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'''The Allied States of Pax Fundatas''' or just '''Pax Fundatas''' is a nation comprised of 5 city-states under an autocratic federal government called the [[Magesterium]], headed by the Patrician.
'''The Allied States of Pax Fundatas''' or just '''Pax Fundatas''' is a nation comprised of 5 city-states under an autocratic federal government called the [[Magesterium]], headed by the Patrician. It can be seen on the Nationstate website through this link [http://www.nationstates.net/pax_fundatas link title]

Revision as of 10:25, 13 September 2007

Pax Fundatas
Flag of Pax Fundatas
Motto: Consocio ab Fragilitas; Consocio ab Fundatas
No Map Available
Region Wysteria
Capital Polisprima
Official Language(s) English; Compulsory Latin and Greek
Leader The Patrician Kalinatus Paxem
Population 9 million
Currency The Fiscus (F$) 
NS Sunset XML

The Allied States of Pax Fundatas or just Pax Fundatas is a nation comprised of 5 city-states under an autocratic federal government called the Magesterium, headed by the Patrician. It can be seen on the Nationstate website through this link link title


The Allied States of Pax Fundatas was formally established on September 10th 2007. It was comprised of the 5 major city-states of the region: Polisprima, Polisdeus, Polisregus, Polisrex and Polismart. Each city-state controlled a large area of land, including large towns, factories and mines, but were famous for their independant nature and differing governments. The Patrician of Polisprima, arguably the most powerful state, began a long period of annexation, diplomacy and war that lasted for 7 years. Finally, Kalinatus Paxem had each city government transfer their authority to him at the signing of the Pax Fundatas (Foundation of Peace), making him supreme Patrician over the new Allied States. Shortly after, the Magisterium was created, a sprawling bureacrocy that is technically a federal government, but in reality is an apparatus to siphon away political oppostion to the Patrician, legitimise his rule and give the appearance of national unity to assuage seperatists within the aliance.


The states now collectively known as Pax Fundatas all share cultural and historical ties, which made, some argue, unification inevitable. Although technologically the equal of any other Wysterian nation, the states of Pax Fundatas have always kept one eye firmly looking behind them. Everything from fashion to architecture, cuisine to ettiqutte retains its historical tone, heavily influenced by Latin, Greek and Germanic traditions. Progress is viewed with suspicion by the people of Pax Fundatas, and will never be sought at the expense of the environment or social values.

Many Wysterian nations have remarked upon this, calling Pax Fundatas 'backwards', a charge not many from this nation would deny. For this is an example of their way of looking at life; guided by the lights of ethics, discipline, tradition, family values and obedience to authority.

Despite being small in comparison to older states, the 5 cities often had a streak of imperialism and many wars have occured between them, some of which were so total that many would argue there have been many unifications of the nation before the Pax Fundatas. These have by and large been religous and economic unions, or shifting alliances, and the yoke of emporers have always inevitably been thrown off in favour of independance.

Religion was once a major part of all the cities governments, and the Archprimark had a vast influence over the 5 states. Even today, Polisdeus is heavily built around the church. In more recent times the church has declined. With the recent death of Archprimark Pious XXVIII, no new leader has been chosen. The Patrician particularly frowns upon the church, seeing it as an unnecessary and now obsolete part of society. Though its role in public affairs declines, the teachings and ethics remain firmly etched into the minds of Pax Fundatas' citizens, an influence not even the Patrician views as negative.

Another cultural and historical trend in the 5 city-states has been monarchy. Not one of the cities can claim to have had no monarchy at at least one point in its history, and up until the signing of the Pax Fundatas, Polisregus and Polisrex both were ruled by monarchs. Whether or not the office of Patrician will resemble that of monarch remains to be seen, though no dynasty, heir or method of succession has been created by the now absolute ruler of all 5 city-states.


In 1995 Kalinatus had already become Chancellor of the Polisprima's Senate and when Grenzago V was taken ill with a tumor, was left to defend his state against the neighbouring state of Polismart, whose armies were massing on the border. A master of strategy the war was swift and final, lasting only 4 days. However, no peace treaty was signed; Paxem had orchestrated the fall of Polismart's govenrment from afar, so that the city was taken as a Protectorate of Polisprima. Some say the Patrician had manipulated the war from the first place, even poisoning Grenzago. Whatever the truth of the matter, the new Lord Protector Paxem had begun his annexation of the city-states.

By 1998, the king of Polisprima had died and his eldest son was brought before Kalinatus. Many rumours surround what occured in the Minister President's office, but after the meeting, the would-be Grenzago VI left Polisprima and went far abroad. An act was passed by the Senate abolishing the office of monarch which now had nobody to fill it, and giving the title of Lord Protector to Paxem. Now the Lord Protector of two city-states with massive executive powers and uncertain limits, Paxem began to work on Polisregus.

Ruled by an absolute monarch through a fuedal system, political oppostion to its own government could be found everywhere in Polisregus. However, it was not until the Unionists, a suspiciously well funded political party, appeared that any cohesion existed between them. Mad Queen Stephanus was publicly hung before the city crowds and elections were called in what was now declared a republic. The Unionists did very well but were beaten by the Democrats, who got more seats in the Senate. Even though the Unionists has organised the execution and the elections, they now imprisoned all members of the Democratic party and set up their own provisional government. Almost immedietely a decree was issued declaring Kalinatus Paxum emergency Lord Protector on trumped up rumours of an invasion from Polisdeus.

The same trumped up rumours provided the annexation of the next city-state in Paxem's plans. A theocracy in essence and practice, Polisdeus had a large army of extremly patriotic and loyal troops. Militarily, this presented a real threat to the Protectorate's armies commanded by Kalinatus. He could not back down now however because in response to the rumours, Polisdeus had now really mobilised its troops on the border. In the winter of 2001, Kalinatus publicly converted to Deusism, the church of Polisdeus and published a manifesto with reference to uniting the Protectorates under the church. When his troops came to the walls of Polisdeus, they found open gates and cheering crowds. It is worth noting that the leaders of the church had become millions of Fiscuns richer days before this move.

Polisrex had began a massive defence project when Polisregus was taken, as the two had been allies. It would be 6 years of waiting before Kalinatus made any move against the final city-state, unwilling as ever as he was to spill unneccessary blood. Nature did it for him. In the spring of 2006 a virus broke out in one of the Polisrex reseach facilities, now thought to have been chemical weapons intended for the expected invaders from the Protectorates. When the King of Polisrex officially appealed for aid in the spring of 2007, due to starvation and famine, the Lord Protector noted that Polisrex's defences prevented humanitarian help from entering the city's lands. When the defence network was de-activated, Kalinatus did in fact send billions of Fiscuns worth of aid, but his troops also entered the state and by September 2007, King Contantine I was under pressure from his own people to attend the Protectorate conference at Polisprima and sign the Pax Fundatas. The 5 states were now one and the Magisterium, a sprawling federal government would now replace all previous regional governemnts. The old rulers, chose exile and the office of Patrician was created for Kalinatus Paxem, now supreme ruler of an empire.