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:* The NEO on domestic policy: "The main aim of any kind of domestic policy is to give Saidercray back to those whos land it is, to the Saidercrayans. For this reason, all foreigners shall be evicted. To give Saidercray the power it is able to have, we call for an intensification of the jurisdiction in order to give the state the ability to remove individuals wronging the people from the people. Education has to be a monopoly of the state."
:* The NEO on domestic policy: "The main aim of any kind of domestic policy is to give Saidercray back to those whos land it is, to the Saidercrayans. For this reason, all foreigners shall be evicted. To give Saidercray the power it is able to have, we call for an intensification of the jurisdiction in order to give the state the ability to remove individuals wronging the people from the people. Education has to be a monopoly of the state."
:* The NEO on economy: "We don´t want to dispossess the private economy, but we want to give the state access to their money if necessary. We furthermore want to reduce the barriers for free trade to carry the eternal law of fighting resulting into the success of the strongest over to the economy by creating greater possibilities for competition."
:* The NEO on economy: "We don´t want to dispossess the private economy, but we want to give the state access to their money if necessary. We furthermore want to reduce the barriers for free trade to carry the eternal law of fighting resulting into the success of the strongest over to the economy by creating greater possibilities for competition."
:* The NEO on foreign policy: "Realizing the eternal conflict of the peoples and races, we cannot see economic aid to developping countries as anything else than what it is: a huge fault improving the situation of hostile races.  
:* The NEO on foreign policy: "Realizing the eternal conflict of the peoples and races, we cannot see economic aid to developping countries as anything else than what it is: a huge fault improving the situation of hostile races. Pacifist views weaken our nation and therefore mustn´t play any role in foreign policy."
:* The NEO on the UN: "The UN is a prison for all its member nations, so we are proud that saidercray is no member."
* '''Party for Peace and Justice (PPJ)''': The PPJ is one of Saidercray´s strongest political parties. It´s lead by [[Ian Woshkal]], the current President of Saidercray. In the last election, the PPJ gained 30% of the votes.
* '''Party for Peace and Justice (PPJ)''': The PPJ is one of Saidercray´s strongest political parties. It´s lead by [[Ian Woshkal]], the current President of Saidercray. In the last election, the PPJ gained 30% of the votes.
:* The PPJ on democracy: "The government doesn´t only represent the state, it represents the people. For this reason, any government that represents the people, and that´s what governments do, can´t have any other legitimation than a democratic election´s result. It is necessary that the government not only represents, but also leads the people. But, like a good father does with hsi children, it shouldn´t decide all. Therefire, we support plebiscites on important issues."
:* The PPJ on domestic policy: "We want to venture to do the splits between freedom and autonomy of the people and moral guidance by the people´s leaders. Trusting in the power of love for each other that unites all human beings, and trusting in the people, we don´t think that strict statutory regulations are necessary or good. We stand for social liberalism combined with the constant admonition to the people to build their conscience and to follow its decision. Concerning criminals, we are strongly in favour of resocialisation. The Human Rights are unalienale and the basis of political acting. Altough we recognize the positive results of a religious conviction, we are in favoru of the separation of church and state to keep religion a private topic."
:* The PPJ on economy: "We say ´no´ to capitalism, a system that sees competition and economic fights against each other to be better than solidarity. We say ´no´ to consumerism, a system pushing human beings into dependence of things they actually don´t need. To gain freedom, it is not necessary to accumulate money, it´s necessary to accumulate self-sufficiency, but always facing the needs of those  who are less fortunate. Our economy shall concentrate on offering people things they need but cannot create themselves, while the rest shall be created by the people."
:* The PPJ on foreign policy: "In our opinion, all men are equal and shall see each other as of the same high value. We always support non-violent solutions for problems and we want to intensivate contact between people from different states and cultures to enable them to realize the beauties of the foreign people and to create esteem for each other, which is the best means in order to prevent conflicts."
:* The PPJ on the UN: "The UN´s ideals aren´t unitable with ours. We regret that we cannot use this platform, but using it would make us abandon what we believe in."
* '''Saidercray´s Women´s Feminist Party (SWFP)''': The small SWFP is a feminist party. It is lead by Evelyn Redyn and has gained 1 percent at the last election.
* '''Saidercray´s Women´s Feminist Party (SWFP)''': The small SWFP is a feminist party. It is lead by Evelyn Redyn and has gained 1 percent at the last election.
* '''Socialist Party of Saidercray (SPS)''': The SPS is a socialist party. Its chairwoman is Angela Fintosthane. In the last election, the SPS gained 21% of the votes. It´s the topical coalition partner of the PPJ.
* '''Socialist Party of Saidercray (SPS)''': The SPS is a socialist party. Its chairwoman is Angela Fintosthane. In the last election, the SPS gained 21% of the votes. It´s the topical coalition partner of the PPJ.

