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<B>Number Enlisted:</B> 3 Million
<B>Number Enlisted:</B> 3 Million
<B>Commander-in-chief:</B> [[Comandante Daniel Ackersky|Daniel Ackersky]]
<B>Commander-in-chief:</B> [[Daniel Ackersky|Comandante Daniel Ackersky]]

Latest revision as of 15:27, 26 January 2006


The Imperial Army is the second largest division of the Pastocian Armed Forces, and is a well-equipped fighting force.

It was created in the early months of the Pastocian Communist Revolution in the 2040s, as a small group of guerilla fighters in the mountains of northern Pastocia. The army, then led by Comandante Nasty Pasty and current Yugopatomian Premier, Whoopwhoopwhoop fought bravely against the huge armies of the ruling Austrian monarchs. The IPA's numbers improved however, as hundreds of rural peasants fed up with the poverty-stricken life under the Austrians joined the ranks.

There is also evidence to support a small contribution from outside nations, most likely Nurdbotia and Zedoljev, but both governments have denied such accusations.

After the fall of the Austrian Capital of Vienna, and founding of the People's Socialist Republic of Pastocia, the early government led by First Consul Nasty Pasty went about establishing the IPA as a formal national army. Within it's first months of creation, the Imperial Pastocian Army got it's first taste of action, helping Nurdbotian soldiers defeat the last traces of the Zombie menace from the COMECON nation of Strategoski. The small force of 7,000 was led by Sub-Comandante Whoopwhoopwhoop and easily reconquered the nation for it's Communist Government. This aiding of Nurdbotia soldified the IPA as a proper fighting force and guaranteed Pastocia membership in the COMECON.

Once in the alliance, the IPA was bolstered by large numbers of advanced Nurdbotian weaponary through the COMECON Weapons Lease Act and soon after the IPA was joined by the new branches of The Imperial Pastocian Navy and The Imperial Pastocian Airforce under the banner of the Imperial Pastocian Armed Forces (IPAF). But soon after, Sub Comandante resigned as head of the Pastocian military to found his own nation, the Republic of Yugopatomia and the two countries would become close allies.

With his departure, command of the IPAF fell on the shoulders of newly-appointed Comandante, Daniel Ackersky, another revolutionary veteran. Under Ackersky, the often comebersome-to-control IPAF was formally divided into 3 Divisions, each being led by a seperate commander. Ackersky personally took command of the Army and Mech Division and during the Dominion Wars, led the Army to impressive defeats against invading armies of Terre Argente and the Obsidian Order.

After the war, the IPA took a backseat to the new focal point of the Pastocian Military, the Imperial Navy. Backed by a heavy budget, the Navy became one of the most advanced and most powerful in the region and the Imperial Army was left to feed off of COMECON hand-me-downs. However, it is suspected that current Third Consul Matthew Gregory is planning for a major overhaul of the IPA which will include increased funding and new weaponary.

Number Enlisted: 3 Million

Commander-in-chief: Comandante Daniel Ackersky