign although Qantrix still has other currencies like the Qantrixian Dollar, in supermarkets and hotels currencies from other FMS nations are also accepted.


Qantrix is a capitalist nation. Most things, except for the army and the justice system are handled by the Free Market. The Government of Qantrix is limited to where it was founded for, to keep security and to protect the people. This is working out pretty fine and has ensured a great economy (rated as Frightening) to exist. Qantrix is, because of it's size a diverse economy. Near it's border with Moldor, the main industry is mining. One of the biggest industries is the Agriculture, which is necessary to support the large population. Recently, regulations on the genetic modification of food have been totally abolished. In the cities other industries are big, the so-called smart industries are big. The old industries are also still available, but rely on foreign workers for a big part.

There's a lot of Trade going on between Qantrix and other members of the Free Market States, competition has become bigger between the industries of all nations, this has caused a better quality of all products. After a lof of companies went broke or fused in the beginning when the FMS begun trading massivley a healthy competition has been created. There's also a lot of trade with Baharr, Daracnia and other Capitalist Nations in Europe. While Qantrix has free trade with a big number of nations, the various communist nations of Europe are under a continous Embargoe since a war broke out between Qantrix and two communist nations.


Qantrix has a stock market in it's capital, which is one of the biggest of the world. Nearly every company in Qantrix is noted on the Aedolius Stock Exchange and every day huge numbers of Sovereigns are being traded here around. Regulations on the stock-exchange are loose.

The United Nations has been ranking Qantrix in the European Top 10 for various things, among them the biggest Soda Pop Sector and biggest Trout Fishing Sector. This isn't very suprising considering Qantrix's great economy (ranked frightening) and it's big population (with recently passed the 3,5 billion mark) however still is seen as a great achievement by the people of Qantrix. Qantrix has been profiting much from regulation in various nations, many corporations have decided to go to Qantrix to escape regulation (and possible nationalisation) in socialist nations. Qantrix continues to be a capitalist nation, with a high standard of living.