Revision as of 14:28, 20 June 2006

Flag of Saidercray
Motto: Cum pace et prudentia
[ ]
Region International Democratic Union
Capital Amshlay upon Cuve
Official Language(s) English
Leader Ian Woshkal
Population 15 million
Currency Saidercray Thaler 
NS Sunset XML

The Republic of Saidercray is a democratic republic in the International Democratic Union.




Saidercray, stretching between the coast in the south and the southern Grassle Mountains in the north, is a hilly land. Its flown through by three major rivers, the Cuve splitting into Northern and Southern Cuve after it has entered the country, the Pleens flowing into the Northern Cuve short before its mouth, and the Hampet River in the east of the country. Furthermore, Saidercray contains =numerous lakes. The four biggest lakes are Lake Shiwood near the west coast, the huge Lake Owlerborough in the centre, Lake Saryon in the south as the biggest lake of the Saryonan Lakeland, and Lake Welfrio near to the eastern border. The coastline is broken through by the Green Bay in the west and the Saidercray Gulf in the east. Saidercray´s major cities are (from the west to the east): Hilngare, Cuvesbridge, Dropaney, Jallsborough, Amshlay upon Cuve, Dawsingham, Wheshpilston, Telychester, Aresgreel, Hampmouth on Sea.


Saidercray lies in the temperate zone with average temperatures of 7°C. The climate is generally humide. The wind which usually comes from west brings with it a lot of water from the sea which results into a lot of rain, especially close to the western slopes of Grassel Mountains and of their foothills. The warmest region with the lowest rainfall is the Great Central Basin. In general, western Saidercray is fresher and wetter than central and eastern Saidercray, where summers tend to be hot and in some areas even sultry. But in winter, the western lands are almost never covered with snow, which may happen in the rest of the country except for the Basin.

Geographical regions

  • The Great Central Basin: The Great Central Basin, often simply called the Great Central, is a region in central Saidercray, approximately between the cities Jallsborough, Amshlay, Dawsingham and Wheshpilston. It´s the warmest and driest region of Saidercray, because most of the cool winds with water from the sea don´t make it over the Pattachoo Mountains in the west of the Great Central. The Great Central is a realtively low populated part of Saidercray with no big cities. Most of the inhabitants are farmers or have other jobs belonging to the Great Central´s strongest sector of the economy: agriculture, especially focussed on corn.


Political parties

  • Green Democratic Party (GDP): The GDP is a small party mainly dealing with environmental issues. It´s lead by Julia Pount and has gained 5% in the last election.
  • The GDP on democracy: "The GDP supports a representative democracy."
  • The GDP on domestic policy: "Saidercray´s people can only live in harmony with a sane environment. We are part of the nature, a fact which creates an eternal unity of the environment and of us. If we ignore the interests of the environment, the day will come where the environmental problems are to big to be solved by us."
  • The GDP on economy: "An uncontrolled economy is greedy for direct financial success and therefore tends to ignore the effects their actions have on the long run, such as e.g. polluting the environment. We aren´t in favour of nationalizing the economy, but economic freedom must be limited to a point which guarantees that this freedom doesn´t cause long-term damages."
  • The GDP on foreign policy: "Many forget that wars don´t just kill people, wars also kill plants and animals and turn fertile landscapes into deserts. Protecting the environment is a worldwide task which can only be solved if the nations stick together and concentrate on fulfilling this aim. A global committee for environment shall be installed to coordinate the nations´ environmental policies."
  • The GDP on the UN: "The UN is an important platform for Saidercray to present environment-conscious ideas. By resolutions supporting environmentalist ideas, the world can be made fight against the current ecocide."
  • Liberal Union of Saidercrayan Capitalists (LUSC): The LUSC, Saidercray´s only explicitely capitalist party, is a averagely strong party which has gained 16% in the last election. Its chairman is Jack O´Connor.
  • The LUSC on democracy: "The LUSC is for both economical and political freedom, and democracy is the most politically free system that doesn´t lead to chaos."
  • The LUSC on domestic policy: "Saidercray´s society must become more efficiency-oriented. Social welfare must be shortened drastically. The LUSC supports privatizing as much as possible to give people new chances for achieving fortune. Laws must become more restrictive because to much ressources are wasted in resocialisation programs."
  • The LUSC on economy: "It´s arrogant if the state thinks that he has to decide what people do with the money they have gained. Trusting into the intelligence of the people and the might of the good virtue freedom, we believe that the people are the one´s to decide what they do with their money. A free market without state interference is best for everyone, because the people control it by their own consumer behaviour. Competition is to be supported as it encourages people to work as good as they can because that´s the only way to be better than the other competitors."
  • The LUSC on foreign policy: "In the modern world, competition doesn´t only mean competiton between different corporations in one country. Due to globalization, competition has overcome national borders. We support this development because it offers a much larger variety of produts to the people and it has equipped competition with a new intensity. We furthermore realize that ressources aren´t unlimited, but that many ressources we could use are wasted because the wrong countrys have them. To remain successful, Saidercray must guarantee that those ressources are used effectively and that Saidercray has access to those ressources."
  • The LUSC on the UN: "Since there are UN resolutions which control the economy and limit everyone´s economic freedom, the LUSC isn´t interested in a membership. The UN represents the old idea that states are the most important factors in policy, yet they arent, but transnational corporations are."
  • Multinational Party for Immigrants (MPI): The MPI represents the interest of the immigrants in Saidercray. It´s lead by the Indian Divyajyoti Mandal and has gained 3% in the last election.
  • The MPI on democracy: "Democracy is a fundementally good system. It is based on the idea that all men are equal and that people chose by whom they are represented and who reigns over them for a certain time. Also immigrants living in Saidercray without having Saidercrayan citizenship are effected by the government´s decisions. For this reason, we want that immigrants who live in Saidercray and have lived there for a year or more get franchise and eligibility."
  • The MPI on domestic policy: "Many of the people living in Saidercray are either immigrants or people whose ancestors immigrated into Saidercray. Every single one of those people brings with him a different culture with new aspects. Immigrants can enriche Saidercray´s society with their new ideas, their new ways of dealing with something, and of course with their culture. To be able to profit by all these chances, Saidercray must open its borders more than it does today, and must extend the integration assistance for immigrants. But it mustn´t try to assimilate the immigrants to the traditional Saidercrayan culture."
  • The MPI on economy: "The MPI is in support of cultural dialogue and of cultural exchange. Globalization is a mean to achieve this cultural exchange and dialogue, as long as it isn´t mainly guided by the financial interests of corporations. Golbalization, if it shall have a positive effect on cultural exchange, must first at all result in peace and appreciation of the different cultures, not so much in profit. Saidercray´s national economy has to make it easier for financially weak people to earn money and has to support them by the means of social welfare."
  • The MPI on foreign policy: We are strict opponents of any kind of nationalism and racism. The people of the world shall remember that they are all brothers and that there are simply different cultures, no better and worse cultures. War cannot be a supportable mean of foreign policy. Instead, diplomatic contact between the nations shall be extended to enable the people not just to tolerate each other, but to acknowledge each other."
  • The MPI on the UN: "The UN is the centre of cultural and international dialogue, so we support the idea of Saidercrayan UN membership."
  • National Electoral Offensive (NEO): The NEO is a right-wing extremist party lead by Montgomery Lautegger. It has gained 2% in the last election.
  • The NEO on democracy: "We believe in the wisdom of an ethnically clean people to know what is best. But today, Saidercray isn´t a state with an ethnically clean people, and the decision this people of ethical mixture makes often tend to be bad. Until Saidercray´s people is clean again, democracy must be abolished for the people´s own sake."
  • The NEO on domestic policy: "The main aim of any kind of domestic policy is to give Saidercray back to those whos land it is, to the Saidercrayans. For this reason, all foreigners shall be evicted. To give Saidercray the power it is able to have, we call for an intensification of the jurisdiction in order to give the state the ability to remove individuals wronging the people from the people. Education has to be a monopoly of the state."
  • The NEO on economy: "We don´t want to dispossess the private economy, but we want to give the state access to their money if necessary. We furthermore want to reduce the barriers for free trade to carry the eternal law of fighting resulting into the success of the strongest over to the economy by creating greater possibilities for competition."
  • The NEO on foreign policy: "Realizing the eternal conflict of the peoples and races, we cannot see economic aid to developping countries as anything else than what it is: a huge fault improving the situation of hostile races. Pacifist views weaken our nation and therefore mustn´t play any role in foreign policy."
  • The NEO on the UN: "The UN is a prison for all its member nations, so we are proud that saidercray is no member."
  • Party for Peace and Justice (PPJ): The PPJ is one of Saidercray´s strongest political parties. It´s lead by Ian Woshkal, the current President of Saidercray. In the last election, the PPJ gained 30% of the votes.
  • The PPJ on democracy: "The government doesn´t only represent the state, it represents the people. For this reason, any government that represents the people, and that´s what governments do, can´t have any other legitimation than a democratic election´s result. It is necessary that the government not only represents, but also leads the people. But, like a good father does with hsi children, it shouldn´t decide all. Therefire, we support plebiscites on important issues."
  • The PPJ on domestic policy: "We want to venture to do the splits between freedom and autonomy of the people and moral guidance by the people´s leaders. Trusting in the power of love for each other that unites all human beings, and trusting in the people, we don´t think that strict statutory regulations are necessary or good. We stand for social liberalism combined with the constant admonition to the people to build their conscience and to follow its decision. Concerning criminals, we are strongly in favour of resocialisation. The Human Rights are unalienale and the basis of political acting. Altough we recognize the positive results of a religious conviction, we are in favoru of the separation of church and state to keep religion a private topic."
  • The PPJ on economy: "We say ´no´ to capitalism, a system that sees competition and economic fights against each other to be better than solidarity. We say ´no´ to consumerism, a system pushing human beings into dependence of things they actually don´t need. To gain freedom, it is not necessary to accumulate money, it´s necessary to accumulate self-sufficiency, but always facing the needs of those who are less fortunate. Our economy shall concentrate on offering people things they need but cannot create themselves, while the rest shall be created by the people."
  • The PPJ on foreign policy: "In our opinion, all men are equal and shall see each other as of the same high value. We always support non-violent solutions for problems and we want to intensivate contact between people from different states and cultures to enable them to realize the beauties of the foreign people and to create esteem for each other, which is the best means in order to prevent conflicts."
  • The PPJ on the UN: "The UN´s ideals aren´t unitable with ours. We regret that we cannot use this platform, but using it would make us abandon what we believe in."
  • Saidercray´s Women´s Feminist Party (SWFP): The small SWFP is a feminist party. It is lead by Evelyn Redyn and has gained 1 percent at the last election.
  • Socialist Party of Saidercray (SPS): The SPS is a socialist party. Its chairwoman is Angela Fintosthane. In the last election, the SPS gained 21% of the votes. It´s the topical coalition partner of the PPJ.
  • Virtuous Conservative Alliance (VCA): The VCA, lead by Charles Ellows, has gained 22% of the votes in the last election.

National symbols


The flag of Saidercray
The flag of Saidercray shows a black and a broader blue beam on white ground. The beams don´t touch each other, but they are connected by a yellow star. The beams symbolize the two countries which have once been seperated, but have united and founded Saidercray, which is represented by the star. The large white area represents peace and the national animal, the stork. In earlier days, the white area included a black silhouette of a stork, but in 1967, the silhouette was deleted. The lands of Saidercray use the national flag together with their blazons on the white ground.

The flag has two nicknames, "White Black Blue" and "White Stork on White Ground".


The national anthem "Loving you, our good mother Saidercray" was composed in 1911 by John Jelkind:

Loving you, we see the eternal day
Which is full of honour, light and peace
Loving you, we see the eternal day
Hate has died, and joy and luck increase
We are children of your shapely shores
And your fruits have made us grow
In the very centre of our cores
Takes its rise a solemn vow
Loving you, our good mother Saidercray
We shall be your peace for all our days
Loving you, our good mother Saidercray
We shall be your noble spirit´s grace


Saidercray´s motto "Cum pace et prudentia" is Latin and means "With peace and prudence".